4 NC BLET State Exam with 100% Correct Answers (2023-2024)

4 NC BLET State Exam with 100% Correct Answers (2023-2024)

NC BLET StateExam with100% CorrectAnswers(2023/2024)NC BLET State Exam
Ethics – Correct Answer-the discipline of determining good and evil and defining moral dutiesMorals – Correct Answer-the principles of right and wrongCrime Fighter (Crime Control Model) – Correct Answer-repression of criminal conduct is the most important function; failure of LE means the breakdown of order; criminal process is the positive guarantor of social freedom; efficiency is a top priority; emphasis is on speed and finality; a conveyor belt is the model for the system; there is a presumption of guiltPublic Servant (Due Process Model) – Correct Answer-there is a possibility of error; finality is not a priority; there is insistence on prevention and elimination of mistakes; efficiency is rejected if it involves shortcuts; protection of process is important as protection as innocents; the coercive power of the state is always subject to abuseCommon drivers of unethical behavior – Correct Answer-Noble Cause Corruption”The Blue Curtain”/Code of SilenceSlippery Slope/”Mama Rosa’s test”6 major groups of unethical behavior in LE – Correct Answer-1. Graft, bribery, and classic corruption2. Process corruption3. Brutality and excessive force4. on-duty unprofessional conduct5. Workplace deviance6. off-duty unprofessional conduct3 sources of law – Correct Answer-1. Constitutional law2. Statutory law3. Common lawCriminal and civil consequences of violating someone’s constitutional rights – Correct Answer-criminal prosecution, civil liability, departmental sanctions, evidence excludedTerritorial jurisdiction of State officers – Correct Answer-anywhere in the stateTerritorial jurisdiction of County officers – Correct Answer-in the county; any property owned by the county (even if it is outside the county); as well as any waterways adjacent/surrounding the countyTerritorial jurisdiction of municipal/city police – Correct Answer-city limits + 1 mile (even if it crosses city or state lines); any property owned by the city outside the city limits
Territorial jurisdiction of campus police – Correct Answer-on campus; any roadway adjacent to campus; IF the city and campus make an agreement, then campus PO can have jurisdiction outside of campusTerritorial jurisdiction of company police – Correct Answer-property owned by the company plus any location that they are contracted to work inWhat makes LE different than any other public business? – Correct Answer-Public TrustCan you accept gifts and favors? – Correct Answer-NOWho are you in control of for professional purposes? – Correct Answer-Yourself, my ownstandard of professionalismDo your personal feelings get involved with decisions? – Correct Answer-NO, do the right thing, the right wayWhich source of law deals with governmental habits and customs? – Correct Answer-Constitutional LawWho can issue a warrant? – Correct Answer-A Judicial OfficialWhere is a warrant valid? – Correct Answer-Anywhere in the stateDoes a defendant need to be named or sufficiently described? – Correct Answer-Sufficiently describedWho is a warrant addressing? – Correct Answer-The officerWho is a criminal summons addressing? – Correct Answer-The defendant – advising them to come to courtWhat are warrantless arrests? – Correct Answer-i.e. shoplifting, concealment of merchandise, price tag substitution, domestic criminal trespass, driving while impaired, DWI commercial vehicleWhat are the qualifications for a warrantless arrest? – Correct Answer-Felony; misdemeanors observed in the officer’s presence; domestic violence assaultDefinition of a bond – Correct Answer-An agreement between court and defendant that the defendant will come to courtWhat does a magistrate’s order do? – Correct Answer-Documents a warrantless arrestReal Property – Correct Answer-The ground and anything affixed to it
Personal Property – Correct Answer-Anything that is mobile and not affixed to the groundAbandonment – Correct Answer-Affirmative denial of ownership; person has given up allpossessory rightsTwo general rules for misdemeanors outside an officer’s presence – Correct Answer-The suspect would get away if not immediately apprehended; the suspect would cause personal injury or property damageWhat is the Exclusionary Rule? – Correct Answer-If you obtain evidence improperly, the evidence will be thrown out in courtWhat is the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine? – Correct Answer-Anything you gain after improperly obtaining evidence, any information, or evidence you obtain is inadmissible in courtWhat are the consequences of violating a person’s constitutional rights? – Correct Answer-Criminal, civil, lose evidence in court, departmental sanctionsTrue or false: Any citizen who sees an offense has a duty to detain someone and present them to a magistrate. – Correct Answer-FalseHow long is the warrant valid? – Correct Answer-Until it is servedDefinition of an arrest – Correct Answer-Seizure of a person for the purpose of initiating a criminal processTrue or false: Force is unreasonable if it is based on probable cause. – Correct Answer-FalseWhat will the court consider in Miranda Rights cases? – Correct Answer-i.e. a person’s experience with LE; the officer’s conduct before and after the interview; environment thequestioning took place inCan a home owner give consent to search an overnight, one time guest? – Correct Answer-NOWho has to apply for a non-testimonial identity warrant? – Correct Answer-District AttorneyTrue or false: A search warrant that is signed by a Clerk of Superior Court is good anywhere in the state. – Correct Answer-FalseMiranda warnings fulfill which clause of the 5th amendment? – Correct Answer-Self-incrimination
Which article is the Supremacy Clause? – Correct Answer-Article 6What are the primary risk factors for heart disease? – Correct Answer-i.e. smoking; high cholesterolWhat are the secondary risk factors for heart disease? – Correct Answer-i.e. family factors; obesity; diabetesWhat is carbon monoxide of the mind? – Correct Answer-StressWhat medical effects do officers experience throughout their careers? – Correct Answer-i.e. stomach ulcers; heart disease; back disordersWhat are the 3 major nutrients? – Correct Answer-Fats, proteins, carbohydratesWhat is aerobic exercise? – Correct Answer-Using oxygen, burns fat as energy, has to be rhythmic in natureWhat is anaerobic exercise? – Correct Answer-Uses carbohydrates as energy, uses no oxygenWhat is RICE? – Correct Answer-Rest, Ice, Compression, ElevationWhat is the best time to stretch? – Correct Answer-At the end of the workoutWhat is the FIT principal? – Correct Answer-Frequency, Intensity, TimeWhat does ‘being physically fit’ mean? – Correct Answer-The ability to carry out daily tasks without undue fatigue and with ample energy to engage in leisure time pursuits and encounter emergency situationsBasketball is what type of exercise? – Correct Answer-AnaerobicWhat is flexibility? – Correct Answer-Range of motion in which the limbs can moveHow long is a warm up? – Correct Answer-5-10 minutesWhy do we need a cool down? – Correct Answer-To make sure the blood doesn’t pool and cause issuesWhat is an example of an open body position that will aid in communications? – Correct Answer-Leaning slightly forwardWhen officers are communicating verbally they should…? – Correct Answer-Very their pitch and emphasis on different words
What is an appropriate speech pattern? – Correct Answer-Always saying sir or ma’amWhen doing verbal commands..? – Correct Answer-Loud voice, authoritative, direct <- all of the aboveWhat supports the voice? – Correct Answer-BreathingOfficers can project strong nonverbal communications by – Correct Answer-Making direct eye contactIf you confront an unknown individual, you should be in what zone? – Correct Answer-Social zoneHow far is the social zone? – Correct Answer-4-12 feetIf someone is standing with their arms crossed, what is that a sign of? – Correct Answer-IndifferenceWhat are some examples of hostile, nonverbal communication ques? – Correct Answer-Smile with dead eyes, ignore presence, clenching jawsWhat is a hostile nonverbal cue that may show potential situational escalation? – CorrectAnswer-Ignoring the officerHow do you handle an escalating situation? – Correct Answer-Calm even mannered presenceWhat does SPEAR stand for? – Correct Answer-Stance, Posture, Eye contact, Attendingbehavior, RelaxShould you resist distractions? – Correct Answer-YESShould you ask questions? – Correct Answer-YESShould you listen more than you speak? – Correct Answer-YESIf you want to enhance your active listening skills, you should? – Correct Answer-Listen with empathyHow should your stance be? – Correct Answer-Bladed stance, weapon side turned awayfrom the person in contact withWill being preoccupied hinder your ability to listen? – Correct Answer-YES What are some key principles that help an officer deal with cultural background? – Correct Answer-Patience, show respectWhat is one of the most important points to remember? – Correct Answer-Have the ability to adaptWhen dealing with individuals from different cultures, the officer should – Correct Answer-Be aware they have a fear or distrust towards youIn dealing effectively with people from different cultures, the officer should know the following – Correct Answer-Respect the father of the Latino household in order to attempt to get closer to subjects in the homeIn many cultures, saving face is vital importance. Which of the following would be important to remember? – Correct Answer-If possible, interview the person in privateThe interpretation of signs or specific actions when relating to cultural differences is called what? – Correct Answer-Cross Cultural ReadingWhat is the least used tool that officers never use? – Correct Answer-Active Listening SkillsDoes it mean the individual is making direct eye contact if they are looking through you?- Correct Answer-NOLazy and stupid are demeaning words, should you use them? – Correct Answer-NO_____ accounts for 90% of communication between people – Correct Answer-NonverbalcuesTrue or false: Modern communication equipment is the backbone of today’s LE – CorrectAnswer-TrueProvide good customer service, increased customer service equals? – Correct Answer-Decreased customer complaintsYou have to be flexible in communication skills – Correct Answer-Empathetic, never sympatheticWhat does it mean to use persistent repetition to break through someone’s hysterical threshold – Correct Answer-Using the same words repeatedlyTrue or false: You should be sure to familiarize yourself with all of your equipment. – Correct Answer-True True or false: At the beginning of shift, check all equipment to make sure that they properly work. – Correct Answer-TrueTrue or false: Make sure if you are in proximity of other radios, that you turn the radio down – Correct Answer-TrueWhen should you report equipment malfunctions – Correct Answer-ImmediatelyHow should you talk into the microphone? – Correct Answer-Talk across the microphoneHow far away should you hold the microphone? – Correct Answer-1-2 inches from your mouthWhat should you do if you are around a lot of background noise? – Correct Answer-Holdthe microphone next to your larynx and speak normallyWhat angle should you hold the microphone? – Correct Answer-Hold at 30-45 degree angle and talk across itWhat are the ABCs of communication – Correct Answer-Accuracy, Brevity, and ClarityWhat is the phonetic alphabet? – Correct Answer-It is used to clarify words on the radio, be familiar with both the international one and the police oneTrue or false: 10 codes are the most efficient method of communicating. – Correct Answer-TrueWhat should you do in multi-jurisdictional situation? – Correct Answer-Use plain speech3 parts of a BOLO – Correct Answer-Preamble, Text, AuthoritySuspect standard format – Correct Answer-Physical description (head to toe), inside to out, weapons lastCYMBAL – Correct Answer-Color, Year, Make/model, Body style, All other information, License plateTrue or false: When stopping a vehicle, always transmit to communications exact location and reason for stop – Correct Answer-TrueNCIC is ran by who – Correct Answer-FBIDCIN translates to – Correct Answer-State filesTrue or false: Guns must have serial numbers when putting them into NCIC – Correct Answer-True True or false: When doing a person inquiry through NCIC, it will automatically search all of the NCIC ‘Hot Files’ – Correct Answer-TrueTrue or false: Hold all evidence that is recovered until the disposition of the case – Correct Answer-TrueTrue or false: A confirmed hit on NCIC is PC to arrest – Correct Answer-TrueIs NCIC a good reflection of someone’s criminal past? – Correct Answer-No – the only way to put criminal history in NCIC is through a finger print cardWhat is a true criminal history in NC – Correct Answer-AOCWhat is NLETS used for – Correct Answer-Interstate communicationWhat is NCAWARE – Correct Answer-Warrant repositoryCJLEADS – Correct Answer-Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Automated DataWhat is a process that you do not have authority to use force to serve? – Correct Answer-Writ of possession for personal property (CAN use force for summary ejectmentand writ of possession for real property)How many days do you have to serve a writ of possession for real property/ejectment? -Correct Answer-7How many days do you have to serve an ejectment? – Correct Answer-within 5 days attempt to telephoneHow long does a domestic violence protection order ex parte last? – Correct Answer-10 daysLevy – Correct Answer-The seizure of property under a court orderHow many times do you check on an inmate that is under the influence of alcohol and drugs? – Correct Answer-4 times an hourCharacteristics of arterial bleeding – Correct Answer-Bright red blood, spurtingSomeone has a crushed chest and needs CPR – Correct Answer-Stabilize and CPRDiabetic emergency – Correct Answer-Give sugar by mouthRapid heartbeat + shallow breathing – Correct Answer-Shock 1 or 2 person adult CPR – Correct Answer-30:2Infant 1 or 2 people – Correct Answer-30: 2 for 1 person15:2 for 2 peopleWhich is NOT true when withdrawing from a mob that is too big? – Correct Answer-Withdraw as quickly as possiblePsychological crowds – Correct Answer-Sightseer and agitatedCasual crowd – Correct Answer-Assembled for a purpose, NOT dependent on one anotherNLETS is used by what countries – Correct Answer-US + CanadaNCAWARE is developed by who – Correct Answer-Administrative Office of the Court (AOC)What do they use the National Instant Check System for – Correct Answer-To check if you are allowed to purchase a firearmHow many hours to serve IVC papers – Correct Answer-24 hoursWhat is NOT a major risk factor to coronary heart disease? – Correct Answer-Heavy alcohol consumptionWhat does the body burn first? – Correct Answer-CarbohydratesEthics is the study of what? – Correct Answer-MoralsMorals is the study of what? – Correct Answer-Right and wrongIn what states can you pursue and arrest of someone suspected of a felony committed in NC – Correct Answer-VA, SC, TNNontestimonial identification order is issued by who? – Correct Answer-Judge, but you go to a DA for itWhat is required for an arrest warrant? – Correct Answer-Name/descriptionStatement of offenseSignature of judicial officialNOT addressTrue or false: Any misdemeanor can be charged on a citation. – Correct Answer-TrueInvestigatory stops are limited to _ minutes – Correct Answer-20 minutes What types of evidence are NOT collected based on a nontestimonial identification order? – Correct Answer-BloodYou CAN take pictures, fingerprint, DNA sampleHow many days do you have to return an arrest warrant to clerk – Correct Answer-180 daysNontestimonial Identification order MAY be sufficient to get from a juvenile? – Correct Answer-BloodA person can purchase any amount of beer as long as it’s in a – Correct Answer-KegWhere can you consume fortified wine? – Correct Answer-At your own home, or temporary residenceIf you aid and abet in an alcohol offense, it is a misdemeanor or felony? – Correct Answer-MisdemeanorWho issues ABC permits? – Correct Answer-ABC boards18B-401A is the general statute for what? – Correct Answer-Open container in a vehicle16% or less alcohol is what? – Correct Answer-Fortified wineMalt beverage is what alcohol content? – Correct Answer-0.5 – 1.5%True or false: It is NOT illegal to drink in a for hire vehicle if you are a passenger. – Correct Answer-TrueTrue or false: Reference a restaurant or bar, a person is not legally able to drink between the hours of 0700-1430. – Correct Answer-FalseWhat are the Blue Laws – Correct Answer-The laws on Sunday about alcoholWhat is the definition of terrorism? – Correct Answer-The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectivesLeftwing terrorist groups – Correct Answer-Seek to eliminate capitalism, which would involve a major revamping, if not a complete overthrow, of the US governmentRightwing terrorist groups – Correct Answer-Anti-goverment, religious extremist, or racist/hate groups Paper terrorism – Correct Answer-attempt to use the system against itself by filing frivolous civil suits designed to ensnare the courts in its own proceduresTrue or false: It is a felony to file a false lien or encumbrance. – Correct Answer-TrueTrue or false: As with the rest of the nation, the greatest threat to NC comes from a weapon of mass destruction attack. – Correct Answer-TrueThe three nuclear power plants in NC are: – Correct Answer-Brunswick (2 miles North ofSouthport)McGuire (17 miles Northwest of Charlotte)Shearon-Harris (near Raleigh in Southwest Wake County)True or false: NTAS will include information specific to the particular credible threat and will not use a color-coded scale. – Correct Answer-TrueThe stage is LE’s best opportunity to prevent an attack. – Correct Answer-PlanningThree types of aliens: – Correct Answer-1. LARPS – Lawful Admitted Permanent Resident Aliens2. Non-immigrant aliens (NIVs)3. Illegal Entrant Aliens (EWIs)Most common types of falsified national identifications – Correct Answer-US Social security cardsMilitary ID cardAlien registration cardMost common type of falsified State identifications – Correct Answer-Driver’s licenseID cardsWhere is the NC sub-office for US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – Correct Answer-CharlotteWho is responsible for the consular notification after an alien has been detention – Correct Answer-the law enforcement officers who actually make the arrestWhat is the most vulnerable target in NC? – Correct Answer-AgricultureWhat document from the ethics block outlines police duties and responsibilities? – Correct Answer-Canons of EthicsWho can give valid consent to search a private residence? – Correct Answer-The person who is in apparent control of the residenceYou have how many hours to execute a search warrant? – Correct Answer-48 hours If an arrest warrant is not served, they must be returned to the clerk within how many days? – Correct Answer-180 daysWho cannot issue a warrant – Correct Answer-Register of deedsJurisdiction for deputies is where/what? – Correct Answer-Anywhere in the state for any criminal offense committed in their countyWhat is the only situation an officer brings a person straight to jail without seeing a magistrate? – Correct Answer-Public intoxication5 Ws – Correct Answer-Where, what, when, who, weaponsGathering priority information first during a telephone call relates to the following aspects of overload – Correct Answer-call sequencingWhen a juvenile is taken into temporary custody, you can only detain him for…? – Correct Answer-12 hoursAn abuse call has to be investigated within how many hours? – Correct Answer-48 hoursThe arresting agency will forward the final disposition report to which of the following? – Correct Answer-Clerk of courtA report of the disposition of the charges must be made to the SBI within how many days? – Correct Answer-60 daysWhat are the three basic of survival shooting? – Correct Answer-Weapon presented quickly, weapon held the same way for each shot, weapon held still while shot is fired80 liters of beer creates what – Correct Answer-the presumption that you will sell beerYou can have up to how many liters of spirit liquor before you need a permit to transport- Correct Answer-up to 8 litersYou can purchase and transport up to how many liters of unfortified wine without a permit – Correct Answer-50 litersHow many points will cause a person to lose their driver’s license – Correct Answer-12 points in 3 yearsWhen a person is going into shock, their pulse is? – Correct Answer-Rapid and shallow Heat stroke and heat exhaustion exhibit some of the same signs, including – Correct Answer-moist skinWhat should be applied to a burn – Correct Answer-waterWhat is a summary ejectment – Correct Answer-lawsuit brought by a land lord in order to evict a tenantWhere does the plaintiff file a complaint – Correct Answer-Clerk of Superior courtWhat does a court summons name? – Correct Answer-Person being sued and what steps must be taken in response to the complaintWhat are the types of summons? – Correct Answer– Magistrates- Civil summons- Special proceedings summons- Juvenile summons- summons in proceedings to terminate parental rightsWhat is an execution order? – Correct Answer-Order that a defendant must pay the plaintiff__ accounts for 90% of communications between people? – Correct Answer-NonverbalcuesWhat source of law deals with governmental habits and customs? – Correct Answer-ConstitutionalWho is a warrant addressing? – Correct Answer-the officerWho is a criminal summons addressing? – Correct Answer-the defendant to come to courtDoes a defendant need to be named or sufficiently described – Correct Answer-sufficiently describedWhat are the two types of shoplifting? – Correct Answer-Concealment and price tag substitution

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