Indiana For Hire Endorsement Exam (Latest 2023 – 2024) Download To Score A

Indiana For Hire Endorsement Exam (Latest 2023 – 2024)
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Which of the following is an example of a for-hire vehicle?

  1. Carrying Passengers for Hire
  2. A church Bus
  3. A commercial vehicle
  4. All of the above – 4. All of the above
    What is the maximum width of a commercial vehicle without a special permit? – 8 feet, 6 inches
    Tires have been known to lose up to how much PSI per month?
  5. 1 PSI
  6. 2 PSI
  7. 4 PSI
  8. 6 PSI – 1. 1 PSI
    Which of the following increases the risk of rollover the most?
  9. Inexperienced drivers
  10. Improperly sized and/or inflated tires
  11. incorrectly loaded cargo and/or passengers
  12. All of the above – 4. All of the above
    What is the maximum height of any vehicle that may be operated without a special permit?
  13. 13 feet, 6 inches
  14. 12 feet, 7 inches
  15. 11 feet, 8 inches
  16. 10 feet, 9 inches – 1. 13 feet, 6 inches

Which of the following are acceptable warning devices for a truck, bus, or tractor trailer that is
disabled on a traveled roadway or its shoulder?

  1. Three federally conforming, bi-directional emergency reflective triangles
  2. Three (3) liquid-burning flares
  3. All answers are correct
  4. At least six (6) fuses – 3. All answers are correct
    The driver of a commercial motor vehicle must stop within how many feet of railroad tracks
  5. 5 to 45 feet
  6. 10 to 40 feet
  7. 15 to 50 feet
  8. 20 to 60 feet – 3. 15 to 50 feet
    Except for lightweight vehicles, every bus, truck and tractor-trailer must be equipped with which
  9. fire extinguisher
  10. all answers are correct
  11. spare fuse(s)
  12. a signaling system that can also serve as a warning device – 2. all answers are correct
    How do you determine the PSI required for your vehicle?
  13. Use the PSI suggested on the sidewall of the tire
  14. Inflate to the maximum PSI
  15. Use the PSI suggested by the vehicle manufacturer
  16. Inflate the tire until full – 3. Use the PSI suggested by the vehicle manufacturer
    What is the for higher endorsement good for?
  17. To operate a vehicle under 16,000 pounds and transport property
  18. To operate a vehicle above 16,000 pounds but below 26,000, and/or to operate a vehicle with 16
    passengers or less
  19. To operate a school bus

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