WGU C715 Organizational Behavior Final Exam Review Questions And Verified Answers

WGU C715 Organizational Behavior Final Exam Review Questions And
Verified Answers
Esther Lugo has gone for an interview at an advertising firm in Manhattan and has been asked to
complete a self-report survey to help interviewers understand if she is the right candidate for the
job. From the interview, they have found that she is extroverted, empathic, scrupulous, and
cooperative in nature, which are key characteristics needed for the job. These characteristics about
Lugo indicate her – Personality
Ellen Athers works as a communication executive at a travel house. She is known to be friendly with
her colleagues and interacts with them regularly to build strong work relationships. She knows that
her rapport with her co-workers is a crucial part of her work and invests time in these
relationships. In addition, while making decisions, she is assertive and colleagues take her decisions
seriously. Which of the following personality types is Athers most likely to be characterized by
according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification? – Extraverted- a
personality dimension describing someone who is sociable, gregarious, and assertive.
What does the heredity approach state? – B) An individual’s personality is determined by molecular
structure of the genes.
. _
is as important for managers as for front-line employees and, among all Big Five Model
traits, is most consistently related to job performance. – Conscientiousness- someone who is
responsible, dependable, persistent, and organized. Most consistently related to increased job
What trait is associated with job satisfaction? – Emotional Stability.
What is a personality assessment model that taps 5 Basic Dimensions? What are the five
dimensions? – The Big Five Model- 1. Extraversion/Intraversion. 2. Agreeableness. 3.
Conscientiousness. 4. Emotional Stability. 5. Openess to Experience.
What is a core self evaluation? – Bottom line conclusions individuals have about their
compatibilities, and worth as a person.
Which of the following statements is true about people with positive core self-evaluations ? – They
are committed to their goals and set ambitious goals.

Which of the following is true of the baby boomer generation? – They give high importance to
achievement and material success.
What is true about Millennials? – They are more questioning and entrepreneurial than the other
What is true about Generations Xers? – They give the highest importance to flexibility and life
Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding people with proactive
personalities? – They are more likely than others to be seen as leaders.
Which of the following is true of values ? – They have content and intensity attributes. Values are
judgemental, tend to be stable, mostly established in earlier years.
According to the Rokeach Value Survey what are terminal and instrumental values? – Terminal
Values- desirable end states. Where you want to be, where you want to achieve.
Instrumental Values- preferable modes of behavior, a means to achieve terminal values. Behaviors
that can get you there.
What are some examples of instrumental values? – Personal discipline, self improvemet, autonomy,
self reliance, kindness, ambition.
What are some examples of Terminal Values? – Economic Success, social recognition, world peace,
Meaning of life
What is an example of an instrumental value according to the Rokeach value survey? – personal
discipline- a behavior
What is an example of externally caused behavior? – An employee is late to work because of a
punctured tire.

What is an example of an internally caused behavior? – An employee postpones a meeting because
he overslept. An employee was fired because he violated a company policy. An employee was
promoted when he achieved more than the assigned objectives.
According to the attribution theory, if a behavior scores , we tend to attribute it to external
causes. – low on consistency
According to the attribution theory, if a behavior scores
, we tend to attribute it to external
causes. – High on Distinctivness, and Consensus
) Which of the following terms refers to a situation in which a person inaccurately perceives a
second person, and the resulting expectations cause the second person to behave in ways
consistent with the original perception? – Self Fulfilling Prophecy
What is the tendency to seek out information that reaffirms past choices? – Confirmation Bias
What is the term that refers to determining if someones behavior is external or internal? –
Attribution Theory
What is the term that refers to a comparison with other people and ranking them higher or lower? –
Contrast Effect
What is true regarding the rational decision-making model? – It assumes that an individual is able to
identify all relevant options in an unbiased manner.
Define Bounded Rationality. – It involves constructing simplified models without capturing all their
What is an unconscious decision making process created from distilled experience? – Intuitive
Decision making model.
The tendency to seek out information that reaffirms past choices and to discount information that
contradicts past judgments is known as a(n) __ bias. – Confirmation Bias

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