lOM oAR c P S D | 1950 098 6

  1. A successful Businessman presents to the community mental health center complaining of
    sleeplessness and anxiety over his financial status. What action should the nurse take to assist
    this client in diminishing his anxiety?
    A. Reinforce the reality of his financial situation.
    B. Direct him to drink a glass of red wine at bedtime
    C. Teach him to limit sugar and caffeine intake
    D. Encourage him to initiate daily rituals
  2. A male client with a long is sweet of alcohol dependency arrives in the emergency department
    describing the feeling of bugs crawling on his body. His blood pressure is 170/102, pause rate is
    110 beats/minutes, and blood alcohol level (BAL) is 0mg/dL. Which prescription should the
    nurse administer?
    A. Lorazepam (Ativan)
    B. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
    C. Haloperidol (Haldol)
    D. Thiamine (vitamin B1)
  3. The female client with Obsessive compulsive personality disorder is admitted to the hospital
    for a cardiac catheterization. The afternoon before the procedure, the client begins to keep
    detailed notes of the nursing care she’s receiving and reports her findings to the nurse at bedtime.
    What action should the nurse implement?
    A. Ask the client to explain why she is keeping a detailed record of her not syncing
    B. Teach the client strategies to control her obsessive-compulsive behavior
    C. Encourage the client to express her feelings regarding the upcoming procedure
    D. Explain to the client that her behavior invades the right of the nursing staff
  4. The nurse interacts with a client who is very depressed and slow to respond to questions. The
    nurse asked client to describe current feelings, but the client looks down at the table. What action
    is best for the nurse to implement
    A. Ask if the client heard the question
    B. Wait for the client to respond
    C. Return at a later time to talk
    D. Ask a different question.
  5. A male client with alcohol dependence is admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain. 24
    hours after admission, decline becomes very anxious and states, I feel Jittery. Which intervention
    should the nurse implement?
    A. Provide a calm, quiet, well – lit environment

lOM oAR c P S D | 1950 098 6
B. Administer opiates to prevent withdrawal symptoms
C. Restrain the patient with vests and Arm restraints
D. Promotes oral intake 3500 ml/day

  1. Which individual should do not consider the highest risk for suicide?
    A. An adolescent male whose parent recently divorced
    B. A single working mother with three preschool aged children
    C. A nurse who works in a pediatric emergency department
    D.A retired older male whose significant other has passed away
  2. After meeting with a healthcare provider, a client who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder is
    screaming and stomping both feet while pacing the hallway. What action should the nurse take?
    A. Encourage the client to attend a support group
    B. Instruct the client to reduce the volume of his voice
    C. Accompany the client to a quiet area of the units
    D. Administer a PRN seductive by injection.
  3. Which findings should the nurse identify as a complicated alcohol withdrawal for a client with
    chronic alcohol use?
    A. Gran mal seizure
    B. Restlessness and irritability
    C. Diaphoresis
    D. Nausea and vomiting
    9.The nurse receives an evening shift report for a client who is scheduled for electroconvulsive
    therapy (ECT) In the morning. Which medication should the nurse withhold this evening?
    A.) An antacid
    B.) A bronchodilator
    C.) A benzodiazepine
    D.) An antihypertensive
  4. Well care for an older client, do not observe multiple bruises in——-over the client’s legs,
    arms, Buck, and gluteal areas. when the client will—Contact, did not suspect Elder abuse. What
    action should the nurse implement?
    A. Report family conversation and anger to was the clients when visiting
    B. Ask the client specific questions about someone causing the bruising
    C. Question to family members and caregiver how the bruising occurred
    D. Measure and document size, shape, and color of the bruised areas

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11). A client with a history of alcoholism is admitted for detoxification. Based on treatment
protocol the nose gives the client a dose of lorazepam (Ativan) 6mg. Which additional
prescription should the nurse administer immediately?
A. Folic acid
B. Vitamin B1(Thiamine)
C. Haloperidol (Haldol)
D. Trazodone (Desyrel)

  1. An older male client with schizophrenia is found smearing faces on the bathroom walls of the
    chronic mental health unit where he resides. What action should the nurse implement?
    A. Assist the client to clean the walls
    B. Show the client how to clean the walls
    C. Explain that feces belong in the toilet
    D. Escort the client out of the bathroom
  2. During admission to the psychiatric units, a female client is extremely anxious and states that
    she is worried about the sun coming up the next day. What intervention is most important for the
    nurse to implement during the admission process?
    A. Ask your client why she is so anxious
    B. Administer a PRN seductive to help relieve anxiety
    C Remain calm and use a matter of fact approach
    D. Assist the client in developing alternative coping skills
  3. Email client is admitted to the psychiatric inpatient unit with a bandage flashed wound after
    attempting to shoot himself. He was divorced one year ago, lost his job months ago, and so far, a
    breakup of his current relationship last week. What is the most likely source of this client’s
    current feelings of depression?
    A. Lack of intimate relationships
    B. Feelings of frustration
    C. A sense of loss
    D. Poor self-esteem
  4. A female client diagnosed with bipolar disorder comes to the dayroom on the psychiatric unit
    wearing a low-cut blouse and short skirt with no undergarments, bright red lipstick, and several
    colored ribbons in her hair. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
    A. Assisted client to her room and help select appropriate clothes
    B. Ignore the client’s appearance and behavior
    C. Initiate a behavior modification program to extinguish the behavior
    D. Administer a PRN dose of lithium immediately

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  1. When implementing a psychiatric milieu on a psychiatric unit which intervention is most
    important for the nurse to implement?
    A. Schedule client with depression for one group activity daily.
    B. Encourage client participation in planning weekly activities
    C. Collaborate with family to accompany client on a field trip
    D. Are you sure that clients follow the daily schedule of activities
    19). The mental health team working with the homeless clients with chronic Schizophrenia
    establishes the treatment goal of, improvement in Avolition Prior to discharge. Which behavior
    demonstrates achievement of this goal to the nurse?
    A. Reports enjoyment from assigned activities
    B. Perform activities of daily living
    C. Explains answers to open ended questions
    D. Shares a personal story with peers
  2. A young adult male who was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder takes. Lithium
    carbonate daily. He’s graduating from high school next month, and he tells the school knows that
    wants to live away from home for college. What information is most important for the nurse to
    provide the client and his family?
    A. He should be aware of the symptoms of his illness
    B. He should plan to participate in group or individual therapy while and College
    C. Despite his illness the client should be able to leave away from home
    D. His serum lithium levels should be routinely evaluated.
    21). The nurse is admitting a milk client who takes Lithium carbonate (Eskalith) twice a day,
    which information should the nurse report to the healthcare provider immediately?
    A. Short term memory loss
    B. Nausea and vomiting
    C. Depressed affect
    D. 5-pound Weight gain
  3. A client with borderline personality disorder told the nurse you are the best nurse on the unit
    the other nurses don’t care about me the way you do. Which response should the nurse provide to
    the client?
    A.I am not the best nurse. All the nurses are good.
    B. You don’t think the others nurses care about you
    C. The other nurses and I are here to help you get better
    D. I do care about you as a person but not more
    23). What is the most important goal for a client with major depression who has been receiving
    an antidepressant medication for two weeks?

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