1. The 27 year old patient is experiencing secondary amenorrhea. At the time of
    her visit her period is 5 weeks late. she has given birth twice before and says she
    does not believe she is pregnant since she is not experiencing any symptoms of
    pregnancy. What is your first step as her nurse practitioner
    a) Perform a public ultrasound to check her anatomical abnormalities
    b) refer the patient to an endocrinologist
    c) refer the patient to an oncologist
    d) order a pregnancy test
  2. a 50 year old male has weakness in his quadriceps, pain rating into the medical
    malleolus comma along with numbness and a diminished patellar reflex period you
    suspect an L34 disc herniation period which screening exam is appropriate to
    confirm this diagnosis
    a) Have the patient walk on heels of feet
    b) have the patient walk on toes
    c) have the patient reach upward keeping head forward
    d) have the patient squat and rise
  3. A mother of a 15 year old high school student is inquiring about contraception
    options for her daughter. She mentions oral contraceptives but is curious about the
    disadvantages of this method. What would be your best response?
    a) Oral contraceptives though effective in many cases are considered too expensive
    for some women can lead to mood changes offer no protection against HIV and
    can cause rare circulatory complications
    b) oral contraceptives are very cost effective for women and provide a great choice
    for protection against HIV. Oral contraceptives, however, must be taken daily and
    have possible side effects such as nausea, headaches, and breakthrough bleeding.
    c) Oral contraceptives are difficult to locate and offer no protection against HIV.
    Furthermore, oral contraceptives increase the risk of rare liver tumors and must be

taken daily.
d) oral contraceptives provide protection against HIV infections and are cheap for
most women. Oral contraceptives do, however, increased the risk of rare liver
tumors, must be taken daily, and have possible side effects such as nausea
headaches and breakthrough bleeding.

  1. From the following, which is a characteristic of the 2007 National Heart lung
    and blood Institute or national asthma education and prevention program
    guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma?
    a) If continued controlled asthma is sustained for two months of treatment, step
    down treatment may begin
    b) patients are organized into four distinct age groups based on current impairment
    and future risk
    c) for the treatment of persistent asthma, ICS are typically contraindicated for
    patients younger than five years of age
    d) long acting beta agonists may be combined with inhaled cortical steroids to act
    as a step up treatment for persistent asthma
  2. You are performing a quad screen on a pregnant patient, which component of
    the screen is most telling in detecting Down syndrome?
    a) Amniotic fluid
    b) human chorionic gonadotropin
    c) estriol
    d) Alpha fetoprotein
  3. A woman was in a motor vehicle crash in which she states her abdomen hit the
    steering wheel. She tells you that as she is approximately 3 months pregnant.
    Given your knowledge of obstetrics, what will you assess?
    a) Braxton Hicks
    b) the fundus which should be palpable below the umbilicus
    c) fetal heart tones
    d) Leopold maneuvers
  4. A 24 year old is presented to the urgent care clinic with a markedly solin
    scrotum. He admits to being moderately sexually active with several partners in the
    past year. He denies any trauma or injury. He also adds “it hurts when I pee”.
    Based on your suspected diagnosis which agent would be most appropriate to order
    at this time
    a) Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole + ciprofloxacin
    b) finasteride + oflaxacin
    c) Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole + ceftriaxone
    d) Ceftriaxone + doxycycline
  5. After insistence from his girlfriend, 18 year old Tim is seeing you regarding
    persistent headaches that have occurred since high school. While interviewing
    Tim, who is overweight, you learn that his symptoms have a slow onset and
    sometimes he sees stars when the symptoms are at their worst. He also reports that
    his headaches, which usually occur during the afternoon, can last for up to several
    hours. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis
    a) migraine headaches
    b) headaches due to severe hypertension
    c) tension headaches
    d) cluster headaches
  6. A 32 year old patient reports to the emergency room with severe pain in his right
    lower quadrant and nausea. While performing a physical exam of the patient, you
    find that he clutches his right lower quadrant upon contact and complains of pain
    when he extends his right thigh. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    a) Appendicitis
    b) gastroenteritis
    c) diverticulitis
    d) colon cancer
  7. A 9 year old preparing to enter elementary school in the US for the first time
    comes to your office accompanied by her mother. When asked about past
    vaccinations, her mother tells you the child has received one or two vaccines, but
    she did not keep up with the scheduled routine vaccination visits and does not have

an immunization record. After consulting the common immunization chart and
prior to the immunization update, which of the following should not be included?
a) Diptheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine
b) tetanus diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccine
c) hepatitis B vaccine
d) measles mumps and rubella vaccine

  1. A mother is curious as to the best method of feeding an infant. She has heard of
    pros and cons concerning both natural breastfeeding and bottle feeding. She shares
    what she has heard with you, and asked for your professional input. Which of the
    following is not true regarding natural breastfeeding in comparison to feeding a
    child through a bottle?
    a) Breastfeeding can occasionally lead the child to obesity
    b) breastfeeding decreases illnesses in the infant
    c) breastfeeding is more affordable than feeding a child through a bottle
    breastfeeding decreases allergies in the infant
  2. A patient presents to your office concerned about a Gray arc visible above and
    below the outer parts of his cornea. upon exam, you diagnose the patient with
    Arcus senilis. You should further work up the patient for which of the following
    underlying medical conditions?
    a) Presbyopia
    b) ketonemia
    c) hyperlipidemia
    d) hypoglycemia
  3. Which statement is true regarding the difference between licensure and
    a) Certification signifies that a person is qualified to perform a particular role and
    is granted by a governmental agency

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