Psychiatric Nursing Contemporary Practice 6th Edition by Boyd

Chapter 01: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing and Evidence-Based

  1. A group of nursing students are reviewing information about the evolution of mental health care and are
    discussing the recommendations of the final report of the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and
    Health. The students demonstrate understanding of this information when they identify that the report
    recommended an increase in which of the following?
    A) Numbers of mental health hospitals
    B) State funding for mental health care
    C) Clinics supplemented by general hospital units
    D) Use of psychotherapy by psychiatrists
  2. A nurse is reviewing the American Nurses Association’s Statement on Psychiatric Nursing Practice
    published in 1967, which sanctioned the involvement of psychiatricmental health nurses in the
    provision of holistic nursing care. Integrating knowledge of the various theories and views of mental
    health and illness, the nurse identifies which of the following as most strongly linked to this holistic
    A) Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
    B) Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing
    C) Hildegarde
    D) Clifford Beers’ A Mind That Found Itself
    E) Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations in Nursing
  3. A nursing instructor is preparing a presentation about key events and people that influenced the
    development of contemporary mental health and illness care. When describing the effects of World War
    II, which of the following would the instructor include?
    A) People began to view mental illness as more commonplace and acceptable. B) The biologic understanding of mental illness was almost fully developed. C) Deinstitutionalization occurred in response to the community health movement. D) Mental illnesses became categorized as psychoses or neuroses.
  4. A nursing student is presenting a discussion of the history of psychiatricmental health nursing and its
    place within nursing history. Which of the following would be most appropriate to include?
    A) Certification for the psychiatricmental health nursing specialty was first emphasized by Mary
    Adelaide Nutting. B) Psychiatric nurses played a part in seeing that all deinstitutionalized patients got treatment at
    community mental health centers. C) There is a historical link between the first nursing program to admit male students and the first
    training school for psychiatric nursing. D) The first graduate program in psychiatric nurses was established in response to the publication of
    psychiatric nursing specialty journals.
  5. Two nursing students are discussing psychiatricmental health nursing and the role it has played in
    nursing’s overall history. Which statement is most accurate?
    A) The importance of using therapeutic communication was stressed by Nightingale. B) The use of self-care to enhance the immune system was taught by Dorothea Dix. C) The moral treatment of mental illness was a primary focus of deinstitutionalization. D) Peplau was the first nurse to stress the importance of therapeutic communication.
  6. When reviewing the evolution of mental health and illness care, which event is associated with mental
    disorders beginning to be viewed as illnesses requiring treatment?
    A) Establishment of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia
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    B) Quaker establishment of asylums
    C) Creation of the state hospital system
    D) Freud’s views on the causes of mental illnesses
  7. A psychiatricmental health nurse is working on a committee that is developing programs that integrate
    the objectives for mental health and mental disorders as identified in Healthy People 2020. Which type
    of program would be least appropriate?
    A) Single substance abuse treatment programs
    B) Depression screening programs for primary care providers
    C) Mental health programs for the homeless population
    D) Employment programs for those with serious mental illness
  8. A nursing instructor is describing the concept of evidence-based practice in psychiatricmental health
    nursing. Which of the following would the instructor include as being important? Select all that apply. A) Research findings
    B) Expert opinion
    C) Clinical experiences
    D) Patient data
    E) Established routines
  9. The following events are important in the development of psychiatricmental health nursing practice. Which event occurred first?
    A) Publication of Standards of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing by the ANA
    B) Publication of Standards of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice
    C) Establishment of the first graduate program in psychiatric nursing at Rutgers University
    D) Publication of the first psychiatric nursing text, Nursing Mental Disease, by Harriet Bailey
  10. A nurse is preparing a presentation about the current status of mental health services in the United
    States. Which statement would the nurse include as the most reflective of this status?
    A) Mental health care in the United States is equally accessible to individuals. B) Mental illness ranks second in terms of causing disability in comparison. C) Mental health care primarily focuses on the cure of mental illness. D) Mental health care services are inadequate and fragmented.
  11. A group of students are reviewing the goals identified by theNew Freedom Commission on Mental
    Health. The students demonstrate understanding of this report when they identify which of the
    following as a goal?
    A) Mental health is viewed as one component of overall health. B) The consumer and family are the driving forces for mental health care. C) Screening is of greater importance than assessment and referral for services. D) Disparities in mental health services are decreased.
  12. The following are important legislative and policy efforts influencing current mental health care. Which
    of the following is the most recent?
    A) Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
    B) New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
    C) Action for Mental Health
    D) Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act
  13. As part of a career day presentation to a group of nursing students, a psychiatricmental health nurse
    plans to describe how this specialty developed. Which individual would the nurse describe as playing a
    major role in the development of specialty training programs for psychiatric nurses?
    A) Mary Adelaide Nutting
    B) Hildegarde Peplau
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    C) Harriet Bailey
    D) Linda Richards
  14. A psychiatricmental health nurse is asked to be a guest speaker at a community fund-raising event for
    mental health services. Which of the following would the nurse emphasize as the primary goal of
    mental health services?
    A) Access to affordable mental health care
    B) Removal of exclusions because of preexisting conditions
    C) Recovery from mental illness
    D) Effective treatment for mental health care needs
  15. A psychiatricmental health nurse is implementing evidence-based practice. The nurse understands that
    this approach is developed by doing which of the following first?
    A) Conducting research
    B) Identifying a clinical question
    C) Determining outcomes
    D) Collaborating with the patient
  16. A group of students are reviewing information about mental health care after World War II. The
    students demonstrate understanding of this information when they identify which of the following as a
    result of the National Mental Health Act?
    A) Discovery of psychopharmacology
    B) Passage of the Hill-Burton Act
    C) Establishment of the National Institute of Mental Health
    D) Development of community mental health centers
  17. When providing care to a patient, the psychiatricmental health nurse is implementing the therapeutic use
    of self. The nurse is applying the concepts based on the work of which individual?
    A) Hildegarde Peplau
    B) Florence Nightingale
    C) Dorothea Dix
    D) Sigmund Freud
  18. After teaching a class to a group of nursing students about the historical perspectives of mental health
    care, the instructor determines that the group has understood the information when they identify which
    of the following as a common belief about mental illness during the medieval period?
    A) Mental illness in an individual was the result of being possessed by demons. B) A person was removed from a contaminated environment to protect him or her. C) Exorcisms were used as primary mode of treatment to cleanse the person of his or her sins. D) The focus was on moral treatment to promote the individual’s safety and comfort.
    Answer Key
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. A
  24. A
  25. A
  26. A, B, C, D
  27. D
  28. D

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