NLN PAX EXAM PREP 2023/2024 exams

PAX Science NLN Exam
2023/2024 ACTUAL EXAM
A person blows his breath into a straw that is placed in limewater. The limewater
becomes cloudy because the person’s breath contains
A.) carbon dioxide.
B.) hydrogen.
C.) oxygen.
D.) nitrogen.
ANSWER ~: carbon dioxide.
A physician measures the pulse and blood pressure (BP) of all patients on a
routine basis. Which of these measurements show the normal BP values for a
resting adult patient?

A.) 125/95 mm Hg
B.) 120/80 mm Hg
C.) 100/80 mm Hg
D.) 72/120 mm Hg
ANSWER ~: 120/80 mm Hg
A woman suddenly chokes on a piece of food and clutches frantically at her
throat. An immediate remedy is to
A.) have her bend forward and tell her to cough.
B.) insert a finger or a blunt object toward the back of the mouth.
C.) apply quick, hard pressures successively to her abdomen, just beneath her
D.) phone “emergency” for help.
ANSWER ~: apply quick, hard pressures successively to her abdomen, just
beneath her diaphragm.
An unknown gas is more dense than air, does not support combustion, and turns a
limewater solution cloudy. This gas is most probably
A.) ammonia.
B.) methane.
C.) carbon dioxide.

C.) hydrogen.
ANSWER ~: carbon dioxide.
Human testes produce
A.) eggs.
B.) follicle stimulating hormone.
C.) growth hormone.
D.) spermatozoa.
ANSWER ~: spermatozoa.
If a red light is passed through a dilute solution of chlorophyll solution, the
spectrophotometer will detect what amount of transmittance of this light?
A.) 100%
B.) 50 – 75%
C.) Less than 25%
D.) None
ANSWER ~: 50 – 75%
In diagnostic testing, the electroencephalogram permits the physician to
A.) examine the impulses of the specialized muscle cells of the heart.
B.) examine the impulses of the nerve cells within the brain.

C.) measure the pressure within the eye.
D.) measure the amount of air upon exhalation.
ANSWER ~: examine the impulses of the nerve cells within the brain.
To sterilize a metal probe in the office, a dentist could use a steam sterilizer. If
unavailable, the next most effective method to sterilize the instrument would be
A.) boiling it in water for 15 minutes.
B.) dipping it into a concentrated acid solution.
C.) heating it in a hot air oven at 160°C for 20 minutes.
D.) washing it in soap and water.
ANSWER ~: boiling it in water for 15 minutes.
In varieties of matter, the term heterogeneous may be applied to
A.) elements, but not compounds.
B.) compounds, but not elements.
C.) compounds and elements, but not mixtures.
D.) mixtures, but not elements or compounds.
ANSWER ~: mixtures, but not elements or compounds.
Heat energy is absorbed in which of these phase changes?
A.) Br2 (l) -> Br2(s)

NLN PAX Exam Study –
What is 6/19 expressed to the nearest thousandth place? – ANSWER ~
A 2 1/2 ounce piece of cheese supplies 240 calories. How many calories are
supplied by 1 ounce of cheese? – ANSWER ~ 96.
A beaker holds 12 1/2 ounces of a solution. How many 1 1/1 ounce vials can be
filled from this beaker? – ANSWER ~ 8 vials.
A patient is to be given a medication for 84 hours. How many days does this time
period cover? – ANSWER ~ 3 1/2 days.

A patient’s temperature rose from 99.4 degrees F to 102.2 degrees F. How many
degrees did it rise? – ANSWER ~ 2.8 degrees F.
An anti-allergy medication is 75% aspirin and 25% antihistamine. Aspirin costs 15
cents per gram and antihistamine costs 50 cents per gram. What will it cost to
make one hundred 1g tablets of this medication? – ANSWER ~
Express 0.057 as a percentage. – ANSWER ~ 5.70%.
Express 125/1000 as a decimal. – ANSWER ~ 0.125.
Express 3% as a decimal. – ANSWER ~ 0.03.
Express 80% as a fraction. – ANSWER ~ 4/5.

NLN Pax Science practice
A person blows his breath into a straw that is placed in limewater. The limewater
becomes cloudy because the person’s breath contains: – ANSWER ~
carbon dioxide
A person who was in an auto accident has formed a blood clot at the site of the
injury. One event that can lead to formation of a blood clot is that: – ANSWER ~
ruptured platelets release thromboplastin
A student focuses sunlight to a point with a thin converging (convex) lens. Which
of these direct measurements can the student make as a result of this
experiment? – ANSWER ~ the approximate focal
length of the lens
In ecological succession, the first living thing to colonize a hitherto barren area is
called a: – ANSWER ~ pioneer organism

Unicellular organisms that have a nucleus and can swim with the aid of cilia are
examples of: – ANSWER ~ protozoans
Which of these conditions is associated with smoking? – ANSWER ~
Which of these quantities is most closely associated with an object’s inertia? –
Which of these sequences of anatomic organization, from the simplest level to
the most complex, is the correct sequence? – ANSWER ~
From tissue, organ, organ system to organism
Which part of the cell structure controls the passage of materials into and out of
the cell? – ANSWER ~ Plasma membrane

While working in the chemistry laboratory, a student spills dilute hydrochloric
acid on her hand. What is the first action this student should take? – ANSWER ~
Flush her hand with large quantities of water
Within a living cell, the oxygen (O2) from a mixture of O2 and carbon dioxide
(CO2) is used up. This creates a concentration gradient across the cell membrane,
drawing O2 across the membrane from the outside in, a process known as –
ANSWER ~ Diffusion
You cut your finger rather deeply while slicing an apple. Which of these actions
should you take first? – ANSWER ~ Wash the wound
continuously with cold running water
30 students in a class carefully measure the length and width of 20 peanut shells.
They also count the number and note the size of the peanuts inside. This
information is recorded on various graphs showing the numbers of nuts and the
different sizes. The collected evidence of the peanuts gives the students an idea
of the extent of: – ANSWER ~ variation within a

A tincture is a solution in which: – ANSWER ~
alcohol is the solvent
All the glucose filtered from the blood in the glomerulus into the Bowman’s
capsule of the kidney nephron is returned to the tissue fluid while passing along
the proximal tubule. This rapid return is effected by the process of: – ANSWER ~
active transport
If the night temperature drops 50 degrees, the roadrunner’s internal energyconservation permits a lowering of body temperature to: – ANSWER ~
1 kilogram (kg) of solid X at 10C and 1 kg of solid Y 10C each absorb 5 joules of
heat energy. The final temperatures on X and Y is 15C and 20C, respectively.
Compared to X, Y must have a lower:F – ANSWER ~
specific heat

One kilometer (km) equals 0.6 miles. How many miles equal 2.75 km?
2.15 mi
4.58mi – ANSWER ~ 1.65mi
The difference between the boiling point and melting point of a specific substance
is 80 degrees Celsius (80°C). If the boiling point is 56°C, what is the melting point?
-36°C – ANSWER ~ -24°C
Of 60 patients treated with a certain medication, 24 showed no improvement.
What percent of patients improved?

24% – ANSWER ~ 60%
If 1 kilogram (kg) equals 2.2 pounds (lbs), how many kg are there in 130 lbs? (To
the nearest tenth of a kg.)
286 kg
62.3 kg
59.1 kg
58.7 kg – ANSWER ~ 59.1 kg
If 30% of x = 60, then x =
18 – ANSWER ~ 200
The dosage of a certain medication is determined by a patient’s body weight. The
medication’s dosage is 2.5 mg per kilogram of body weight. What would be the
dose for a patient who weighs 72 pounds? (1 lb =0.453 kg) (Doses are rounded to
the nearest 25 mg)

75 mg
100 mg
375 mg
400 mg – ANSWER ~ 75 mg
How much simple interest will be paid on a $500 loan for 1 year if the annual
interest rate is 6%?
$30.00 – ANSWER ~ $30.00
If a hospital equipment salesperson receives 12% commission, how much
commission is paid when $16,000 worth of equipment is sold?
$17,920.00 – ANSWER ~ $1,920.00
On a map, 1/4 inch represents 125 miles (mi). How many miles does 5 inches
100 mi

NLN PAX-RN Biology Study
guide for Biology section of
the NLN PAX-RN exam.
What are the taxonomic levels of all living beings from most to least general? –
ANSWER ~ domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family,
genus, species (dumb kings play chess on fiberGlass stools)
Define homeostasis. – ANSWER ~ The maintenance of
equilibrium within an organism by a tendency to compensate for changes and
Define metabolism. – ANSWER ~ All of the physical and
chemical reactions associated with every aspect of cell life.

Define anabolism. – ANSWER ~ An organism’s ability to
synthesize larger molecules from smaller molecules.
Define catabolism. – ANSWER ~ An organism’s ability to
synthesize smaller molecules from larger ones.
By what process is ATP produced? – ANSWER ~ oxidative
phosphorylation (OXYPHOS)
What is the process by which glycogen is converted to energy? – ANSWER ~
What are the two main types of chemical bonds? – ANSWER ~
Ionic and covalent.
How are ionic bonds formed? – ANSWER ~ Ionic bonds are
formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another.

One atom loses electrons and becomes positively charged. The other gains
electrons and becomes negatively charged. These charged forms are called ions
and are either positively or negatively charged. Na⁺ is an example of a positively
charged ion that has lost an electron. Cl⁻ has gained an electron and is a
negatively charged ion.
How are covalent bonds formed? – ANSWER ~ Covalent
bonds are formed when electrons are shared by atoms, not pulled away
If the electrons in a covalent bond are shared equally, what is the bond called? –
ANSWER ~ nonpolar covalent
If the electrons in a covalent bond are shared unequally, what is the bond called?

  • ANSWER ~ polar covalent
    What is a hydrogen bond? – ANSWER ~ Hydrogen bonds
    are weak chemical bonds formed when a hydrogen atom interacts with a nearby
    hydrogen atom that is already part of a covalent bond. Water molecules are held
    together by hydrogen bonds.

PAX Prep NLN Verbal
Comprehension Passages
The way Things Work
It was the ancient Greeks who first had the idea that everything is made up of
elements. They conjured up just four of them-earth, fire, wind and water. As it
turned out, the idea was right but the elements were wrong. Modern elements
are less evocative but more numerous. They make up just over one hundred basic
substances. Some are commonplace, like hydrogen, oxygen, iron and carbon;
others are rare and precious, such as mercury, uranium and gold.
Purely by the power of reason, the Greeks also made another fundamental
discovery, which is that all things consist of particles called atoms. Elements are
substances that contain only one kind of atom. All other substances are
compounds of two or more elements in which the atoms group together to form
molecules.The way molecules behave governs the workings of many machines, in
particular machines such as ships, airplanes, pumps, refrigerators and combustion
engines, all of which harness the ancient elements and set molecules to work.
The idea that everything is made of particles takes some imagination to
understand. For example, as you read this, molecules of oxygen and nitrogen
traveling at supersonic speed are bombarding you from all directions. The reason
that you are unaware of this is that the molecules (which along with those others
gases, make up the air) are on the small side. You could get about 400 million
million of them into an empty matchbox. In fact, it would be truer to say that you
could get these millions of molecules out of the matchbox, because the molecules
of gases are so hyperactive that they will fill any space open to them. Like fiveyear-olds, they dash about in all directions. With unflagging energy, crashing into

any obstacle they meet. In liquids, the molecules are less energetic and go
haphazardly about ion small groups, rather like drunken dancers prone to colliding
with the walls of the dance hall. The molecules in solids are the least energetic;
they just huddle together like a flock of sheep shuffling around in a field.
However invisible molecules might be, their existence does explain the properties
and behavior of materials that are put to use in machines. In a solid, the
molecular bonds are strong and hold the molecules firmly together so that the
solid is hard and rigid. The weaker bonds between liquid molecules pull them
together to give the liquid a set volume, but the bonds are sufficiently weak to
allow the liquid to flow. The bonds between gas molecules are weaker still. They
enable the molecules to move apart so the gas expands and fills any space. In all
materials, the molecules urge to stick together or spread apart is put to use in
machines and devices as different as the rocket, the toilet tank and the aqualung.
David Macaulay, The way Things Work Houghton Mifflin Co 1988
1 of 5
In the context of this article, the word conjured as used in paragraph one means?
A.) swept
B.) intertwined
C.) imagined
D.) conferred.
answer: imagined
The way Things Work
Based on this article, we can assume that the author
A.) does not appreciate vocabulary and illustrations.

B.) uses analogies that are confusing.
C.) believes the study of elements is no longer relevant.
D.) is knowledgeable about history and science.
answer: is knowledgeable about history and science.
The way Things Work
An appropriate title for this selection would be?
A.) Gold in the Elements.
B.) The Useless Molecule.
C.) The Makeup of Everything.
D.) How the Greeks Failed.
answer: The Makeup of Everything.
The way Things Work
From this article we can infer that?
A.) the world is not governed by particles or atoms, but is chaotic.
B.) the ancient Greeks’ concept of four elements was the basis of modern science.
C.) modern science does not depend on molecular knowledge.
D.) many machines depend on the properties of molecules.
answer: many machines depend on the properties of molecules.
The way Things Work
When liquid water is changed to ice, the particles are?
A.) banded further apart.
B.) more energetic.

PAX Vocabulary NLN
(test bank) answered
to say that William Shakespear typed his plays is an
A.) affinity
B.) antithesis
C.) anachronism
D.) atrophy
ANSWER ~: anachronism
The inscription was the work of a vandal. A vandal is someone who
A.) foretells.

B.) mobilizes.
C.) misleads.
D.) defaces.
ANSWER ~: defaces
The researcher was studying celestial navigation. Celestial means
A.) oceanic
B.) subterranean
C.) heavenly
D.) coastal.
ANSWER ~: heavenly
The water permeated the sand in the potted plant. Permeated means
A.) dissolved.
B.) penetrated.
C.) washed away.
D.) packed down.

ANSWER ~: penetrated
The suspect was apprehended by the crowd. The suspect was
A.) seized.
B.) engulfed.
C.) pursued.
D.) attacked.
ANSWER ~: seized
Those who will not be present must vote by
A.) rote.
B.) intonation.
C.) orientation.
D.) proxy.
ANSWER ~: proxy
The police officer had no qualms about taking on the difficult patrol. Qualm

A.) forethought.
B.) conscience.
C.) delicacy.
D.) apprehension.
ANSWER ~: apprehension.
The writer gained fame by plagiarizing the content of his novel. Plagiarize means
A.) steal.
B.) slander.
C.) misquote.
D.) prevaricate.
ANSWER ~: steal
The revolutionary government made overtures to the opposition. Overture means
A.) proposal.

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