HESI A2 version 1 and 2

Which of the following is a structure found in the upper respiratory?

A person who has damage to their ulnar nerve will have decreases sensation in
. Arm

Which bone dose not articulate with any other bone?

. Which of the following statements best describe endocrine glands?
They secrete chemicals into the blood

Diet is important because bone are storage places for
Calcium and phosphorous

Which organ is part of both the male reproductive system and the urinary system?
. Urethra

Ligaments provides with connection?
Bone to bone

What structure conduct urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder?

Anaerobic respiration can lead to a burning sensation caused by with molecule?
Lactic acid

As part of the negative feedback system, which type of cell is stimulated to resorb bone matrix in response to a decrease in calcium in the blood?

Sweat on the skin’s surface cools the body through which process?

When assessing a female client who describes herself as a vegetarian in the nurse notes that she has an unusual skin color. The nurse should ask the client if she has eaten large amount of:
carrot and squash.

Which hand position describes an anatomical position of a person who is standing erect with feet forward?
Palms of the hand facing anterior

Which structure is a ball and socket joint?

Which anatomical structure houses the malleus, incus, and stapes?
Skull ear

What are like cells grouped together called?
A tissue

. The pulse point located behind the knee is palpated over which artery?

Ceruminous glands secrete
Ear wax

What type of synovial joint is the elbow?

What occurs when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated? Increased
Cardiac output

Where does digestion begin in the digestive system?
Oral cavity

Which structure regulates the transport of substances in and out of a cell?
The cell membrane

The mediastinum is located within which cavity?

. What is the effect of serotonin, a neurotransmitter?
Involved with mood, anxiety and sleep

What is the response of cells in the collecting tubules in the nephrons when antidiuretic hormone AHD is secreted?
. Water is reabsorbed from the urinary filtrate

. What is the function of the thrombocytes (platelets)?
. Play role in blood clotting

Which muscle of the quadriceps femoris group lies on the slide surface of the lower extremity?
Vastus lateralis

Which structure is located on the sternum
Xiphoid process

The occipital region is located in which part of the body?

Which structure carries oxygen to the cells?

Which gland is commonly known as the “Master Gland”?
Pituitary Gland

Aspirin occurs when there is a tear in which structures?

What epidermal derivative is involved in temperature homeostasis?
Eccrine gland

Which statement are true about bone?
Osteoblast,epiphyseal, diaphysis

Aqueous humor is watery fluid in which part of the body?

The Malleus, Incus, and Stapes are located in which part of the body?

Dorsiflexion plantar flexion are types of joint movement that are associated with which part of the body?

Within which vessel does blood return from the lungs?
Pulmonary vein

. Which part of the brain is involved in auditory functioning?
Temporal lobe

What internal structure of the ear is concerned with hearing?

Fertilization of an ovum occurs in which anatomical structure?
Fallopian tubes

Where is the tubialis anterior muscle located?
Lower leg

An over-production of cerumen (earwax) can accumulate in which area?
External ear canals

The mitral value is located between which two structures?
Left ventricle & Left atrium

. The olfactory nerves is associate in which sense?

Vessel carries blood from the body to the heart?
Vena cava

. Hormone(s) is/are produced by the ovaries?
Estrogen & progesterone

Plane divides the body into right and left sides?

Two principles divisions that makeup nervous system?
Peripheral (PNS) & Central (CNS)

. The orthopedic surgeon informs you that you have broken the distal region of the humerus. What area is he describing?

. Part of the brain attaches to spinal cord?
Medulla oblongata

  1. Which term is used to describe movement of the arms and legs away from midline of the body?

Structure provides a pulse reading in the neck?
Carotid Artery

Which hormone is produce by the posterior pituitary gland?

What is the primary function of the hemoglobin (blood)?
Carry oxygen

What stimulates the chemoreceptors to function?
rise in CO2; Fall in o2

Which condition causes a client to say “I can’t see far away”?

Anaerobic respiration can lead to burning sensation caused by which molecule?
lactic acid

Golgi apparatus functions as?
process protein secreation. synthesize carbs and glycoproteins

What organ produces insulin?

What effects do serotonin has or neurotransmitters?
appetite, sleep, mood

Fertilization occurs in the?

When drawing blood from autecubital region which blood vessel is used to obtain blood?
median cubital

What hormone induces growth of pubic and axillary hair at puberty?
Testosterone and estrogen

Increase in rate of depth of breath results in what blood PH change?

. What lobe of the brain is responsible for auditory functioning?

What is the function of the hypothalamus
regulates function of body, balance, thermoreg

How many carb per gram do carbohydrates contain?

When water molecules move across cell membrane from high to low concentration this process is called?

What is the result of carbon dioxide in the body?

body become more acidic

What plane divides the body from left to right?
sagittal plane

What part of the body is the lower back?

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