Nr 228 final exam quizlet
Nr 228 final exam answers
Nr 228 final exam answer key
nr 228 final exam chamberlain quizlet
chamberlain nr 228 final exam
nr 228 exam 3 chamberlain
nr 228 proficiency test
nr 228 proficiency test quizlet

What are some causes of fluid retention? (select all that apply)
A. Excess sodium/sodium retention
B. Kwashiorkor
C. Water intoxication

What can cause a sodium deficiency? (select all that apply)
A. Dehydration
B. Hypernatremia
C. Diarrhea
D. Liver Disease
A. Dehydration
C. Diarrhea

What are some ways to treat GERD?
A. Lay down after meals
B. Avoid big meals
C. Avoid tight clothing
D. Avoid high fat foods
E. Eat chocolate to ease stomach
B, C, D

Which of the following are monosaccharides?
A. Glucose
B. Sucruose
C. Fructose
D. Galactose
E. Maltose
A, C, D

Which of the following are disaccharides?
A. Glucose
B. Sucrose
C. Maltose
D. Galactose
E. Lactose
B, C, E

Glucose is the main source of energy for _?
the brain and nerves

What is the sweetest artificial sweetener?

Which of the following are sources of complex carbohydrates? (select all that apply)
A. Grapes
B. Grains
C. Legumes
D. Apples
E. Potatoes

What complications are related to gestational diabetes? (select all that apply)
A. premature birth
B. congenital abnormalities
C. fetal death
D. type 2 diabetes later in mother
E. macrosomia
A. premature birth
B. congenital abnormalities
C. fetal death
D. type 2 diabetes later in mother
E. macrosomia

What could cause infant hypoglycemia?
When the mother had consistently high blood sugar during pregnancy so the baby gets used to having high blood sugar and gets used to producing high levels of insulin

What are the fat soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, K

What are some food sources for monounsaturated fatty acids?
olive oil, peanuts, avocado, canola oil

What are some food sources for polyunsaturated fatty acids?
vegetable oils, fish, margarine,

What type of cholesterol increases risk of CAD when elevated?

Where are nonessential amino acids found?
created in the body

When is a positive nitrogen balance common?
growing children, pregnant women, people recovering from illness or injury

When is a negative nitrogen balance common?
aging adults, physical illness, extreme stress, starvation, surgery, eating disorders

What effect does the acid- base balance have on proteins?
if acid- base balance gets off then proteins become denatured and are not able to perform their usual functions

Whats the function of hemoglobin?
transports oxygen in the blood

What is a complete protein?
contains all nine essential amino acids

What are some food sources for complete proteins? (select all that apply).
A. Meats
B. Dark green veggies
C. Eggs
D. Dairy products
E. Fruits
A, C, D

What are high quality proteins?
contain best balance of essential amino acids and are easily digested

What are food sources for high quality protein?
Eggs, human milk

What is an incomplete protein?
lacks one or more EAA and will not support life

What are some incomplete proteins?
plant foods

What is a vegan?
No animal products at all

What is a lacto-vegetarian?
no animal products except dairy

Whats an ovo-lacto vegetarian?
no animal products except dairy and egs

What is marasmus?
A. Lack of protein while get adequate caloric intake
B. Deficient caloric intake, skin hangs on skin
C. Wasting Syndrome
D. Dumping syndrome

What is Kwashiorkor?
A. Lack of protein while get adequate caloric intake
B. Deficient caloric intake, skin hangs on skin
C. Wasting Syndrome
D. Dumping syndrome

Beriberi is related to what vitamin deficiency?
B1 Thiamine

What are some food sources of B1 Thiamine?
lean pork, whole grains and flours, legumes, seeds and nuts

What is Beriberi?
Bi Thiamine deficiency. Ataxia and tachycardia

What are some food sources for Folate?
leafy green veggies, legumes, fortified grain cereals

What is Scurvy?
Vitamin C deficiency, gingivitis, joint and limb aches, bruising, death

What is the cause of Rickets?
Vitamin D deficiency

What are some food sources for Vitamin D?
animal related foods (butter, egg, liver)

What are some possible complications of Iodine Deficiency?
Cretinism in pregnancy, goiter

What is viral hepatitis?
inflammation of the liver cause by mono or another viral infection

How is hep A transmitted?

How is Hep B transmitted?
sexual contact or blood

How is Hep C transmitted?
blood, saliva, semen

How is Hep D transmitted?
from Hep B virus

How is Hep E transmitted?
oral fecal

What is cirrhosis of the liver and what is its cause?
buildup of fibrous connective tissue from alcohol abuse, hepatitis, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases

What type of diet is recommended for patients with liver cirrhosis?
low protein

What is ascites?
accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity

What diet plan would a patient with ascites need to follow?
low sodium and possibly restricted fluids

What is cholecystitis?
pain, tenderness, fever, fat intolerance, nausea, heartburn, jaundice, steatorrhea

What is the recommended diet to manage pain for a patient with cholecytitis?
low fat diet

What is gastroparesis?
Delayed gastric emptying causing heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting fullness and bezoar formation

Gastroparesis is most common with what other disease?
Diabetes type one

CAD is associated with a high _DL level?

What are some modifiable risk factors for CAD?
hypertension, smoking, type two diabetes, obesity, diet, steroids

Nutrition therapy for patient with or at risk for CAD?
low fat

Who is most at risk for developing hypertension?
African Americans

Lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure?
reduce weight, decrease alcohol intake, decrease sodium intake, stop smoking, increase activity level

What diet is used to help with hypertension?

Diet for Congestive Heart Failure?
Reduce Sodium intake

What is the function of Vit B12?
Transport and storage of folate

What are some clinical manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency?
pernicious anemia and CNS damage

Who is most at risk for a vitamin B12 deficiency?
Vegans and vegetarians

What vitamin deficiency causes scurvy?
Vitamin C

What is macrocytic anemia?
RBCs are larger than normal but don’t carry enough hemoglobin which is required to transport oxygen

What type of diet is recommended for Hepatitis?
liquid, then small meals, high protein

What is celiac disease?
Autoimmune disease with inability to digest gluten containing grains (wheat, barley, rye)

What is a clear liquid diet?
Only foods that are clear liquid at room temperature (should not be used more than 24 hours)

What is a full liquid diet?
For patients who have difficulty swallowing, and liquids (juices)

Enteral vs Parenteral
Enteral is through GI tract (nasogastric), Parenteral is through central line

What happens to the body during starvation?
It uses stored carb, protein and fat to meet energy demands, decline in metabolic rate to prolong survival

Whats the difference between stress and starvation related weight loss?
During stress metabolic rate increases, starvation it decreases to prolong life

Nutrition therapy for burn victims?
fluid and electrolyte replacement

What foods should a patient with dumping syndrome avoid?
refined sugars, high fat

What is hepatic encephalopathy?
type of brain damage resulting from toxic ammonia buildup

What are some symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy?
confusion, change in LOC, behavior changes, personality changes

What diet is recommended for patients with hepatic encephalopathy?
high kcal (maybe low protein and push fluids)

What diet should someone with CHF follow?
low sodium

What type of diet should a patient with COPD follow?
increase kcal, adequate not excessive protein, don’t overfeed

What is wasting syndrome?
involuntary weight loss greater than 10% in 1 month with the presence of chronic diarrhea, weakness or fever

Nutrition therapy for someone with wasting syndrome/HIV/AIDS?
increase kcal and protein without expanding food volume

What foods should be avoided with calcium based renal calculi?
chocolate, spinach, rubarb, nuts, strawberries, tea (foods that increase oxalate)

What is diverticulitis?
inflammation of the diverticuli in the colon

Nutritional Therapy for diverticulitis?
liquid diet may be recommended temporarily, low fiber!

What diet is recommended for a patient on dialysis?
low sodium, phosphorus, and potassium

Foods that should be avoided for patients with IBS?
Fruits, diary, wheat, legumes, beans

Whats the normal range for HDL?

Whats the normal range for LDL
under 100 is optimal

Whats the normal range for cholesterol?
under 200

Glucose is the main source of energy for _?
the brain and nerves

What are the fat soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, K

What are some food sources for monounsaturated fatty acids?
olive oil, peanuts, avocado, canola oil

What are some food sources for polyunsaturated fatty acids?
vegetable oils, fish, margarine,

What type of cholesterol increases risk of CAD when elevated?

Where are nonessential amino acids found?
created in the body

When is a positive nitrogen balance common?
growing children, pregnant women, people recovering from illness or injury

When is a negative nitrogen balance common?
aging adults, physical illness, extreme stress, starvation, surgery, eating disorders

What effect does the acid- base balance have on proteins?
if not balance then proteins become denatured and are not able to perform their usual functions

Whats the function of hemoglobin?
transports oxygen in the blood

What is a complete protein?
contains all nine essential amino acids

What are high quality proteins?
contain best balance of essential amino acids and are easily digested

What are food sources for high quality protein?
Eggs, human milk

What is an incomplete protein?
lacks one or more EAA and will not support life

What are some incomplete proteins?
plant foods

What is a vegan?
No animal products at all

What is a lacto-vegetarian?
no animal products except dairy

Whats an ovo-lacto vegetarian?
no animal products except dairy and egs

What is marasmus?
Deficient caloric intake, skin hangs on skin

What is Kwashiorkor?
Lack of protein while get adequate caloric intake

What are some food sources of B1 Thiamine?
lean pork, whole grains and flours, legumes, seeds and nuts

What is Beriberi?
Bi Thiamine deficiency. Ataxia and tachycardia

What are some food sources for Folate?
leafy green veggies, legumes, fortified grain cereals

What is Scurvy?
Vitamin C deficiency, gingivitis, joint and limb aches, bruising, death

What is the cause of Rickets?
Vitamin D deficiency

What are some food sources for Vitamin D?
animal related foods (butter, egg, liver)

What are some possible complications of Iodine Deficiency?
Cretinism in pregnancy, goiter

Diet for Congestive Heart Failure?
Reduce Sodium intake

What is the function of Vit B12?
Transport and storage of folate

What are some clinical manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency?
pernicious anemia and CNS damage

Who is most at risk for a vitamin B12 deficiency?
Vegans and vegetarians

What is a clear liquid diet?
Only foods that are clear liquid at room temperature (should not be used more than 24 hours)

What is a full liquid diet?
For patients who have difficulty swallowing, and liquids (juices)

Enteral vs Parenteral
Enteral is through GI tract (nasogastric), Parenteral is through central line

What happens to the body during starvation?
It uses stored carb, protein and fat to meet energy demands, decline in metabolic rate to prolong survival

Whats the difference between stress and starvation related weight loss?
During stress metabolic rate increases, starvation it decreases to prolong life

Nutrition therapy for burn victims?
fluid and electrolyte replacement

Nutrition therapy for someone with wasting syndrome/HIV/AIDS?
increase kcal and protein without expanding food volume

What foods should be avoided with calcium based renal calculi?
chocolate, spinach, rubarb, nuts, strawberries, tea (foods that increase oxalate)

What is diverticulitis?
inflammation of the diverticuli in the colon

Nutritional Therapy for diverticulitis?
liquid diet may be recommended temporarily, low fiber!

What diet is recommended for a patient on dialysis?
low sodium, phosphorus, and potassium

Foods that should be avoided for patients with IBS?
Fruits, diary, wheat, legumes, beans

Whats the normal range for HDL?

Whats the normal range for LDL
under 100 is optimal

Whats the normal range for cholesterol?
under 200

Nutrition Final Study Guide

1-The nurse is conducting screening at a local clinic to identify clients needing instruction regarding

weight management. Which clients body mass index BMI never written normal limits I require no

further interventions (SATA)

A client who has high blood pressure and has a BMI of 32,

A client who was diagnosed anorexia nervosa and has a BMI of 16,

A client diagnosed with diabetes and has a BMI of 31,

2-the nurse is instructing a client about protein metabolism in the body and its effect on nitrogen

balance. Which of the following condition may result in a negative nitrogen balance?


3-the nurse in a diabetic clinic is educating a client diagnosed with type I diabetes melittis who has

increased his exercise level. Which of the following dietary recommendation is most appropriate for

this client?

Consume additional carbohydrates

4-the nurse is instructing a group of clients about right amins and minerals. The nurse should include

that intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus depends on which vitamin?

Vitamin D

5-the nurse is conducting a nutrient teaching nutrition teaching session with a group of clients which

functions of water in the body should the nurse include in the teaching fashion? Select all that apply

helps regulate body temperature

shape and rigidity to cells

provide a source of trace minerals

participates in chemical reactions

6-The nurse is educating a hospitalized client who has diagnosed with acute pancreatitis which

nutritional alterations will be observed in the client?

There may be alterations in insulin and Glucagon as these hormones are secreted by the pancreas

7-The nurse is assessing a client who has diagnosed by a health care provider with chronic

malnutrition which of the following diagnosis will nurse expect to find a client with chronic


A patient with cancer diagnosed two years ago

8-The nurse is preparing a plan of care for a client who was recently diagnosed with gold battered

disease and has symptoms that occur after eating that include mild abdominals pain which is the

priority nutritional consideration for this client?

Set short term goals to deal with the paint improve nutritional status

9-A client who is healing more slowly from surgery benefits from which interventions?

Supplemental zinc and vitamins A and C

10-The nurse is caring for a client that requires a low glucose diet. Which of the following substances

should the nurse instruct the client to use as a sweetener?

non nutritive sugar substitute

11-The nurse is discussing gastrointestinal disorder with a client who complaints of diarrhea flatulence

and abdominal cramping after ingesting dairy. which condition is decline most likely experiencing?

Lactose intolerance

12- A middle aged client has begun a very low carbohydrate diet to lose weight. which possible

consequences should the nurse be aware of that may occur with prolonged carbohydrate deficiency?


13-the nurse is conducting a nutrition class of a local high school. It is important to include which

information about the MyPlate food guidance system?

Half of my plate visual plate should be fruits and vegetables

14-which organ is responsible for managing bile production and metabolism of carbohydrates lipids

protein and vitamins?


15-the nurse is assessing the results of a client total blood cholesterol panel which component of the

cholesterol panel aids in reducing the risk of carbo vascular disease?

High density lipoprotein HDL

16-The nurse educator is discussing the healthy people 2020 2030 initiated with a group of nursing

students. Which of the following represents the overall goal of this initiative?

Identify nation might have improvement priorities and provide measurable objectives and goals

17- what is the first priority for a client who was experiencing a third degree burns over 30% of the

body surface area?

Replacement of fluid and electrolytes

18-The nurse is caring for a client who is a vegetarian and needs to select foods that are high in

protein. which food should the nurse instruct the client to consume?


19-which dietary teaching will the nurse provide to client who uses sunscreen and wears ultraviolet

UV Protective clothing and hats Yeah to prevent the development of skin cancer?

Ensure adequate intake of vitamin D from fortified foods and supplements

20-Which dietary selection will be the best source of protein for client with HIV aids who is

experiencing diarrhea?

peanut butter on toast or as a dip for fruits and vegetables

21-the nurse is teaching a group of parents about the required nutrition for children which of the

following minerals should the nurse inform the parents help with bone and teeth formation?


22-the nurse is admitting a client to a med surgical floor. The nurse noted that the client is taking St.

Johns worth for the depression. During the assessment the nurse notes which signs or symptoms may

be associated what do use of St John’s worth?

Ginseng and insulin taken together may cause weakness dizziness and hunger

23-the nurse is reviewing a client medication list at discharge. The nurse is providing teaching on the

interaction between ginseng and insulin, two items that are listed on the clients list. Which statement

best indicates the interactions between ginseng and insulin.

Ginseng and insulin taken together may cause weakness dizziness and hunger

24-The nurse is teaching a group of women who’s planning to have a baby about vitamins and

minerals supplements during pregnancy. which vitamins and minerals should the woman ensure that

are supplemented when they become pregnant? (SATA)

25- A client indicates activity level that includes a long hot bike after four hours which will be the

primary source of energy?

Fatty acid

26- the nurse is teaching a client about the main functions of the large intestine if the large intestine

does not carry out its main function the client will produce which type of feces?


27-the nurse is reviewing the function of the gastrointestinal tract with the client. The client correctly

identified which function is being the most important of the small intestine?

complete digestion

28-a nurse is reviewing information on health promotion and disease prevention to teach clients. The

nurse notes that for most Americans, which is the most significant nutrition concern?

excessive intake of saturated fats cholesterol sodium and sugar

29-which amino acid plays an important role in the gastrointestinal tract during stress?


30-which statement is true about protein intake for a client with chronic renal failure who begins

peritoneal dialysis?

Increase protein because protein is most into the dialysate

31-a nurse is teaching a client who has cholecystitis about required dietary medication the nurse

should include which of the following foods as appropriate for the client side?


32-the nurse is instructing a group of clients about consequences of decreased gastrointestinal

motility. Which is seen in decrease GI motility?


33-which instruction will be helpful to a client who has gastroesophageal reflux?

Avoid eating for 3 hrs before lying down

Avoid trigger food (citrus fruits, juices, spicy foods, carbonate drinks)

Elevate the body on pillows

Avoid large meals and bedtime snacks

Avoid situation that led to increase abdominal pressure

34-which foods would most likely cause symptoms associated with celiac disease?

Food containing gluten

35-If a patient needs regular injections of vitamin B12, the most likely explanation is which of the


The patient stomach does not produce the intrinsic factor

36-the nurse is instructing a client to document the number of calories consumed each meal. How

many calories are contained in a food that has 15 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of protein, and 10

grams of fat?

174 (Fat 10 x 9) = 90 now add 90 + 24 + 60 =174

(Protein 4 x 6) = 24

(carbs 15 x 4) = 60

Which is the best salad choice for a client who is implanting therapeutic lifestyle changes to reduce

the risk for coronary heart disease?

Mix greens with olive oil vinaigrette and walnut

38-a nurse is caring for a client with type 2 diabetes. The nurse teaches the client which technique to

maintain constant glycemic control?

Space snacks and meals evenly

39-Which diet is recommended for a client with chronic cholecystitis inflamed gall bladder?

Low fat diet

40-which replacement will a client receive who has chronic renal failure and develops anemia?


41-sets are divided into a number of groups which groups are fats? (SATA)




42-some nutrients cannot be made by the body but are needed for growth and development. Which

group of nutrients are these?


43-which dietary change may have decreased the risk of hypertension?

Drinking skim milk instead of soda

44-which action by the mother would be greatest concern for an infant with cystic fibrosis?

Breastfeed without using enzyme supplements

45-Which vitamin is involved in blood clotting and health the platelets healthy?

Vitamin K

46-which statement best describes potassium in diet?

It controls fluid levels inside the cell

47-which is the best food selection for a client whose plan of care include a renal quiet?

Baked chicken with rice and green beans

48-which recommendation best meets the dietary recommendation by the National Cancer Institute

to help prevent cancer?

Eating five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables

49-A client that must obtain the greatest percentage of daily carbohydrates from complex carbohyd

rates most likely has which disease process?


50-a nurse is caring for a client whose partner is requesting to bring the client food from home that is

not allowed in the client’s dietary plan which of the following responses should the nurse make?

Everyone likes food from home, but it can delay your partner’s recover

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