Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Exam 2022 (the real actual test) GRADED A+

Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Exam
2022 (the real actual test) GRADED A+
Benchmarking – the process of comparing an organization’s practices and technologies with those
of other companies
Rules – Specific; direct participants and employees to act in a prescribed manner
Policies – broad and open to interpretation. Based on circumstances, set direction.
Anti-discrimination is an example of a – policy
Procedures – Chronological sequence of activities; define steps for implementation. Outlined in
operations manuals. A process for completing a task.
A public Parks and Recreation agency’s services are divided into three categories: – Parks,
programs, and facilities
It is the PRP’s responsibility to ensure that the public has the opportunity to (3 things) – 1.
Participate in quality rec programs, 2. enjoy attractive parks, 3. Ensure that facilities are effective
and safe
Evaluations – Explain the value of the expenditures of the services and explain that services are
meeting community needs
Needs assessment – provides feedback on community attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of P&R
department & its resources
Conflicting management strategies: There is an ongoing struggle in Parks and Recreation between
these two things: – Conservation and development

“No flying of model aircrafts behind zero line, no aerobatics or high-speed passes” are examples of:

  • Rules
    “Model aircrafts/boats shall be allowed only by permit issued by Parks and Recreation Director” is
    an example of a: – Policy
    “To obtain a permit, first call the Parks and Recreation Director, then pay permit fees and submit
    application” is an example of a – Procedure
    Comprehensive Plan – Identifies short and long-term priorities for P&R department, includes
    agency’s goals and policies, identification of deficiencies, inventories, and developed standards for
    Master Plan – Subsets of comprehensive plan; focuses on physical resources and development.
    Typically updated every 10 years. Driven by data.
    Strategic Plan – Development or revision of mission and vision; action plan for achieving goals and
    objectives. Based on data analysis that provides insight to trends in agency’s internal & external
    ADA act of 1992 requires… – – that physical alterations to public accommodations must be made to
    accommodate people w/ disabilities to the maximum extent feasible
    -Facilities built or modified after 1992 must be compliant
    -Remove architectural barriers
    -Communication barriers must be removed (braille signs, visually impaired)
    What is the order of priorities for ADA barrier removal recommended by the Department of Justice?
  • 1. Access for those with disabilities (“get through the door”)
  1. Access to areas where programs and services are offered
  2. Access to restrooms, drinking fountains, & telephone when facilities are open
  3. Every individual should have the ability to benefit from services
    Customer expectations – Based on the image/reputation of the agency, prior experiences with the
    agency, marketing/promotional material related to the agency, and word-of-mouth feedback from
    PRP must be aware of regulatory policies affecting the agency from the following organizations (5) –
  4. OSHA
  5. EPA
  6. EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
  7. FDA
  8. NLRB (National Labor Relations Board)
    What are the minimum and maximum levels of maintenance standards for Parks and Recreation? –
    Minimum level: Maintain area so it is safe
    Maximum level: Maximum occupant safety and comfort & a sensation of well-being
    Routine Maintenance – Preserve or improve the appearance of a facility or equipment. Less frequent
    than housekeeping activities, vary by season and user preference. May be completed on a fixed time
    schedule- not urgent.
    Examples of routine maintenance include… – Stripping/waxing floors, painting walls, cleaning
    fixtures, adjusting doors
    Work order – a form memorandum requesting that specific maintenance services be performed.
    Usually initiated by the PRP, on-site maintenance workers, or facility users.
    Landscaping maintenance can…W – enhance attractiveness, invite users, channel traffic, contribute
    to safety, and disguise unattractive areas. Landscaping should support, not dictate program efforts.

RFP (Request for Proposal) – A document that is sent out to potential vendors requesting them to
provide a proposal on a product or service. Develop a scope of the project, obtain bids, identify a
contractor, supervise project to agency standards.
Preventative Maintenance – a program of regular inspections and care to avert potential problems.
Prolongs the life of equipment and improves organizational efficiency by avoiding downtime due to
inoperable equipment.
What is the difference between a credit card and a P-card? – Credit cards can carry over a balance,
P-cards must be paid off at the end of the month. Monthly use fees and interest charges are higher
on credit cards.
What is the difference between a standard and blanket P.O.? – Standard P.O.s are used for a onetime delivery of goods and/or services and are paid-in-full once purchase is complete. Blanket P.O.s
are used for small, continuous purchases, and the agency is billed once per month (ex: maintenance
staff would use one at a hardware store).
Market – the set of actual and potential buyers of a product or service who have similar
characteristics and are wiling and able to spend money or exchange other resources to obtain a
Marketing Mix (4 P’s) – Product, Price, Place, Promotion
Collaboration – short-term relationship, lasts until a problem is solved
Alliance – Requires a high level of commitment between organizations, as well as the sharing of
authority and decision making. Ex: Two neighboring park depts planning and implementing a
combined Halloween event
Partnership – Strongest relationship between organizations. Formed when two or more partners
come together to create an entirely new entity.

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