EMT FISDAP EXAMS Bundled Together with complete solutions Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)(Full Solution


  1. 36/yo female complains of fever, lower abdomen pain that moves to lower back when she walks. BP
    144, p98, R 16. You should suspect?(ANSWER) Pelvic inflam- matory disease
  2. Are administering oral glucose to a known diabetic. What should you be most concerned about?
    (ANSWER) The smell of acetone on breath
  3. 45 year old is 34 weeks pregnant.she complains of a severe headache, sensitivity to light, and
    swollen feet. Vitals signs are BP 130/88, P104, R 24 what should you suspect?(ANSWER) Preeclampsia
  4. A 10 month old is choking, what should you do?(ANSWER) Back blows
  5. First step with a sexually assaulted patient?(ANSWER) Reassure patient
  6. 2 year old has been vomiting for 12 hours and has decreased oral intake. She does not track your
    movements. What type of shock should you sus- pect? P150 R 24. Cool skin w/ mottling.(ANSWER)
  7. 50 year old female states she has “the worst headache of her life”. The onest was 20 minutes ago and
    it was abrupt. Vitals BP 180/90 P56 and R 20. You should suspect?(ANSWER) Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  8. 32 y/o female. 18 weeks pregnant. Lower ab pain w/vaginal bleeding. You should suspect?
    (ANSWER) Spontaneous abortion
  9. 70 y/o with SOB “I woke up and felt like i was drowning”. He has been recently sleeping with
    extra pillows under his head. Bp 160/80 P 98 and irregular. R 24. Spo2 86%.(ANSWER) Left heart
  10. Request additional resources for which victim? (couldnt find all the options(ANSWER) Foot
    wedged in pedal
  11. 56 yo M with severe pain after eating greasy food(ANSWER) Cholecystitis
  12. Newborn is apneic immediately after delivery(ANSWER) Stimulate bab
  13. 3 yo F sitting on dads lap, drooling and won’t eat or drink(ANSWER) Epiglottis
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  14. of chest pain that is unrelieved after 3 NTG’s. Troubled breathing speaking in 2-3 word sentences. Youshould?(ANSWER) Provide 02
  15. What is a system of external/internal reviews called?(ANSWER) Quality improvement
  16. EMS displays a “Free BP Check” sign on the window. This is a sign of?(ANSWER) Community
  17. Which the following will only occur in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?(ANSWER) –
    Ectopic pregnancy
  18. 36 yo M complains of nausea, vomiting and ab pain. Homeless and admits to chronic alcohol use. VS
    Bp 92/54 P122 R8. You suspect?(ANSWER) Pancreatitis
  19. 62 yo M with history of COPD ran out of Home O2. SOB and dry lung nonproductive cough,
    clear lung sounds. You suspect?(ANSWER) Emphysema
  20. 28 yo F has severe pain after slipping in the shower. 31 wks pregnant has bright red vaginal
    bleeding. Suspect?(ANSWER) Abruption placenta
  21. Previous ambulance crew failed to clean backboard properly. Dried blood under the edges.
    (ANSWER) Wash board with disinfectant
  22. 24 yo F complains of right lower ab pain that radiates to the back with slight vaginal bleeding.
    Last period was 2 weeks prior. Suspect?(ANSWER) Ruptured ovarian cyst
  23. When lifting a stretcher into the ambulance using power grip, you should?(ANSWER)
    Position hands 10 apart
  24. Complications with precipitous delivery(ANSWER) Perineum tearing
  25. 54 yo F tells you she drank bleach to kill herself. You should?(ANSWER) Contact poison control
  26. 19 yr F is posticial following 10 mins seizures has snoring respirations. You should?(ANSWER)
    Insert OPA
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EMT readiness exam Final Exam
2022/2023 (Latest Update)
36/yo female complains of fever, lower abdomen pain that moves to lower back when she walks. BP
144, p98, R 16. You should suspect? -answer-Pelvic inflammatory disease
Are administering oral glucose to a known diabetic. What should you be most concerned about? –
answer-The smell of acetone on breath
45 year old is 34 weeks pregnant.she complains of a severe headache, sensitivity to light, and swollen
feet. Vitals signs are BP 130/88, P104, R 24 what should you suspect? -answer-Preeclampsia
A 10 month old is choking, what should you do? -answer-Back blows
First step with a sexually assaulted patient? -answer-Reassure patient
2 year old has been vomiting for 12 hours and has decreased oral intake. She does not track your
movements. What type of shock should you suspect? P150 R 24. Cool skin w/ mottling. -answerHypovolemic
50 year old female states she has “the worst headache of her life”. The onest was 20 minutes ago and it
was abrupt. Vitals BP 180/90 P56 and R 20. You should suspect? -answer-Subarachnoid hemorrhage
32 y/o female. 18 weeks pregnant. Lower ab pain w/vaginal bleeding. You should suspect? -answerSpontaneous abortion
70 y/o with SOB “I woke up and felt like i was drowning”. He has been recently sleeping with extra
pillows under his head. Bp 160/80 P 98 and irregular. R 24. Spo2 86%. -answer-Left heart failure
Request additional resources for which victim? (couldnt find all the options -answer-Foot wedged in
56 yo M with severe pain after eating greasy food -answer-Cholecystitis
Newborn is apneic immediately after delivery -answer-Stimulate baby
3 yo F sitting on dads lap, drooling and won’t eat or drink -answer-Epiglottis
56 yo F complains of chest pain that is unrelieved after 3 NTG’s. Troubled breathing speaking in 2-3 word
sentences. You should? -answer-Provide 02
What is a system of external/internal reviews called? -answer-Quality improvement
EMS displays a “Free BP Check” sign on the window. This is a sign of? -answer-Community relations

Which the following will only occur in the 1st trimester of pregnancy? -answer-Ectopic pregnancy
36 yo M complains of nausea, vomiting and ab pain. Homeless and admits to chronic alcohol use. VS Bp
92/54 P122 R8. You suspect? -answer-Pancreatitis
62 yo M with history of COPD ran out of Home O2. SOB and dry lung nonproductive cough, clear lung
sounds. You suspect? -answer-Emphysema
28 yo F has severe pain after slipping in the shower. 31 wks pregnant has bright red vaginal bleeding.
Suspect? -answer-Abruption placenta
Previous ambulance crew failed to clean backboard properly. Dried blood under the edges. -answerWash board with disinfectant
24 yo F complains of right lower ab pain that radiates to the back with slight vaginal bleeding. Last
period was 2 weeks prior. Suspect? -answer-Ruptured ovarian cyst
When lifting a stretcher into the ambulance using power grip, you should? -answer-Position hands 10
Complications with precipitous delivery -answer-Perineum tearing
54 yo F tells you she drank bleach to kill herself. You should? -answer-Contact poison control
19 yr F is posticial following 10 mins seizures has snoring respirations. You should? -answer-Insert OPA
You have been asked to audit prehospital care reports. Which requires review? -answer-pt sitting on
supine with chest pain on a stretcher right
82 yo F mumbling and throwing clothes, nurse says she’s diabetic. You should? -answer-Give oral
Unresponsive 3yo lying supine in a ditch. VS 60/40 P60 R8. you should? -answer-Assist ventilations
Leading cause of bradycardia in pediatrics -answer-Hypoxia
Delivery of newborn has central cyanosis covered in thick greenish fluid. You should? -answer-Inspect
46 yo F. fever & lower ab pain that moves to lower back when she walks. Abnormal vaginal discharge for
2 days. VS 144/88 P98 R16. you should suspect? -answer-Pelvic inflammatory disease
12 yo M bleeding uncontrollably from deep laceration to palm. He is a hemophiliac -answer-Hemostatic
Which body is responsible for protection, temp, excretion? -answer-Integumentary


  1. The collective set of regulations and ethical considerations governing the EMT is called:
    a. duty to act
    b. scope of practice
    c. advanced directives
    d. good samaritan laws – ANS B
  2. Legislation that governs the skills and medical interventions that may be performed by
    the EMT is:
    a. standardized (uniform) throughout the country
    b. different from state to state
    c. standardized for regions within a state
    d. governed by the US Department of Transportation – ANS B
  3. When the EMT makes the physical/emotional needs of the patient a priority, this is
    considered a(n)_ of the EMT.
    a. advanced directive
    b. protocol
    c. ethical responsibility
    d. legal responsibility – ANS C
  4. Which one of the following is NOT a type of consent required for any treatment or action
    by an EMT?
    a. child and mentally incompetent adult
    b. implied
    c. applied
    d. expressed – ANS C
  5. When you informed the adult patient of the procedures were about to perform and its
    associated risks, you are asking for his or her:
    a. expressed consent
    b. negligence
    c. implied
    d. applied – ANS A
  6. You are treating a patient that was found unconscious at the bottom of the stairwell.
    Consent that is based on the assumption that an unconscious patient would approve the
    EMT’s life-saving interventions is called:
    a. expressed
    b. negligence
    c. implied
    d. applied – ANS C
  7. Your record of a patient’s refusal of medical care (aid) or trANSport should include all of
    the following EXCEPT:
    a. informing the patient of the risks and consequences of refusal
    b. documenting the steps you took
    c. signing of the form by the medical director
    d. obtaining a release form with the patient’s witnessed signature – ANS C
  8. Forcing a competent adult patient to go to the hospital agains his or her will may result in
    _ charges against the EMT.
    a. abandonment
    b. assault and battery
    c. implied consent
    d. negligence – ANS B
  9. Which of the following is an action you should not take if a patient refuses care?
    a. leave phone stickers with emergency numbers
    b. recommend that a relative call the family physician to report the incident
    c. tell the patient to call his or her family physician if the problem reoccurs
    d. call a relative or neighbor who can stay with the patient – ANS C. In all cases of
    refusal you should advise patients to call EMS back at any time if there is a
    problem or they wish to be trANSported.
  10. Another name for a DNR order is:
    a. deviated nervous response
    b. duty not to react
    c. refusal of treatment
    d. advanced directive – ANS D
  11. There are varying degrees of DNR orders, expressed through a variety of detailed
    instructions that may be part of the order such as:
    a. allowing CPR only if cardiac or respiratory arrest was observed
    b. allowing comfort-care measures such as intravenous feeding
    c. disallowing the use of long-term life-support measures
    d. specify that only five minutes of artificial respiration will be attempted – ANS A.
    The other options are part of a living will and not a DNR order. DNR orders
    generally do not specify procedures that are improper such as specifying that only
    five minutes of artificial respiration will be attempted.
  12. In a hospital, long-term life support and comfort care measures would consist of
    intravenous feeding and:
    a. routine inoculations
    b. the use of a respirator
    c. infection control by the healthcare providers
    d. hourly patient documentation – ANS B. Once a patient is considered terminal,
    routine inoculations will not be needed. Infection control by the healthcare

providers is a given. Documentation needs to be the same as it would be had the
patient not had an advance directive.

  1. If an EMT with a duty to act fails to provide the standard of care, and if this failure
    causes harm or injury to the patient, the EMT may be accused of:
    a. res ipsa loquitur
    b. negligence
    c. abandonment
    d. assault – ANS B
  2. Leaving a patient on the hallway stretcher in a busy ED and leaving without giving report
    with a healthcare professional is an example of:
    a. liability infraction
    b. battery
    c. abandonment
    d. breach of duty – ANS C
  3. The EMT should not discuss information about the patient except to relate pertinent
    information to the physician at the ED. Information considered confidential includes:
    a. patient history gained through the interview
    b. assessment findings
    c. treatment rendered
    d. all of the above – ANS D
  4. The EMT can release confidential patient information in all of the following
    circumstances EXCEPT to:
    a. inform other health care professionals who need to know information to continue
    b. report incidents required by state law, such as rape or abuse
    c. comply with the legal subpoena
    d. protect the other victims of a motor vehicle collision – ANS D
  5. A medical identification device that indicates serious patient medical conditions,
    allergies, and/or medications they are currently prescribed comes in the form of each of
    the following except:
    a. bracelets
    b. necklaces
    c. cards
    d. patches – ANS D
  6. You responded to a high-speed collision involving a motorcycle and automobile. The 22-
    year-old male cyclist has a severe head injury and is not likely to live through the
    evening. When treating this critical patient, who happens to have an organ donor card, the
    EMT should:
    a. transport without delay and document a DNR


  1. A 4-Year-old female tracheostomy pt has pulled out her tracheostomy tube. The opening is partially
    obstructed with skin. You should
    A. Use a soft tip catheter and suction until clear
    B. Insert a nasal airway into stoma
    C. Wipe the area clean and perform mouth to stoma ventilation
    D. Cut the skin away from the stoma(ANSWER) Use a soft tip catheter and suction until clear
  2. To protect yourself from injury when lifting a stretcher you should
    A. keep the weight as close to your body as possible
    B. use two additional ppl for the lift
    C. lean forward toward the stretcher(ANSWER) keep the weight as close to your body as possible
  3. An unresponsive 10 year old male was hit by a car and is bleeding heavily from an open leg fracture.
    After securing his airway and manually stabilizing c-spine, you should
    A. place the patient in Tredelenburg position
    B. perform a rapid trauma assessment
    C. control bleeding from the leg wound
    D. immobilize the extremity using a ladder splint(ANSWER) control bleeding from the leg wound *
  4. The strongest portion of the heart that is responsible for circulating blood to the entire body is the
    A. Left atrium
    B. Right atrium
    C. Left ventricle
    D. Right ventricle(ANSWER) Left ventricle
  5. A 46 y/o female was involved in a bar fight and has an obvious open neck wound. You should dress
    this wound with a/ an
    A. Occlusive dressing
    B. Sterile gauze dressing
    C. Pressure dressing
    D. Moist gauze dressing(ANSWER) Occlusive dressing *
  6. When assessing a pulse, you are feeling the(ANSWER)
    A. relaxation of the atria
    B. contraction of the left ventricle
    C. contraction of the left atrium
    D. relaxation of both ventricles(ANSWER) contraction of the left ventricle*
  7. A 60 y/o female has chest pain. She has not taken her prescribed nitro you should
    A. Determine what type of cardiac problem the pt has, and assist her with taking the nitro
    B. Immediately attached the AED and begin transport to hospital
    C. Administer aspirin only and withhold the nitro
    D. Consult medical direction with regard to assisting the pt in taking the nitro(ANSWER) Determine what
    type of cardiac problem the pt has, and assist her with taking the nitro
  8. Which of the following is the best definition of hypoperfusion?
    A. Less blood reaching capillary beds
    B. Inadequate oxygen delivery to cells
    C. Lowered heart rate and BP
    D. Blood vessel dilation causing distal pooling(ANSWER) Inadequate oxygen delivery to cells
  9. You are ventilating an apneic asthmatic patient with a BVM, but notice there is inadequate chest
    rise. What should you do?
    A. reassess the airway for an obstruction
    B. increase the ventilation pressure
    C. switch to an O2 powered ventilation device
    D. increase the rate of the ventilations(ANSWER) reassess the airway for an obstruction *
  10. For which of the following patients would an OPA be most appropriate?
    A. A 19 y/o with a mandible fracture who is only responsive to pain
    B. Unresponsive 25 y/o with a suspected spinal injury
    C. Unresponsive five-year-old with a suspected airway obstruction
    D. Semiconscious 76 y.o old who is gasping for air(ANSWER) Unresponsive 25 y/o with a suspected spinal
  11. Your patient is pale, diaphoretic, and complains of chest pressure. Her vitals are R 18 P 58, and
    BP 88/50. You should suspect
    A. Unstable angina
    B. A thoracic aneurysm
    C. Cardiogenic shock
    D. Pulmonary embolism(ANSWER) Cardiogenic shock
  12. A 66 y/o male is confused. He has a history of substance abuse and falls. His breath smells of
    alcoholic beverage. He is alert and refusing service. You should
    A. Obtain consent from his family and transport
    B. Document his refusal and recommend that he see his doctor

C. Speak calmly to him and convince him to accept transport
D. Have the police transport the pt to detox unit(ANSWER) Speak calmly to him and convince him to
accept transport

  1. Your 12 yr old patient has a penetrating wound to the abdomen. You may provide care based on
    A. informed consent
    B. expressed consent
    C. implied consent(ANSWER) implied consent
  2. A victim of smoke inhalation has developed difficulty breathing. He does not like the smell of the
    mask you are using to deliver O2. You should
    A. Switch to a NC set to deliver O2 @ 6 LPM
    B. Restrain the pt and continue administering O2 via NRB
    C. Explain that the mask is very important and continue its use
    D. Administer blow-by O2 via Simple mask(ANSWER) Explain that the mask is very important and
    continue its use
  3. A 23 y/o construction worker twisted his foot climbing up a ladder. He has an obvious deformity on
    the right leg just below the knee. The lower leg and foot are cyanotic and pulseless. You should
    A. Apply an air splint and transport
    B. Apply spinal immobilization and elevate the leg
    C. Pull gentle traction and apply a splint
    D. Apply a traction splint and transport(ANSWER) Pull gentle traction and apply a splint
  4. Which of the following is TRUE about the insertion of an OPA?
    A. the OPA is always rotated 360 degrees as it is inserted
    B. if properly inserted, the OPA will keep the tongue out of the way
    C. the OPA should be inserted until the flange rests below the patient’s teeth(ANSWER) the OPA should
    be inserted until the flange rests below the patient’s teeth*
  5. While ventilating a near drowning pt, you suddenly feel increased resis- tance in the airway. You
    A. Perform abdominal thrust
    B. Place pt in lateral recovery position
    C. Attempt to reposition the head
    D. Apply firm pressure to the abdomen(ANSWER) Attempt to reposition the head
  6. A 28 y/o female who is 12 weeks pregnant has twisted her left knee while walking. She states the
    pain is 10/10 in severity. You should
    A. Apply a traction splint and immobilize with a long spine board
    B. Transport on her left side and hold manual stabilization until she gets the

C. Splint with the stretcher and straps and transport her on her left side
D. Splint using board splints and cravats and transport sitting(ANSWER) Splint using board splints and
cravats and transport sitting

  1. A 20 yr old female complains of severe abdominal pain. She is in the fetal position. After your
    primary assessment, you should
    A. transport immediately to hospital
    B. palpate all 4 quadrants of abdomen
    C. obtain baseline vital signs(ANSWER) obtain baseline vital signs*
  2. An intoxicated 33 y/o female was fighting with police. You note some minor scrapes on the pt’s leg
    and face. The pt is being verbally abusive to you. The police want your approval to take the pt to jail.
    You should
    A. Ask the officer to transport her to the hospital in a squad car for safety
    B. Request that the officers arrest the patient prior to transport
    C. If vital signs are within normal limits, release the pt to the police
    D. Restrain and transport the pt with police escort(ANSWER) Restrain and transport the pt with police
  3. First responder has delivered a baby. The infant is blue and lethargic; the pulse is 90 you should
    A. Transport after placenta is delivered
    B. Dry, stimulate and apply oxygen
    C. Transport and administer CPR enroute
    D. Transport to closest hospital(ANSWER) Dry, stimulate and apply oxygen
  4. A patient has been kicked in the chest. One section of ribs is moving separately during
    respirations. You should
    A. Transport emergently
    B. Listen for lung sounds
    C. Initiate PPV
    D. Place a sandbag on the injury(ANSWER) Initiate PPV
  5. A 56 y/o male is complaining of severe CP. He took Viagra two hours ago and has been physically
    active. You should
    A. Assist the pt in taking his nitro and apply O2
    B. Administer O2 and request an ALS intercept
    C. Monitor vitals, if BP is above 100 systolic, administer nitro and apply oxygen
    D. Assure an open airway and continue gathering history(ANSWER) Assure an open airway and
    continue gathering history

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