DoD Insider Threat Awareness 2022 (100% Correct Answers)

DOD Cyber Awareness 2021 Knowledge Check
(Verified Answers)
What should you do if a reporter asks you about potentially classified information on the web? –
Refer the reporter to your organization’s public affair office
What must users ensure when using removable media such as a compact disk (CD)? – It displays a
label showing maximum classification, date of creation, point of contact, and Change Management
(CM Control Number.
What should you do when you are working on an unclassified system and receive an email with a
classified attachment? – Call your security point of contact immediately.
Which classified level is given to information that could reasonably be expected to cause serious
damage to national security? – Secret
Under what circumstances is it acceptable to use your Government-furnished computer to check
personal e-mail and do other non-work-related activities? – If allowed by organizational policy.
What actions should you take when printing classified material within a Sensitive Compartmented
Information Facility (SCIF)? – Retrieve classified documents promptly from printers.
What actions should you take upon hearing a discussion involving Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI) while seated in a cafeteria with an SCI Facility (SCIF)? – Remind those involved
that such a discussion should not take place in common areas within a SCIF.
Which of the following is true of protecting classified data? – Classified material must be
appropriately marked
When classified data is not in use, how can you protect it? – Store classified data appropriately in a
GSA-approved vault/container.

What type of activity or behavior should be reported as a potential insider threat? – Coworker
making consistent statements indicative of hostility or anger toward the United States and its
In setting up your personal social networking service account, what email address should you use? –
Your personal email address/addresses
When is the safest time to post details of your vacation activities on your social networking
website? – When your vacation is over, after you have returned home
What are some potential insider threat indicators? – Difficult life circumstances such as substance
abuse, divided loyalty or allegiance to the U.S., and extreme, persistent interpersonal difficulties.
Which of the following terms refers to someone who harms national security through authorized
access to information system? – Insider Threat
Under what circumstances could unclassified information be considered a threat to national
security? – If aggregated, the information could become classified.
Under which circumstances is permitted to share an unclassified draft document with a non-DoD
professional discussion group? – As long as the document is cleared for public release, you may
share it outside of DoD.
How many the Cyberspace Protection Conditions (CPCON) are there? – 5
How many potential insider threat indicators does a person who is playful and charming,
consistently wins performance awards, but is occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive
information display? – 1 indicator
A man you do not know is trying to look at your Government-issued phone and has asked to use it.
What should you do? – Decline to lend the man your phone.
Which of the following is NOT considered a potential insider threat indicator? – New interest in
learning a foreign language

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