ServSafe Manager Exam (2022/2023) With Correct Answers, Already Graded A

ServSafe Manager Exam (2022/2023) With Correct
Answers, Already Graded A
Which food item has been associated with Salmonella Typhi? – Beverages
What symptom requires a food handler to be excluded from the operation? – Jaundice
Which is an example of physical contamination?
A. Sneezing on food.
B. Touching dirty food-contact surfaces
C. Bones in fish.
D. Cooking tomato sauce in a copper pan. – C. Bones in fish
What practice is useful for preventing Norovirus from causing foodborne illness? – Correct
What condition promotes the growth of bacteria? – Food held between 70°F and 125°F
Parasites are commonly associated with what food? – Wild game
What practice should be used to prevent seafood toxins from causing a foodborne illness? –
Purchasing food from approved, reputable suppliers
How should chemicals be stored? – Away from food prep areas
What does the L stand for in the FDA’s ALERT tool? – Look
What symptom can indicate a customer is having an allergic reaction? – Wheezing or shortness of

Where should a food handler wash his or her hands after prepping food? – Designated sink for
When should a food handler with a sore throat and fever be excluded from the operation? – When
the customers served are primarily a high-risk population
A food handler comes to work with diarrhea. What should the manager tell the food handler to do? –
Go home
What should a food handler do to make gloves easier to put on? – Select the correct size gloves
When can a food handler diagnosed with jaundice return to work? – When approved by the
regulatory authority
Which item is a potential physical contaminant?
A. Sanitizer.
B. Jewelry.
C. Sweat.
D. Hand Sanitizer. – Jewelry
What is the purpose of hand antiseptic? – Lower the number of pathogens on the skin
Single-use gloves are not required when … – Washing produce
What should food handlers do after leaving and returning to the prep area? – Wash hands
What type of eggs must be used when preparing raw or undercooked dishes for high-risk
populations? – Pausterized
What causes preschool-age children to be at risk for foodborne illness? – Their immune systems are
not strong

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