CPRP Practice Exam (2022) 100% Correct Questions and Answers

CPRP Practice Exam (2022) 100% Correct Questions
and Answers
To best understand the internal and external situation the agency is operating in requires a
situational analysis. What is the main element of the situational analysis that looks at internal
operations and external envionments? – SWOT analysis
Your agency is updating its logo and developing a marketing plan to showcase the new logo and
make it recognizable by the entire community when they see it. The agency is doing what? –
Branding the agency
When developing an emergency action plan, what should the parks and recreation professional do
first? – Identify poential threats
Your supervisor has asked you to identify a financially feasible solution to an ongoing problem
occurring at a park that is used during the community’s annual summer celebration. In particular,
your supervisor wants to more easily control and direct pedestrian traffic to key park locations
while limiting traffic within dark and hazardous areas. Based on your supervisors request, which of
the following would be the most appropriate solution? – Work with the park maintenance
department to construct temporary fencing to direct traffic and control access to hazardous area
When determining night lighting needs for athletic fields which of the following factors is true? –
Higher light levels are needed for incresed (player) skill levels (higher light levels needed for
competitive play fields compared to recreational play fields)
Your current definition of a capital inventory item, developed in 1988, is that “it is an item that
costs in excess of $100, is tangible, has a useful life exceeding one year, and is not materially
reduced in value immediately by use.” During the past 5 years, a larger percentage of the inventory
has been missing each year. Your inventory this year indicates that you are currently missing 40%
of the inventory. Which of the following strategies is the most likely solution to this problem? –
Redefine a captial item as one costing in excess of $1,000 and redo the inventory

A park and recreation professional is planning a bike ride on local trails for participants over 50.
Which of the following participant characteristics will most likely impact program planning? –
Health status
The park and recreation professional supervises an aquatic center and has been in charge of the
facility since it opened in 2005. Unfortunately, the facility is regularly opening each season with a
deficit in the operating budget. Often, this deficit is attributed to expenses associated with
mechanical failures or physical repairs needed at the start of the new season. Which of the
following would be the most appropriate initial response to this issue? – Develop a seasonal
checklist to ensure the appropriate mechanical systems and/or physical amenities are being shut
down during the off season.
Which of the following best describe the values, attitudes, beliefs, personality traits, and interests of
your consumers? – Psychographics
Your public agency wants to apply for a grant to build a bike trail. The grant is only open to non
profit organizations. What is the best way to go about applying for this grant? – Form a 501(c)3
friends group and apply through it
Complex activities with extensive rules would best be experienced by adults rather than children
because of what factor? – The cognitive abilities of children are not as advanced as adults
Hotel/motel taxes, rental car taxes, and sin taxes are considered what type of tax: – Excise tax
Which of the following is considereed a variable cost? – Participant lunches
Someone leaves your organization. Your human resources director decides it is time to examine
this position to see exactly what the person does, what skills they use, how much time they spend
on tasks and what sort of working conditions exist. The HR director is performing what task? – A job
In the following example, what is “1000: Services: Personnel” considered? Administration,
recreation, golf, operations – Budget classification

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