Bio 235 Final Exam Latest 2022 Question And Answers With All Complete Solution (GRADE A)

Bio 235 Final Exam Latest 2022
Question And Answers With All
Complete Solution (GRADE A)
Venous blood returning from systemic circulation first enters the , proceeds to the , loses
and gains
in the lungs, and then returns to the heart via the __.
a) right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, CO2, O2, pulmonary veins.
b) Left atrium, left ventricle, pulmonary artery, CO2, O2, aorta
c)Right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, O2, CO2, pulmonary veins
d) Left atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary veins, O2, CO2, aorta
The upper respiratory tract differs from the lower respiratory tract in what way?
A) air is taken in through the lower respiratory tract, and CO2/O2 are exchanged in the upper respiratory
b) air is taken in through the upper respiratory tract, and CO2/O2 are exchanged in the lower respiratory
c) CO2 is removed from circulation in the upper respiratory tract
d) O2 is removed from circulation in the lower respiratory tract
Smooth muscle surrounds which structure of the lower respiratory tract?
a) Alveoli
b) Alveolar capillaries
c) Terminal bronchioles

d) Trachea
In the alveolus, squamous epithelial cells are responsible for , while cells are responsible for .
a) Type 1; surfactant secretion; Type 2, gas exchange
b) type 1; debris removal; type 2; surfactant secretion
c) type 3; debris removal; type 1; gas exchange
d) type 1; gas exchange; type 2: surfactant secretion
There is no net air flow into or out of the lungs when
a) P alveolus = P atmostpher
b) P alveolus< P atmostphere c) P pleural wall > P atmostphere
d) P atmosphere< P pleural wall
What keeps the lungs from collapsing
Check the – b) trans pulmonary negative pressure caused by negative pressure from pleural cavity
Identify the correct sequence of events for inspiration
a) diaphragm & inspiratory intercostals relax, lungs expand, air flows into alveoli
b) diaphragm & inspiratory intercostals contract; lungs expand, air flows out of the alveoli
c) diaphragm & inspiratory intercostals contract, lungs expand, air flows into alveoli
d)diaphragm & expiratory intercostals relax, lungs contract, air flows out of alveoli
c) diaphragm & inspiratory intercostals contract, lungs expand, air flows into alveoli

the main determiners of lung compliance are
a) lung tissue thickness, surface tension of fluid on the inner lung surface
b) lung tissue perforations, surface tension of fluid on the inner lung surface
c) lung tissue surface area, surface tension of fluid on the inner lung surface
d) lung tissue thickness, surface tension of fluid on the outer lung surface
a) lung tissue thickness, surface tension of fluid on the inner lung surface
lung compliance is defined as
a) lung volume/ transpulmonary pressure
b) transpulmonary pressure/ lung volume
c) transthoracic pressure/ atmospheric pressure
d) none of the above
d) none of the above
trained athletes tend to have
a) increased lung compliance
b) normal lung compliance
c) decreased lung compliance
d) asthma
a) increased lung compliance
which is true abbout the pleural sac
a)it is continuous with the atmosphere and protects the lungs from infections
b) it is a closed sac surrounding each lung and contains only a tiny volume of lubricating fluid
c) it is a closed sac surrounding each lung and contain a large volume of surfactact

d) it is a closed, air-filled space surrounding both lungs that has a negative pressure compared to
atmospheric pressure
b) it is a closed sac surrounding each lung and contains only a tiny volume of lubricating fluid
which structure is NOT part of the “anatomical dead space?”
a) bronchiole
b) trachea
c) bronchus
d)respiratory bronchiole
d)respiratory bronchiole
the volume of air flowing into the alveoli during inhalation/inspiration is increased when there is an
increase in which of these?
a)air resistance
b)the pressure gradiant from the atmosphere to the alveoli
c) the pressure in the intrapleural space
d) the curvature of the diaphragm
b)the pressure gradiant from the atmosphere to the alveoli
under normal circumstances, which of the following would result from an increase in transpulmonary
a) inhalation/inspiration
b) exhalation/expiration
c) a collapsed lung
d) emphysema
a) inhalation/inspiration

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