WGU C168 Objective Assessment (2023 – 2024) With Complete Solution

WGU C168 Objective Assessment (2023 – 2024)
With Complete Solution
Tendency to view everything in relationship to oneself – Egocentrism
Assumption that one own’s social group is superior to all others. – Sociocentrism
Thinking that is spontaneous and non-reflective thinking Contains insight, prejudice, good and bad
reasoning. Indiscriminately combined – First-order thinking
First-order thinking that is consciously realized (analyzed, reassessed, reconstructed) – Secondorder thinking
Ignore flaws in own thinking. Often tries to win arguments through intellectually trickery or deceit.

  • Weak-sense critical thinking
    Strive to be ethical. Strive to emphasize with other viewpoints. Will entertain arguments they do
    not agree with. Change views when confronted with superior reasoning. Employ thinking
    reasonably rather than manipulatively. – Strong-sense critical thinking
    Commitment to discover the extent of your own ignorance on any issue – Intellectual humility
    Confronting ideas, viewpoints, or beliefs with fairness, even when doing so is painful – Intellectual
    Inhabiting perspectives of others in order to genuinely understand them – Intellectual empathy

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