lOMoAR cPSD|19500986

  1. A nurse is collecting data from a client who has peptic ulcer disease. Which of the following finding
    is a manifestation of gastrointestinal perforation?
    A. Hyperactive bowel sounds
    B. Severe upper abdominal pain
    C. Report of epigastric fullness
    D. Bradycardia
    ANS: Severe upper abdominal pain.
    Sudden, severe abdominal pain that radiates to the shoulder is a manifestation of gastrointestinal perforation.
  2. A nurse is reinforcing dietary teaching with a client who tells the nurse she would like to reduce her solid fat
    intake and increase oil intake in her diet. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in her
    A. Replace tub margarine with stick margarine
    B. Use safflower oil instead of butter when baking
    C. Consume 2% or whole milk
    D. Choose ground beef that is at least 80% lean meat
    ANS: Use safflower oil instead of butter when baking
    The client should replace butter with safflower oil when baking to decrease solid fats and increase oil intake.
  3. A nurse is administering a tap water enema to a client. The client reports cramping as the nurse instills the
    irrigating solution. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to relieve the client’s discomfort?
    A. Lower the height of the solution container
    B. Encourage the client to bear down
    C. Allow the client to expel some fluid before continuing
    D. Stop the enema and document that the client did not tolerate the procedure
    ANS: Lower the height of the solution container
    If nausea or cramping occurs, the nurse should slow the flow of water, leaving the tube in place. The nurse
    should then raise the solution container when the cramping has passed.
  4. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client how has Cron’s Disease and is experiencing frequent cramping
    and diarrhea. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?
    A. Increase your caloric intake by eating foods high in protein
    B. Include fresh fruits and vegetables at each meal
    C. Maintain your weight by eating high fat foods
    D. Drink whole milk to ensure adequate calcium intake
    ANS: Increase your caloric intake by eating foods high in protein
    Clients who have Crohn’s disease are at risk for malnutrition; therefore, they should eat a diet high in protein to
    help maintain their weight and promote healing and recovery.

lOMoAR cPSD|19500986

  1. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client that reports having constipation. Which of the following should
    the nurse discuss as causes of constipation? (Select all that apply)
    A. Excessive laxative use
    B. Ignoring the urge to defecate
    C. Inadequate fluid intake
    D. Increased fiber in the diet
    E. Increased activity
    ANS: Excessive laxative use. Chronic use of laxatives causes the large intestine to lose muscle tone and become
    less responsive to stimulation by laxatives. Ignoring the urge to defecate. Anything that prevents the client from
    responding to the urge to defecate and disrupts regular habits can cause possible alterations in bowel habits,
    such as constipation. Inadequate fluidintake. Reduced fluid intake slows the passage of food through the intestine
    and can result in hardening of stool.

lOMoAR cPSD|19500986

  1. A nurse is reinforcing teaching for a client who has a duodenal ulcer and a new prescriptions for
    sucralfate. The client asks the nurse how sucralfate works. Which of the following statements should the
    nurse take?
    A. This medication prevents gastric acid secretion in the stomach
    B. This medication neutralizes gastric acid after it is secreted
    C. This medication kills the bacteria which causes ulcers
    D. This medication adheres to the ulcer and protects it from gastric acid
    ANS: This medication adheres to the ulcer and protects it from gastric
    acid Sucralfate creates a protective coating over the ulcer that lasts
    about 6 hrs.
  2. A charge nurse is reinforcing teaching with a newly licensed nurse about the common link between
    ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse
    indicates an understanding of the teaching?
    A. Both illnesses are inflammatory in nature
    B. Both illnesses begin in the rectum
    C. Both illnesses manifest fistula formation
    D. Both illnesses result in malabsorption of nutrients
    ANS: Both illnesses are inflammatory in nature
    The nurse should reinforce that there are many linking components between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s
    disease, one of them being the inflammatory nature of the illnesses. Other similarities include a genetic
    component, the chronicity of the illnesses, and the predominant manifestation of both diseases is diarrhea.
  3. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about a high-fiber diet with a client who has constipation. Which of the
    following statement indicates the client understands the best choice for a high-fiber diet?
    A. One medium apple would be a good snack option
    B. I will select a ½ cup of sweet potatoes for my starch
    C. My breakfast is ½ cup of bran cereal
    D. I should choose 1 ounce of almonds when I am hungry midday
    ANS: My breakfast is ½ cup of bran cereal
    The client who selects ½ cup of bran cereal is selecting the best source of fiber. A ½ cup of bran cereal contains
    8.8 g per serving of fiber; therefore, it is the best food choice for the client.
  4. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has GERD. Which of the following statements should
    the nurse include in the teaching?
    A. Elevate the head of the bed by 18 inches
    B. Avoid snacking between meals
    C. Use a straw to consume liquids
    D. Avoid wearing constricting clothing
    ANS: Avoid wearing constricting clothing
    The nurse should instruct the client to wear clothing that is comfortably fitting and not restrictive around the
    middle of the body. This increases the abdominal pressure and reflux.
  5. A nurse is assessing a client who has advanced cirrhosis. Which of the following manifestation should the
    nurse expect to find?
    A. Spider angioma
    B. Dark colored stools
    C. Weak pulse

lOMoAR cPSD|19500986
D. Increase body hair
ANS: Spider angioma
The nurse should expect to find spider angioma, which indicates portal hypertension, on the client who has
advanced cirrhosis.

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