What are california department of corrections and rehabilatation’s use of force policy?
It is the police of CDCR’s division of adult institution to accomplish the departamental functions with Minimal Reliance on the Use of Force. Employees may use reasonable force as requiered in the performance of their duties.

Identify the definition of reasonable force.
Is force than objective, trained and competent correctional employee, face with similar facts and circumstances, would consider necessary and reasonable to.

Identify the definition of unnecessary force
Force is use when None is required or appropriate.

Identify the definition of excessive force
Is the use of more force than is objective or reasonable to accomplish a lawful purpose.

Identify the definition of deadly force.
Any force that is like to results in death.

Identify the definition of non deadly force.
Any use of force that isnot likely to result in death.

Identify when Reasonable force as defined in the use of force police may be used.
Gain compliance with a lawful order
Overcome resistence
Effect custody
Subdue an attacker

Identify the definition of immediate use if force.
Is force used to respond without delay to inmate behavior that constitutes an imminent threat to institution security or the safety of persons.

Identify the definition of controlled use of force.
Force used in an institution setting, when an inmate’s presence or conduct poses a threat to safety or security and the inmate is located in an area that can be controlled or isolated.

Identify the definition of non conventional use of force
Force that utilizes techniques or instruments that are not specifically authorized in policy, procedures, or training.

Properly sequence the following four response steps to situations.
1- quickly assess the circumstances
2- objectively identify your options
3- choose the appropriate option for correcting the inmate behavior
4- take action

Scenario, you will determine the appropriate response when you observe inmate misconduct
Use verbal persuasion or orders should be issued prior to resorting to force and are required to be provided before controlled force is used.

Identify the CDCR use of force options.
Chemical agents, hand held baton, physical strenghts/holds, non lethal weapons, lethal weapons.

Identify three requirements when using a controlled use of force
Advance planning, staffing, and organization.

Identify the four situation in which deadly force may be used, according to the CDCR use of force policy
1- to defend and employee or other person from an inmate threat of death or great bodily injury (GBI)
2- prevent an escape from custody.
3- to stop acts such as arson or riots that constitute an immediate jeopardy to institutional security and because of their magnitude are likely to result in escapes, great body injury, or the death of other persons.
4- to dispose of seriously injured or dangerous animals when no other disposition is practical.

What’s odda?

Scenario you will determinate if the situation poses a threat of death or great bodily injury.
-Use (GBI)
-Loss of consciousness
-Bone fracture
-Protacted loss or impairment of function of any bodily member or organ
-A wound requiring extensive suturing
-Serious disfigurement

Identify when an employee who observes and/or uses force, shall report it to a supervisor.

  • non deadly force
  • deadly force
  • immediate force
  • controlled force
  • conventional force

Identify the actions to take when you observe and/or become aware of an allegation of unnecessary or excessive use of force
As a correctional peace officer, you are REQUIRED to make every effort to stop the excessive use of force.
Shall verbally report the allegation to a custody supervisor as soon as possible, followed by appropriate documentation.

Identify the primary methods of exposure and types of diseases transmitted by those exposures
Body fluid: HIV, HBV, HCV.
Skin contact: MRSA, Colds/Flu, Lice Scabies
Airbone: Tb, Colds/Flu

Identify the primary areas of the body most vulnerable to disease invation.
Cuts ex skin, tears
Abrasions ex sores bruises

Mucous membrane ( eyes, mouth, nose)
Punctures( finger Pricks)

What are the primary methods of preventions of occupational exposures to blood borne, airborne and contact diseases.

  • Correctional awareness
  • Vaccination
  • Frequent hand washing consist of hot water and soap, antibacterial wipes, antibacterial cleanser
  • PPE
  • Bandages
  • Eye/Ear
  • Face
  • Body suit
  • Routine personal practices

What are the steps to rendering first aid to yourself or a person exposed to possible infectious material?
1- remove contaminaded clothing and equipment
2- clean wounds and obtain emergency first aid
3- classify level of exposure by on- site medical staff
4- learn preventive treatment

Identify the reasons institutional security requires key and tool control.
-A mantain safety and security

  • Prevent escapes
  • Provide consistency
  • Ensure accountability

What are the five key color codes used in institutions to the appropriate classification?

  • Red : hot or emergency keys
  • Yellow: specific positions
  • Green: personal keys (pk) or take home
    Blue: specific person- institution only
    White: silver, aluminum, specifically for inmates.

Identify the items used to check out keys, tools, or equipment in order to maintain accountability.
Chits are used to check out keys, tools, or equipment.

What are two categories of tools known as critical in the institution?
Escape priority and Dangerous tools.

What are dangerous tools?
That can cause injuries ex knives, axes, pliers

What are the escape priority tools?
Are tools that may be utilized to escape ot cut through a security area. Ex ladders, ropes, cutters.

In these pictures of tools found in a institution you will match the pictures with their correct classification
Danger tools :can cause injuries .
Non critical tools: ex lawn mowers, gardening tools, broom handles.
Power tools: ex drills.
Emergency tools
Hobby craft tools

What tools are using by inmates electricians?
Emergency tools are needed by inmates electricians, plumbers, or other tradespersons at night or at other times when shop are closed.

What are the 2 methods institutions use to keep control keys and tools ?
Shadow boards and key boards.

Identify the 3 steps you take when equipment is missing and inmates have access to the area.
1 – notify your supervisorI NMEDIATELY.
2- stop everything you are doing
3- if inmates have any access to the area, freeze all movement to stop the missing item from moving farther away.

What are the ground rules each correctional peace officer must be aware of to maintain safety and security of the institution?
1- maintain possesion of your issued keys at all time
2- never allow inmates access to your keys
3- never leave keys lying around
4- personally hand keys from one person to the other
5- never accept paper tags
6- do not duplicate keys
7- do not say key numbers out loud
8- if a key breaks in a door, contact your supervisor immediately, do not leave the key unattended if broken in door.
9- never leave anything unsecured or unlocked.

Identify the safety rules you need to follow to remain safe in the correctional setting
1- be safe while opening doors .
2- observe area around the door or door opening.
3- place a foot in front of the door prior to unlocking.
5- if you take keys home accidentally, you will be required to bring the keys back to the institution.
6- if you are negligent in handling keys, you may be held financially responsible and face disciplinary action.
7- never loan your chits to anyone.
8- always inspect all equipment.
9- always report and discrepancies immediately.

You will recognize how the information practices act applies to inmate information
Inmate information that is maintained by the department must also be safeguarded and may only be released in accordance with your duties or need to know.

You will identify a requirement for carrying an off-duty weapon according to the penal code
As a correctional officer you may carry a personal firearm while off duty.
It is your responsability to maintain your eligibily to carry concealable firearm off duty.
Pc 835.5

You will identify questions you should ask when receive your first assigment
Typical questions you should ask

  • what is your post number ?
  • what time does the shift start?
  • do i relieve someone?
  • where is the post located?

What are hobby craft tools?
Approved tools and owned by the inmates, used in a hobby craft area and have very strick criteria for their use. A memoranda approved by the hobby shop supervisor and facility captain must be posted with the tools.

Given a scenario you will identify the person authorized to release information relative to the institution, according to departament policy.
The public information officer (pio) is responsable for releasing information relative to the institution.

You will determine which items are required for you to bring into the institution
1- proper uniform, belt, lesther gear etc
2- CDCR ID card
3- whistle
4- weapons qualifications card (gold card)
5- protective vest
6- chits

You will determine which items are authorized to bring into the institution

  • personal keys
  • driver license
  • lunch box
  • thermos
  • a notebook and pen

Determine which items are not authorized to bring into the institution
Briefcases or cases

  • picket knives
  • personal electronic devices
  • handbags, purses, gym bags backpacks
  • any extra clothing
  • personal tools
  • personal restraint equipment
  • personal weapons
  • newspapers, magazines

Identify the required sequence of actions to take when reporting to your assignment
1- sign in on the fair labor standard act (flsa)
2- receive equipment
3- logbook entries
4- read post orders
5- conduct security check

What is professional ethic?
Standars of behavior associated with a chosen carrer.

What is professional values?
Learned from family, friends, church, and school. Includes honesty, keeping ypur word.

Identify behaviors that violate cdcr equal employment opportunits policy
Free from harrassment, discrimination, retaliation, unprofessional or disrespecful behavior.

Cdcr mission statement
Enhance public safety
Through safe and secure incarcelation of offenders, effective parole supervisor, and rehabilative strategies as succesfully reintergrate offender into our communities.

7 values to which cdcr is commited
1- service
2- leadership
3- integrity
4- accountability
5- respect
6- trust
7- collaboration

Identify 4 components of professionalisim in accordance with
1- recognized body of knowledge
2- code of ethics to regulate the conduct of its members
3- a common set of principles and social goals
4- a spirit of service to the public.

Identify traits that demostrate professionalism in a correctional peace officer.

  • know your job/ follow department policy procedures communication skills.
  • grooming/uniform
  • make good decisions
  • punctual/ efficient
  • responsible in performing duties.

One of the major factors the public uses to evaluate a CO

  • demenor, behavior
  • high moral standard
  • good judgment
  • appropiate use of force
  • good communication skills

Identify the purpose of the ethical decision – making model
1- think ahead
2- gather true facts
3- consider the consecuenses
4- determine fiscal impact
5- decide
6- monitor and adjust

Sense of victimization
People who assume role (victim mentality) will compromise their ethics.

Acts of omission
When people assume the role of a victim, they told to stop doing what they are responsible for their actions.

Administrative acts of commission
Instead of just omitting duties and respondsbilities, staff commits administrative violations such as breaking small rules.

Criminals acts of commission
Staff engage in and rationalize behavior that just a few years before could not be imagined.

Identify elements of the code of silence
The COS is an unspoken rule where two or more staff lend a blind eye, a deaf ear, and a mute tounge to unethical, inmoral, improper, action.

Identify where to find the consecuences for not reporting misconduct according to the cdcr policy

  • section 33030 – 16 employee disciplinary matrix penalty levels
  • section 33030 – 17 applying the employee disciplinary matrix
  • section 33030 19 employee disciplinary matrix.

Identify behaviors that violate CDCR EEO policy.

  • discrimination
  • harassment
  • retaliation
  • unprofessional or disrespectf conduct.

Determine the legally identified groups which one specifically protected by state against employment discrimination

  • age
  • ancestry
  • color
  • genetic information – sex
  • race

Identify the theories of discrimination

  • disparate treatment
  • disparate impact
  • harrasament
  • eeo retaliation
  • religious accommodation.

Identify the internal and external options available for filing a discrimination complaint.
Internal – OIA, CRO

External – EFOH, use EOC

Identify enployees roles and responsibilities pertaing to equal employment opportunity.

  • adhere to cdcr eeo policy and procedure.
  • not engage in, condone, tolerate, or leave uncorrected conduct that violates EEO policy.
  • report any EEO policy violations
  • attend EEO/sexual harassment training.

identify 4 reasons that may require the transportation of inmates outside of the institution

  1. medical appointments
  2. court appearances
  3. emergencies
  4. institutional transfer

you will identify the first step in planning and preparing for a transport
the first step in planning a transport is to obtain the appropriate documents relating to the transfer

you will identify 3 of the necessary forms for transporting an inmate
CDC 2170: inmate transport and guarding assessment

CDC 7252: request for authorization of temporary removal for medical treatment

inmate housing assignment change located in SOMS

medical records


c-file (electronic or paper)

you will list the responsibilities of an officer assigned to obtain a vehicle for transport

  1. obtain vehicle based on the needs of inmate
  2. obtain keys
  3. conduct a safety and security inspection of the transportation vehicle
  4. check all safety and security equipment
  5. check for communication device in vehicle
  6. pay special attention to the security cage
  7. pay special attention to the security of the containment area

you will identify the responsiblity for preparing an inmate for medical transport

  1. ensure you are transporting the correct inmate
  2. ensure inmate has medication
  3. Ensure you have health care aide in a points for a meet with disability
  4. Ensure inmate is isolated from the general population
  5. Conduct an inmate unclothed body search
  6. Dress inmate in CDCR approved clothing
  7. Process inmate out of receiving and release (R&R)
  8. Review the inmate C-file review
  9. Place the inmate in the appropriate restraint gear

You will identify 3 safe practices for transporting inmate

  1. Inmate position in the vehicle:
    The inmate should always be positioned behind the driver when utilizing a Sedan this ensure the cover officer can see the inmate at all time
  2. Preferred lane of travel:
    The purpose of driving in the fast lane is to ensure the safety of the driver. Median can also use as an escape route in the event of an emergency
  3. Observe all traffic laws:
    You are required to obey all traffic law because you are responsible for the safety of staff inmate and the public

You will identify 3 staff responsibility When transporting an inmate to a hospital by ambulance
Ambulance escort
Chase Vehicle officer
Hospital coverage

You will identify your Responsibility when an Inmate you are transporting escape
The primary distinction between the use of deadly force in the community verse the institution: No warning shot can be fire

If in any attempt Escape during a transport Initiate a responsible pursuit procedure without losing custody of any remaining inmates or in danger Civilians
Contact nearest local law enforcement your institution nearest institution for assistant or dial 911

You will identify Your responsibility if an inmate needs to use the restroom during a transport
Choose an isolated service station. the station must be chosen with the Mind set of a possible ambush. Stop Only if it can be done without jeopardizing security. S it is not Practical do not stop

unarmed staff:
Search restroom (weapon/escape route)
Escort and matene constant and direct Observation of the inmate at all time

armed staff:
keep public away
maintain security of the vehicle

Identify one of Correctional peace officer responsibility regarding performing a job in a safe manner
Give the highest priority To safe job performance

Be familiar with any policy regulation and stander applicable to the over all work environment

Comply with all applicable provision of the safety and health policy for a facility

Perform a duty only when familiar with the known Hazard And accident potential involved and be aware of the specific guidlines in standard to be followed in order to prevent accidents

you will identify when employees are responsible for contacting their immediate supervisor regarding job-related safety issue
contact your immediate supervisor supervisor When there is any question or doubt about how to safely perform a job operation or activity before proceeding

Immediately notified the supervisor went in ball in a job related illness or injury

You will identify Items of information that can be found in the code of safe work practice
the code of safe work practices describes the inherent hazards and the safety rules for job classification within CDCR

these documents are available in the health and safety office with each correctional facility.

You will identify the purpose of the safety data sheet (MSDS)
The purpose of the SDS is to help provide vital information to staff in offender regarding chemical in the workplace and how to avoid hazards associated with these chemical

All SDS contain the following information:


Health hazards/first aid


special protective equipment

You will select 3 primary goals of the injury and illness prevention program

  1. Identify and evaluate hazard
  2. Correct unsafe and unhealthy condition
  3. Provide safety and health education training

You will identify a require method to communicate The existence of Hazare to staff on othe shifts
If a correctional peace officer discover a hazard while on duty the hazard should be eliminated if possible
Required to notify staff on other shift about the existence of hazard by recording the information in the unit log
Encouraged to use any other useful means of communication including conversation with supervisor and coworker to transmit information about safety related issue

You will Identify items of information an employee must include on a work order
Date the Hazare was identify
Nature of the problem
Location of the item or area to repair
Be specific

You will identify the kind of work place Injury that must be reported
staff Is required to report all work place accidents and injuries. no matter how minor the accident or injury may seen it must be reported

You will identify the department’s definition of “appropriate conduct”
Demonstrate professionalism honesty and integrity

Accept responsibility for our action and their consequence

Treat fellow employee image wards Parolees, victime, their family and the public with dignity and respect

Comply with all applicable laws and regulations

Report misconduct or any unethical or illegal activity and cooperate fully with any investigation

You will identify the department’s policy regarding Zero tolerance for workplace violence
CDCR has a zero tolerance policy on violence in the workplace. zero tolerance is the fine as “policy which allow no exception”

You will identify 3 type of workplace violence
Type 1. Criminal Intent
Type 2. Customer/ client
Type 3. Worker against Worker

You will identify the 3 level of workplace violence
Level 1: Disruptiveness
Level 2: menacing behavior
level 3: physical act of violence

You will identify the department policy on workplace violence prevention
All employees must act professionally and responsibly At all times and report any and all act of workplace violence to management

You will identify The “do not” in preventing a workplace violence situation from escalating
Shout down, argue with or make aggressive move

disarm a perpetrator

chase the perpetrator

Put yourself or other at risk of
getting hurt

Attempt to be a hero

You will identify the consequence of committee an act of work place violence
Letter of reprimand


Salary reduction


The Dismissal from state service

You will identify ways to remain current regarding workplace violence prevention policy and procedure
Communication disseminated through the department can be gathered by antennae all staff meeting including in service training

Reading all departmental Memorandum correspondence And report

Communicating with other

You will identify for safety rules for handling less lethal Impact weapon at all times
Treat all weapon as though they are loaded

Never point a weapon at a person unless you are willing to shoot them

Never place your finger on the trigger and till you are ready to fire

Always be sure of the target and what is beyond it before firing the weapon

Identify the 3 authorized safe holding Carrying position of the CDCR approved impact munition launcher
Indoor ready
Low ready
Contact ready

Demonstrate the safe loading and unloading of a CDCR Approved single shot impact munition launcher during range qualification
When loading and unloading Launchers, Maintain the launcher in the contact ready position with your finger Indexed.

Control the launcher always Matene control of the pistol grip with the strong hand. Keep your support hand on the Fore grip. Keep your trigger finger indexed.

Open the breech: to breech the launchers, use the index finger On your strong hand and push down on the catch lever, Simultaneously Pull down on the fore grip With your support hand to open the launcher

Low the launcher while in the contact ready position user support hand to insert a round into the breech

Lock the launcher closed, Transfer your support hand back to the fore grip and push up to close launcher

Demonstrate the correct procedure to clear an impact munition launcher that has malfunction
When firing a single shot launcher if the round does not fire keep the weapon pointed at the intended target
Attempt to fire it again if the round fails to fire again. open the breech and deposit the round in a safe location
Quickly reload and return to your target

identify the authorized target zone for less lethal application of the 40MM launcher
When the point in pak munition during a Leslie the situation zone one is the only authorized zone to target
Zone one consist of all area of the Leg and buttocks while still avoiding the groin

zone 1
consists of all area of the legs and buttocks. avoiding the groin

zone 2
consist of skeletal and main muscle groups
muscle area
shoulder upper arm forearms area

zone 3
Consist of vital area of the body which may Cause unconsciousness, Great bodily injury, Shock, Or death. This area are
Head and neck
Chest center mass
Solar plexus
lower back

direct fire 10-40
Given a specific CDCR approved impact munition, you will identify whether it is approved for direct or indirect fire and it affected range

Stinger Rounds

Given a specific CDCR approved impact munition, you will identify whether it is approved for direct or indirect fire and it affected range

Foam Batons
Direct Fire 10-40

Given a specific CDCR approved impact munition, you will identify whether it is approved for direct or indirect fire and it affected range

Wood and rubber Baton
Indirect Fire 10-60

Given a specific CDCR approved impact munition, you will identify whether it is approved for direct or indirect fire and it affected range

Sponge Round
Direct Fire 10-105

Define the concept of “lag time” when firing a 40mm in projectile from an elevated post

Identify 3 unique requirements of an arm post post orders.
Detail instruction regarding the use of firearms
The use of force policy
Post order must be read on a daily base

identify mandatory items That must be accounted for on in armpost institutional post inventory sheet
All weapon prior to the assuming the post, note any damage or discrepancies serial number of the weapon must be listed and match the inventory

All other armory related equipment, Note any damage or discrepancies ( ammnition must be listed and counted; all rounds of ammunition must match inventory)

identify proper procedure for assuming an armed post and completing a post inventory sheet.
Mini 14

You will know the 4 way to Safely handle weapon at an armpost

  1. Secure the fire arm to your belt with a lanyard when carry it inside an institution, Unless time does not permit, Due to imminent emergency
  2. Carry fire arm whenever any door accessing your post is opened or unsecured (shift change)
  3. Carry or rock weapon as specified per DOM and Operational procedure.
  4. Take all weapon with you when there is no custody staff available to maintain direct control of them.

Identify the procedure you must follow after using deadly force

  1. What’s the situation no longer require fire arm less lethal coverage, You will ensure the weapons Safety is activated and that It remains in an “as is” condition (not cleared)
  2. You will be required to make a verbal report to your immediate supervisor when you discharge a round, Known as a public safety statement, As soon as it Is safe and practical to do so (May happen before coverage is no longer required to help identified rounds locations, Suspect, victims etc..)
  3. The weapon will be impounded as described in the securing fire arm for evidence DOM Section 55050.18. Impounding of the weapon is part of preserving the crime scene.

Verbally identify the 6 institutional required procedure for processing armory related evidence to the range master.

  1. When an accident is over, We’re the use of duty fire arm result in injury or death, Or when the use of less lethal weapon result in GBI or death, The fire arm shall remain in an “as is” condition
  2. The officer, Who discharge a rifle or shotgun, Shall place the safety “on” And remain on post, Holding the weapon in a safe manner. If the officer can not remain on post, Another staff member may take control of the weapon on the post until it is removed.
  3. The officer who discharge a duty handgun shall holster the fire arm until it is secured in the armory as evidence.
  4. The weapon shall remain on post until a member of the Investigative service unit ISU And armorer/range master arrive to assume custody of it.
  5. The weapon shall be secured and impounded per deadly force investigative team (DFIT) Policy and local procedure.
  6. All firearm evidence lockers choppy clearly label and access shall beat maintain in accordance with evidence procedure.

Identify how armory relate evidence must be transported from in armpost
You will hand the weapon over to in ISU member and/or in armorer/ range master; They will place the weapon in a locked container.

Physical barrier shall be present to prevent in meat from gaining access to personal chess party firearm or ammunition

Any ongoing formal or informal and organization’s, Association, Or group of 3 or more person which has a common name or identifying sign or symbol Whose member and/or associates, Individually or collectively engage or have engage, On be half of that organization, Association of groups, And 2 or more act which included planning, Organizing, Threatening, Financing, Soliciting, or committing unlawful acts of misconduct classified as serious pursuant to the CCR, title 15, Division 3, Section 3315.
The term security threat group generally replace the term prison game disruptive group and/or street gang with thin CDCR

These consist of groups, gang and/ or historically based prison gang the CDCR has determined to be the most severe threat to the security of the institution and communities based on the history and propensity of violence and/or influence over other groups
prison gang

This consists of other groups or gangs such as street gangs or disruptive groups comprised of a member and associates who may be determined to be in subservient role to the more dominant STG 1 type groups

You will select the organizational level in the STG

  1. Leader
  2. member
  3. an associate
  4. a drop-out

Given the scenario you will select an inmate possible STG using the STG identifier of ethnicity and color
shared values
sign and symbols
alliance and rivalries
artwork:tattoo, body scars, graffiti, and drawings

You will identify security threat group and their destination level

Mexican mafia (eme)
nuestra familia (nf)
nuestra raza (nr)/ norther structure (ns)
aryan brotherhood (ab)
nazi low rider (nlr)
black guerrilla family (bgf)
security threats group-1

You will identify security threat group and their destination level

Fresno bulldog
Mara salvatrucha
skinhead (public enemy 1 – PEN)
415 Kumi
wah ching
outlaw motorcycle gangs(hella angel, outlaws, pagans, bandidos, vagos Hessians and mongols)
2-5. nothern riders, and other sensitive needs yard (SNY) gangs
Radical and terrorists
security threat group-II

You are identify the responsiblity of all staff in the Management of STG related activity

In order to hold an inmate accountable for STG behavior proper documentation is absolutely required, Every staff member who observer or witness STG behavior or activity has the responsibility to document their observation utilizing and the identified form even if they think it has already been recorded

You will identify the step to report as STG activity
Record observation: Staff must document their observation on the appropriate form whenever information regarding an inmate involvement within with the STG1 or STGII

Their first course of action Maybe to tell a coworker or supervisor about the observation to ensure the information get exchange as soon as possible however it is equally important they are clearly expressed their observation in writing

Submit the report staff must submit the report to the supervisor for a review. The report will then be sent to the STG investigator. if it appears an inmate activity required immediate attention, Staff must notify their supervisor immediately. Staff must take immediate action whenever they recognized or suspect as STG or criminal activity. Observation and documentation are critical in managing and suppressing as STG and/or criminal activity.

Information about STG or STG the activity is defined in 1 or 2 ways urgent or less than urgent.

You will find the criteria needed to validate an inmate as a member or associate of an STG1 or STGII

You want identify source used to validate inmate as an active member or associate of an STG within CDCR
Symbol (2point)
Association (3points)
Informant (3points)
Debriefing report (3points)
Written material offenders identified in written material not in his possession (-2points)
Personal possession(-4points)
Photograph (4points)
Staff information (4points)
Other agency’s (4points)
Visitor (4points)
Communication (4points)
Self admission (5points)
Offense (6points)
Tattoo and/or body markings (6points)
Legal documents (7points)

I identify two distinct type of evidence
Direct evidence
Circumstantial evidence

evidence refer to object or perception that can be directly linked to the commission of a crime
Direct evidence

evidence refer to pertinent item that surrounds the circumstance of the crime but do not directly prove the component of the crime
Circumstantial evidence

identify 4 function evidence serve in the investigation of a crime

  1. assisting in proving that a crime did or did not happen
  2. Assisting in proving one or more elements of a crime (motive, Opportunity, and means)
  3. Assisting in proving guilt or innocent of the defendant.
  4. May disprove discredit or support the testimony of a witness

You will define the chain of custody
-Chain of custody is defined by California avenues code of department policy as “maintaining accountability for evidence from the time it comes into possession of a peace officer until the time it is offered in court”

  • Each person who handle an item of evidence if consider a link in the chain of custody
  • Each person who is consider a link maybe call to testify in court About handling that specific evidence

idenfiy what constitute a crime scene
A crime scene is any area in which a crime has been committed or an area in which evidence has been found. Add a crime scene you may find one or more of the following:
Suspec, victims, Suicide
Physical evidence including weapon, Blood, Narcotics, Visual cues, Sound or smells such as the smell of marijuana, or an inmate yelling for help

idenfiy 3 step preserving a crime scene

  1. Establish a perimeter
  2. Start a written log
  3. Record the crime scene

Identify 3 views Required when photographing
Over all view
Medium View
Close up View

identify 4 step processing evidence

  1. Protective gear
  2. Carefully pick up item
  3. Fill out evidence Envelope/bag
  4. Place the bag in evidence locker

Always wear gloves and any necessary PPE.
After you preserve the evidence you need to begin filling out the CDCR 837 Crime incident report.
When describing weapon you need to include the following information length, width, type material

First Amendment: How being incarcerated affects a person’s right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
no absolute right to free speech. the government can regulate inmate in parolee speech where it is necessary to protect a legitimate government interest. (i.e. The Safety and Security of an institution) California prisons have facility chaplains to serve religious needs and provide reasonable accommodation for inmate practicing their own faiths.

Fourth Amendment: how the Fourth Amendment relates to inmates and their visitors.
peace officers can search inmates in the contents of their cells at any time for any reason, as long as it is done without abuse or harassment.

Visitors will be subject to cursory searched, and visitors may be thoughroughly searched when: 1, a warrant has been obtained, 2, staff has reason to believe that the visitor is attempting to bring a prohibited item, or 3, if the visitor is arrested for a crime which endangers the security of the facility.

Fifth Amendment: what rights are provided under the Fifth Amendment
No person shall:

  • be required to answer for a capital or otherwise Infamous crime unless a grand jury issues an indictment.
  • be tried more than once for the same criminal offense – double jeopardy
  • be compelled to testify against themselves in a criminal manner
  • be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of law
  • be deprived of private property for public use without just compensation

peace officers must inform the suspect of his or her right to remain silent and to have a lawyer present

Eigth Amendment: Identify two examples of cruel and unusual punishment of inmates prohibited under the 8th Amendment.

  • substandard conditions of confinement
  • denying the basic necessities of life
  • excessive force used on inmates
  • failure to protect inmates from harm

excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted

Fourteenth Amendment: identify how do process under the Fourteenth Amendment relates to inmate classification in CDCR
due process becomes an issue in inmate classification when:

-an institution decides during classification where to place an inmate including what level of custody and privileges he or she will have.

  • an inmate is put in administrative segregation, temporary detention, or protective custody.
  • when subjecting an inmate to involuntary medication.
  • when determining an inmate’s parole eligibility.

the prison cannot act to classify an inmate unless it affords due process, including holding a hearing, and giving Advance written notice of a hearing and opportunity to participate

Constitutional Law Violations: recognize that inmates may take Court action if they believe CDCR violated their constitutional rights
if an inmate believes cdcr violated his or her constitutional rights, the inmate can take Court action in one of two ways:

  • a lawsuit filed under title 42 of the United States code section 1983
  • a petition for a writ of habeas corpus

the federal government has provided additional statutory rights to individuals through some major legislation such as, the Rehabilitation Act, religious land use and institutionalized person act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and individuals with disabilities Education Act

Branches of the Criminal Justice System: identify the purpose of the three branches of Criminal Justice System

  1. Law Enforcement (arrest)
  • entryway into CJS
  • police, sheriff, CHP, DA, and AG
  1. Judicial (litigate)
  • manages criminal / litigation process
  • attorneys, judges, juries
  1. Corrections (custody)
  • supervises Juvenile, and adult convicted felons
    -CDCR Correctional staff

Practical Litigation: identify when the department may refuse your request for representation in inmate lawsuits
the department may refuse your request for representation if:

-it determines that the case is the result of performance outside the scope of your duties.

-It determines that the case is the result of fraud malice or corruption.

-It would be a conflict of interest between CDCR and its own policies.

Identify why it is important to consistently enforce rules, regulations, and policies as they apply to inmates.

  • reduces stress
  • enhances your professionalism
  • enhances your credibility
  • maintains order and control
  • ensures institutional Safety and Security
  • eliminates double standards
  • decreases confusion
  • enhances inmate/ staff relations

Identify the two most important reasons Correctional peace officers must be familiar with the California Code of Regulations Title 15

  • identifying acts of misconduct
  • enforcing the rules

Identify two of the seven aspects of professionalism that affect how inmates respond to the disciplinary process

  1. set the example
  2. be a leader
  3. be respectful
  4. use effective communication skills
  5. be firm, Fair, objective, and consistent
  6. do not take inmate misconduct personally
  7. do not ignore minor inmate misconduct

the Department’s disciplinary process is designed to maintain order and control, maintain dignity of inmates, and promote socially desirable changes in attitude and behavior

CCR Title 15 Section: 3004
Rights and Respect of Others

  • no disrespect, no contempt for authority

CCR Title 15 Section: 3005 (a)

  • obey all laws regulations and local procedures and refrain from Behavior leading to violence or disorder

CCR Title 15 Section: 3006

  • inmates may not possess dangerous or unauthorized contraband. inmates may not possess Escape paraphernalia including keys and made ropes loose hair wigs clothing resembling staff clothing Etc. inmates may not possess money, checks, credit or phone cards

CCR Title 15 Section: 3007
Sexual Behavior
-inmates may not engage in sexual activity with other inmates or visitors

CCR Title 15 Section: 3009

  • inmates shall not Gamble

CCR Title 15 Section: 3011

  • inmates shall not damage, destroy, or alter state or personal property.

CCR Title 15 Section: 3010
Gifts and Gratuities

  • inmates may not ask for unauthorized items from staff

CCR Title 15 Section: 3014
Calls and Passes

  • inmates must report to designated areas when instructed, as specified by ducats

CCR Title 15 Section: 3015
Unauthorized Areas and Facility Boundaries

  • inmates shall not be out of bounds.

CCR Title 15 Section: 3016
Controlled Substances,Drug Paraphernalia, and Distribution

  • inmates must not inhale, ingest, inject, or otherwise introduced into their body, use, possess, manufacturer or have under their control any controlled substance including medication, alcohol
  • inmates must not possess drugs or drug paraphernalia. Only prescribed medication is authorized
  • inmates must not possess authorized medication in quantities exceeding the dosage specifically authorized

CCR Title 15 Section: 3017
Responsibility for Counts

  • inmates must follow count procedures

CCR Title 15 Section: 3019

  • inmates must carry, on their person, any identification card issued in accordance with institutional procedures

CCR Title 15 Section: 3023
Security Threat Group Activity

  • inmates shall not promote gang activity through words, symbols, clothing, gestures

CCR Title 15 Section: 3041

  • inmates must go to work or school if they are assigned, and less medically excused. While at work or school, they must be on time, actively participate, and remain on site for their entire shift assignment

CCR Title 15 Section: 3055
Use of Food

  • inmates shall not steal, waste, or contaminate food or equipment used in preparing, processing or serving food

CCR Title 15 Section: 3063

  • inmates shall not tattoo themselves or others or permit tattoos to be placed on themselves

CCR Title 15 Section: 3192
Possession and Exchange

  • inmates must not trade, barter, or sell their allowable state or personal property. Inmates must not possess excess state or personal property

place the three levels of progressive discipline in order from least to most severe

  1. Verbal Counseling
    — lowest level of discipline used in D-escalating situations
  2. Custodial Counseling Chrono
    — mid-level form of discipline used when similar misconduct reoccurs after verbal counseling or to document minor misconduct
  3. Rules Violation Report- RVR
    — highest level of discipline used when misconduct is believed to be in violation of a law, CCR rule, institutional policy, or is not minor in nature
    — RVR’s are classified into two categories: Serious (Felony or Misdemeanor) and Administrative (not circumstances consistent with CCR 3314)

Identify the three factors to consider when determining the level of discipline and inmate will receive

  1. seriousness of the offense
  2. prior counselling of the inmate for the same or similar behavior
  3. the inmates receptiveness to counseling

Identify the six steps to take when you observe inmate misconduct

  1. positively identify the inmate
  2. get housing – cell assignment
  3. discuss the rules violation with the inmate
  4. ensure the inmate understands the violation
  5. verify inmate reasons
  6. document the violation

Identify responsibilities of the investigative employee in relation to the inmate disciplinary process

  1. interview the charged inmate
  2. gather information
  3. screen prospective Witnesses
  4. question all staff and inmates who may have relevant information
  5. submit a written report to the Sho or disciplinary committee chairperson, to include witness statements and a summary of The information collected specific to the violation charged

Identify the responsibilities of the staff assistant in relation to the inmate disciplinary process.

  • inform inmate of their rights and of the disciplinary hearing procedures
  • advising and assisting in the inmates preparation for a disciplinary hearing, representing the inmates position at the hearing ensuring that the inmates position is understood, and that the inmate understands the decisions reached and actions taken
  • refraining from giving legal counsel or specifying the position the inmate should take in any disciplinary, classification, or criminal proceedings

Identify the responsibilities of the staff assistant in relation to the inmate disciplinary process. Part 2- Work on behalf of Inmate

  • keeping confidential any information the inmate May disclose concerning the charges
  • disclosing information that he or she becomes aware of regarding the inmates contemplation of future criminal conduct.
  • informing the inmate that all evidence and information obtained, considered, or developed in the disciplinary process may be used in court if the same charges have been or are referred to the district attorney for criminal prosecution
  • being present during any questioning by the IE when both and IE and SA have been assigned

Identify the importance of firearms proficiency to a correctional peace officer

  • you must be mentally and physically prepared to use deadly force when necessary while on duty
  • you may have to use deadly force, make a life-or-death decision, at any time on duty
  • you are interested to make correct decisions when and if deadly force is appropriate. Your actions may be scrutinized by the department, the public, and the courts

Match color codes of Awareness: Condition White

  • unaware
  • unfocused
  • unprepared
  • vulnerable

Match color codes of Awareness: Condition Yellow

Match color codes of Awareness: Condition Orange
-hyper alert
-hyper focused
-hyper prepared

Match color codes of Awareness: Condition Red

  • Optimum survival and combat performance level
  • Peak Complex motor skills
  • shortest visual reaction time
  • quickest cognitive reaction time

Match color codes of Awareness: Condition Black

  • loss of peripheral vision
  • vasoconstriction
  • cognitive processing deteriorates
  • irrational flight or flee
  • freezing
  • submissive Behavior
  • loss of bowel or bladder control

Identify the acronym, OODA loop

  • the OODA Loop will continue throughout the conflict, the ability to disrupt the opponent’s loop will have the best chance of survival. This can be done with movement, diversion, distraction, or violence of action.”

Identify the four fundamental safety rules regarding the Department’s Firearms conduct

  1. treat all firearms as though they are loaded.
  2. never point a firearm at anyone or anything that you don’t intend to shoot or destroy.
  3. never place your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire
  4. always be sure of the Target and what is beyond it before firing the firearm

Range Safety Rules

  • ceasefire Echo command
  • follow rangemasters orders promptly into the letter, never anticipate a command
  • do not handle or manipulate any firearm until instructed to do so. Dry firing is permitted on rangemasters command
  • never stand on or near Firing Line without I in ear protection provided by the department
  • be sure there are no obstructions in the barrel of a firearm before loading
  • love your firearm only when given the command to do so by the range master
  • never fire obsolete or damaged ammunition
  • keep an an holstered firearm pointed down range in the direction of your target at all times
  • in case of misfire or malfunction, keep firearm pointed down range. Never fire a succeeding around when either ammunition or firearm has malfunction raise your support and and wait for assistance
  • never lower the muzzle of any firearm at less than a 45 degree angle to the Target accept when holstering or in an approved ready position and only when instructed during course of Fire. Never shoot outside of the left and right lateral limits of the range
  • do not bend over and pick anything up unless directed by the range master
  • never go in front of the line of fire until the echo command down range is repeated
  • absolutely no running while at the range
  • absolutely no smoking, eating, drinking, or talking on the firing line.
  • no attire will be removed or discarded on the firing line
  • all live rounds must be turned into range training staff upon completion of range training prior to leaving the range area

Echo commands include: ceasefire, down range, hands, Make Ready, make safe

Identify all parts of the Glock model 22 semi-automatic handgun

  1. Muzzle
  2. Front Sight
  3. Slide
  4. Rear Sight
  5. Slide Stop Lever
  6. Back Strap
  7. Frame/Receiver
  8. Grip
  9. Magazine Floor Plate
  10. Front Strap
  11. Magazine Catch
  12. Trigger
  13. Trigger Guard
  14. Trigger Safety
  15. Slide Lock
  16. Accessory Rail

Identify two elements in the cycle of function

  1. Feeding
  2. Chambering
  3. Locking
  4. Firing
  5. Unlocking
  6. Extracting
  7. Ejecting
  8. Cocking

Identify the seven fundamentals of Marksmanship

  1. Stance
  2. Grip
  3. Sight Alignment
  4. Sight Picture
  5. Breathing
  6. Trigger Control
  7. Follow-through

Demonstrate the proper five step draw

  1. Grip
  2. Clear
  3. Cant
  4. Smack/Work bench
  5. Front Sight

Demonstrate and apply the proper ready positions/ scanning and assessing

  1. Low Ready
    –45 degree
  2. Contact Ready
    –just below line of sight
  3. Scanning and Assessing
    –performed at low ready
    –handgun and eyes move left to right together 3-5 seconds

Demonstrate the ability to safely make ready, load, the Glock 22 semi-automatic handgun

  1. draw in point the handgun in a safe Direction
  2. bring the strong hand back to position four workbench
  3. cant the handgun slightly to the right to create a workbench for access to magazine well
  4. using support hand, retrieve a magazine from the farthest away from Center Line
  5. index the loaded magazine
  6. insert the magazine
  7. ensure it is properly seated by tapping the floor plate
    8-9. rack and roll
  8. chamber check- tap back in when verified

Demonstrate the ability to safely make safe, unload, the Glock 22 semi-automatic handgun

  1. draw and point the handgun in a safe Direction
  2. bring the handgun back to the workbench canting the handgun to create the workbench
  3. position your support hand under the magazine well
  4. with your strong hand to press the magazine catch and retrieve the magazine with your support hand
  5. push the magazine in your pocket or pouch, not in the magazine carrier
  6. with your support hand grasp the ridges on the slide behind the injection port
  7. slowly and deliberately pull the slide to the rear, allow the round to fall to the ground from the handgun out of the ejection port. Do not attempt to catch the round
  8. push up or down the slide stop lever and allow the slide to travel slightly forward to lock the slide to the rear
  9. visually and physically inspect the chamber and magazine well and sharing it is safe and clear. But the index finger of your support hand in the chamber and verbalize chamber clear then put your finger in the magazine well and verbalized magazine well clear
  10. if available, have a partner check your handgun. if not available, double-check the chamber in mag well yourself.
  11. grasp the serrations on the rear of the slide rearward of the ejection port in rock and roll to cycle the slide

Identify and demonstrate two ways to reload the Glock 22 semi-automatic handgun

  1. Tactical Reload
  • Young cover, bring handgun to work bench, retrieve full magazine and switch with magazine in firearm, place used magazine in pocket and returned to grip assess the need for further engagement
  1. Speed Reload
    -yell cover, bring handgun to the workbench and retrieve a Fresh Magazine under the handgun simultaneously dropping the extended magazine on the ground, answered the Fresh Magazine into the handgun and Seed it into the magazine well, grasp the serrations on slide and rack and roll

Demonstrate the ability to safely shoot both strong and support hand unsupported
transition techniques

  • tabletop method
  • thumb over thumb method
  • peel technique

Demonstrate the ability to safely establish a stable kneeling shooting position

  • speed kneeling
  • braced kneeling
  • double knee

Identify and clear, fix, types 1, 2, 3, and 4 malfunctions

  1. failure to feed, failure to fire
    -tap, rack and roll
  2. failure to eject (stove pipe)
    -tap, rack and roll
  3. failure to extract (double feed)
    -finger off the trigger, lock the slide to the rear, remove magazine, rack amd roll 3 times, retrieve and insert fresh magazine, tap, rack and roll
  4. catastrophic
    -handgun disabled

Demonstrate the ability to safely disassemble, clean, and reassembled a Glock 22 semi-automatic handgun
point in a safe Direction, make safe, pull slide back slightly and pull down on both side of the slide lock, push slide forward until fully separated from the receiver. remove recoil spring assembly and Barrel lug. Reverse the above for reassembly

Qualify score with the Glock 22 semi-automatic handgun
qualifying score of 80% or 29 out of 36 shots, 12 rounds each from 3, 7, 15 yards

Identify the primary components of the Ruger Mini-14 223 caliber rifle

  1. Comb
  2. Grip
  3. Rear Sight
  4. Bolt
  5. Bolt lock plunger
  6. Front Sight
  7. Flash Suppressor
  8. Front Swivel
  9. Forearm
  10. Slide cocking handle
  11. Stock
  12. Magazine release
  13. Trigger guard, trigger, safety
  14. butt

Qualify score with Ruger Mini 14 223 caliber rifle
qualifying score of at least 88 points both standing and kneeling from both 50yd, and 100yd. 25 rounds total

Recognize the importance of positive and professional inmate/staff relations

  • good communication skills are the foundation for your successful professional working relationships
  • maintain a professional relationship in your interaction with inmates and all staff
  • positive inmate/staff relations lead to the development of mutual respect and is an important tool to Aid employees in maintaining an orderly Institution

Define professionalism as it relates to the correctional peace officer
professionalism is competent, reasonable, dependable, and well-trained person

Recognize how differences between staff and inmates exist because of our cultural, social, religious, and political environment
as Correctional employees, our values are formed in shaped in a relatively free culture.

inmates live in a culture where freedom is restricted. As a result, they may Place extraordinary emphasis on minor events we might consider in significant to our own values.

there are issues of politics, legal concerns, and religion upon which you may not agree, but must respect and consider when performing your duties

Identify habits a correctional peace officer will follow to promote a positive working relationship with staff and inmates

  1. Think before you speak or act, 2. Be punctual, 3. Be alert, pay attention, 4. Be knowledgeable and objective, 5. be trustworthy and honest, 6. Grant reasonable request, 7. Do not threaten with discipline to encourage change in Behavior, 8. Discipline in private, praise in public, 9. Be empathetic without emotional involvement, 10. Be firm, fair, and consistent with inmates, 11. be patient and flexible, 12. Being a role model, have pride in yourself, 13. Be courteous and professional, 14. Be impartial, do not show favoritism, 15. Lead by example, 16. Acknowledge and reinforce good or improved Behavior, 17. Respect the rights and dignity of others, 18. Follow the chain of command

Identify techniques to effectively communicate with an inmate

  1. Speak clearly using the appropriate language, 2. Give clear expectations and follow up, 3. Listen to what is being said, 4. Portray an empathetic attitude, 5. Keep your word, 6. learn to say no in a tactful manner, 7. Set limits and know when to be firm, 8. Projecting attitude of self confidence and professionalism, 9. Adopted calm, natural stance, and non-threatening tone, 10. Never use inappropriate gestures nonverbal communication can be powerful, 11. do not lose your temper or make idle threats, 12. Remain professional in your condo, 13. Stay away from using profanity or abusive language, 14. Always treat inmates in a respectful Manner and do not humiliate or criticize them

Identify methods to develop a rapport with inmates

  1. Recognize changes in Behavior, and assist the inmate in resolving the problem by referring him or her to the chaplain, counselor, or medical Department. 2. resolve problems at the lowest level, 3. The Firm Fair consistent and objective, complete appropriate documentation, be consistent and treatment of all inmates, clearly State the expectations, tried to follow through with what you say, lead-by-example, don’t make small issues and two large ones, don’t transfer personal conflicts into professional relationships, if you don’t know something admit it, communicate your approval of a job well done

always maintain professional demeanor, inmates will respect you when you are professional insincere in the performance of your duties

Identify barriers that prevent positive communication

  • language barrier
  • cultural diversity issues, differences in race, gender, and sexual orientation
  • religion, customs, and values
    -profanity, name and name calling
  • blame others for your mistakes and not accepting responsibility
  • not listening to what is being said
  • being closed-minded
  • your body language and how it affects others
  • personal prejudices and discrimination
  • difference in personality
  • misconceptions due to past experiences

Identify consequences that arise if inmate rights are violated
compromises institutional security, creates an unsafe and unstable work environment, creates division between staff and inmates, creates inmate unrest and potential for violence, loss of life and property, discredits the department, negative media attention, causes an increase of inmate appeals, causes lawsuits personal and departmental, officer fined and removed from office

Identify staff actions inmates observe and used to manipulate staff
how staff project and carry themselves, not willing to ask peers for assistance, how they interact with other staff, not making eye contact, proper uniform, professional grooming, gossips about staffer inmates, not following the rules, bending the rules, not conducting Security checks, not consistent in performance, easily intimidated, mature, overly familiar with inmates

Identify the appropriate actions to take against schemes used by inmates to gain sympathy and manipulate staff
-empathy versus sympathy

  • sympathy is a feeling of understanding the issue and wanting to help the one in need.
  • empathy = feelings, sympathy = actions

for your protection, assess what the inmate is telling you in direct the inmate to the appropriate staff for assistance, counselor, chaplain, physician, etcetera

Recognize ways inmates gather information about staff
asking about personal life, attempting to gossip about staff members, discussing pettiness of rules, focusing on similarities, eavesdropping on conversations

what is that okay invading personal space including, dropping items by you, standing close, touching, committing minor rule violations to test commitment to enforcing rules, threaten to expose a mistake, try to isolate and share Secrets, enter office and ask to talk in private

Recognize ways an inmate will show support for staff
warn you about problem inmates, give helpful advice on how to run your tier, tell you you shouldn’t work alone, come to your assistance or shout-out, offer to bring you gifts, Food Supplies, Etc

Identify examples of overly familiar Behavior between staff and inmates
intentionally and knowingly allowing an inmate access to places, Privileges and items they are not entitled to, providing inmate assistance Beyond scope of authority, providing an inmate with personal information about you, your family, coworkers

Identify consequences of being overly familiar with inmates
creates division between staff, violates division between staff and inmates, results in loss of respect by staff and inmates, creates a climate of favoritism, causes distrust and alienation between staff, eroding the Safety and Security of the institution, disciplinary action which includes reprimand, loss of pay, rank, employment or criminal prosecution

Identify warning signs of developing inappropriate relationships or sexual misconduct with inmates
sharing any personal information regarding self, family, or other staff members with an inmate, inappropriate physical contact, conducting personal transactions for inmates, meeting inmates out of view of professional piercers, overt aggressiveness towards inmates that can be construed as flirtatious

exhibiting low self-esteem, little or no support system in personal or work environments, spending an inordinate amount of time with a specific inmate, being overly supportive or protective of an inmate, misuse or issuance of excessive amount of State Property to a particular inmate

Identify strategies to protect yourself from inmate manipulation
be professional, make your expectations of conduct clear, remain firm fair and consistent, immediately confront inappropriate contact, know the rules and regulations of your institution, maintain a professional relationship, be aware that inmates will try to manipulate you, I know your surroundings and observe inmates, keep your personal life at home, confront rule violations, if you believe you are being manipulated contact your supervisor, if you make a mistake, admit it

Identify four of the five techniques used in resolving inappropriate conduct by another staff member
observe, confirm, confront, document, report

Identify the process to take when a relative or friend is committed or transferred to the jurisdiction of the department
CDCR 2189

written memorandum via supervisor including inmates first and last name, relationship to you, inmate number or identifiable information, location

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