1 2023-2024 NC BLET Final Exam Review Questions with correct Answers

1 2023-2024 NC BLET Final Exam Review Questions with correct Answers

2023/2024NC BLETFinal ExamReviewQuestionswith
correctAnswersNC BLET Final Exam Review Primary Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease (Physical Fitness) – Answer- 1) Abnormal Blood Cholesterol2) High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)3) Tobacco Smoking4) Sedentary Lifestyle/Physical Inactivity3 Primary Physical Disablers (Physical Fitness) – Answer- 1) Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)2) Lower Back Disorders3) Stomach UlcersThe 3 Major Nutrients (Physical Fitness) – Answer- 1) Carbohydrates2) Fats3) ProteinsHow many Officers die from Heart Disease each year? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- Approximately 2,035 Officers per yearHow much more likely is an Officer to die from Heart Disease than at the hand of a suspect or criminal? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- 21 times more likelyWhat is the third most common cause of line of duty deaths for Officers? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- Chronic Heart Disease (CHD)What is Systolic pressure? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- The pressure associated with the expulsion of blood from the heart (contraction), the upper number.
What is Diastolic Pressure? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- The arterial pressure during the relaxation phase of the heart cycle, the pressure necessary to hold open the arterial walls, the bottom or lower number.What is hypertension? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- Greater or equal to 140/90 mmHg.3 Types of Cholesterol (Physical Fitness) – Answer- HDL – GoodLDL – BadVLDL – UnknownWhat does RICE mean? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- rest, ice, compression, elevationWhat is diabetes? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- The body’s inability of the pancreas to produce or respond properly to the hormone insulin.What Aerobic Exercise and what is its fuel source? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- The primary fuel source for aerobic exercise is fat.5 Common reasons for back pain/injury? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- 1. sedentary to max exertion2. extra weight on duty belt3. placement of equipment on duty belt4. extended periods of sitting and driving5. incorrect lifting posture2 common factors contributing to heat injuries? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- a. heat indexb. dehydration4 common causes of stress for officers? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- a. physicalb. mentalc. emotionald. social4 injury prevention principles (Physical Fitness) – Answer- a. warm upb. workoutc. cool downd. stretchHow many calories does each macro nutrient provide? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- Protein-4 calories/gramCarbohydrates-4 calories/gramFats-9 calories/gramWhat is the primary source of fuel for anaerobic fitness? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- Carbohydrate
What is the FIT mean in relation to a workout? (Physical Fitness) – Answer- -Frequency-to promote and maintain health-Intensity-determined by directly measuring oxygen consumption (heart rate)-Time(Duration)-the length of the session (inversely related to intensity)What does Morals mean? (Ethics) – Answer- Principles of right and wrongWhat does Ethics mean? (Ethics) – Answer- Discipline of determining good and evilWhat is the Crime Fighter Model? (Ethics) – Answer- Crime Control ModelWhat is the Public Servant Model (Ethics) – Answer- Due Process ModelWhat are the 4 stated ethical values for the law enforcement profession? (Ethics) – Answer- 1. The Law Enforcement Oath of Honor2. The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics3. The Law Enforcement Code of Conduct4. Cannons of Police EthicsWhat does Honor mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- Means that ones word is given as a guaranteeWhat does Betray mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- Breaking faith with public trustWhat does Badge mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- Symbol of your officeWhat does Integrity mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- Being the same person in private and public lifeWhat does Character mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- The qualities thatdistinguish an individualWhat does Public Trust mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- Charge of dutyimposed in faith toward those you serveWhat does Courage mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- Having strength towithstand unethical pressure, fear, or dangerWhat does Accountability mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- You are answerable and responsible to your oath of officeWhat does Community mean in the Oath of Honor? (Ethics) – Answer- The jurisdictionand citizens served
What does Discretion mean in the Code of Conduct? (Ethics) – Answer- Considerationof all surrounding circumstances in determining whether and legal action shall be takenWhat is Use of Force in the Code of Conduct? (Ethics) – Answer- An officer will never employ unnecessary force or violence, and will be used with the greatest restraintWhat is Performance duties of an officer in Code of Conduct? (Ethics) – Answer- A police officer shall perform all duties impartially, without favor or affection or ill will and without regard to status, sex, race, religion, political belief, or aspirationWhat is Confidentiality in the Code of Conduct? (Ethics) – Answer- Things of a Confidential nature will be kept secret unless the performance of duty or legal provision requires otherwiseWhat is Integrity in the Code of Conduct? (Ethics) – Answer- A police officer will not engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will an officer condone such acts by other officersWhat is Cooperation with other police officers and agencies in the Code of Conduct? (Ethics) – Answer- Police officers will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justiceWhat is Private Life in the Code of Conduct? (Ethics) – Answer- Police officers will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to their agencies or themselvesWhat is Art 1 in the Cannons of Police Ethics? (Ethics) – Answer- Primary Responsibilities of the job-protection of the people of the United States through upholding their lawsWhat is Art 2 in the Cannons of Police Ethics? (Ethics) – Answer- Limitation of Authority-Know the bounds upon himself in enforcing the law. He or she must recognizethat the American system of government gives no man, groups of men, or institution, absolute powerWhat is Art 4 in the Cannons of Police Ethics? (Ethics) – Answer- Utilization of proper means to gain proper ends-violations of law or disregard for public safety and property on the part of an officer are intrinsically wrongWhat is Art 8 in the Cannons of Police Ethics? (Ethics) – Answer- Conduct in arresting and dealing with law violators-use powers of arrest strictly in accordance with the lawWhat is Art 9 in the Cannons of Police Ethics? (Ethics) – Answer- Gifts and favors-do not accept gifts or favors from the public
What is Art 10 in the Cannons of Police Ethics? (Ethics) – Answer- Presentation of evidence-handle and present evidence impartially and without maliceWhat are some Common Drivers for Unethical Behavior? (Ethics) – Answer- 1. Noble Cause Corruption2. The Blue Curtain/Wall of Silence3. The Slippery Slope/Mama Rosa test-Officer engages in minor illegal activity, and greater levels of corruption become easier to perform.What are 4 common types of Ethical Dilemmas? (Ethics) – Answer- 1. Dilemmas of Discretion2. Dilemmas of Duty3. Dilemmas of Honesty4. Dilemmas of LoyaltyWhat are the six major groups of Unethical Behavior? (Ethics) – Answer- 1. Graft, Bribery, and Classic Corruption2. Process Corruption3. Brutality and Excessive Force4. On Duty Unprofessional Conduct5. Workplace Deviance6. Off Duty Unprofessional ConductThe content of what you are verbalizing accounts for _ of what the receiver processes. (Communication Skills) – Answer- Approximately 7-10%The voice that carries our message accounts for _ of what the receiver processes as he or she hears it. (Communication Skills) – Answer- Approximately 33-40%Other nonverbal clues account for of how the receiver processes the message you are delivering. (Communication Skills) – Answer- Approximately 50-60%What is Paralanguage? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Vocalics-refers to vocal characteristics such as infection, tone, accent, rate, pitch volume, and vocal interrupters. The manner in which the words are spoken, communicates just as much asthe meaning of the words____ percent of your success with people has to do with your delivery and only the slightest percent has to do with what you actually said. (Communication Skills) – Answer- 93%What are the four characteristics of Translation? (Communication Skills) – Answer- 1. Content2. Coding3. Sending

  1. DecodingWhat is an example of a Non Verbal cue? (Communication Skills) – Answer- SilenceLack of Eye ContactFacial ExpressionInterruptionGesture and PosturePersonal SpaceMovementWhat is Intimate Location? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Very close distance of conversation used for intimate parties, around 1 footWhat is Personal Location? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Distance which is kept for normal casual interactions, around 2 feetWhat is Moderate Location? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Generally the distance at which we conduct impersonal business, 3 to 4 feetWhat is Conversation Location? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Distance used to have casual conversation just out of physical range, singular or in a group, generally 4 to 6 feetWhat are some Indicators that Express Aggression? (Communication Skills) – Answer-Facial grimacesPunching motions with fistsHead tilted backArms on hipsLow intensity smile on faceWhat is Non Assertive Behavior? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Passive and indirect. Communicates a message of inferiority. Helps create a win-lose situation. A non assertive person will lose while allowing others to winWhat is Aggressive Behavior? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Can be active or passive, it can also be direct, indirect, honest or dishonest. Always communicates an impression of superiority and disrespect. Creates a situation where we win and the other loses.What is Assertive Behavior? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Behavior that is active, direct, and honest. Communicates an impression of self respect and respect for others. Works towards a win win situationWhat some specific Active Listening Skills? (7) (Communication Skills) – Answer- 1. Paraphrasing-summarizing with the subject said in your own words
  2. Reflecting or Mirroring-involves repeating the subjects last words or phrase as a question3. Open Ended Questions-cant be answered with a simple yes or no4. Minimal Encouragers-words and sounds like uh huh, that show you are still listening5. Silence-just listening without speaking6. I Message-a message that allows the subject to know how you feel about what they are saying7. Emotional Labeling-a statement to the subject labeling their specific emotion ie: it appears you are upsetEuro American Characteristics (Communication Skills) – Answer- Tend not to communicate about highly personal topicsTake turns when communicatingAvoid public argumentsImpatient with people who talk to muchLatino Characteristics (Communication Skills) – Answer- Expressive when they speakSocial, agreeable, and friendly in publicArguing in public is considered rudePrefer social of businessValue conformity, obedience and respect for authorityTraditional roles (male and female)African American Characteristics (Communication Skills) – Answer- Speaking tends to be highly intense, expressive, distinctive, forceful, assertive, and openly emotionalView interpersonal questions in a social setting to be improperLess restrained, modestStrive to make their own personal communication style a statement about their individualityNative American Characteristics (Communication Skills) – Answer- High context co culture who communicate in soft spoken and indirect mannerAvoid sustained and direct eye contact when speakingRely heavily on nonverbal cues when they communicateMiddle Eastern Characteristics (Communication Skills) – Answer- Sensitive to others perceptions of them and strive to be perceived positivelyHighly value speakingPlace content and logical presentation second to rhythm of languageTend to be collectivistic, place high value on power, rank and statusWhat is Bias? (Communication Skills) – Answer- Any act that is based on actual or perceived race, color, religion, disability, national origin, political affiliation, gender, veteran status, or age that creates a hostile environment
    What is a Hate Crime? (Communication Skills) – Answer- A criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or part by the offenders biasWhat is Disability? (Communication Skills) – Answer- a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activitiesWhat is a Disability Bias? (Communication Skills) – Answer- a preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their physical or mental impairmentsWhat is Ethnicity/National Origin Bias? (Communication Skills) – Answer- a preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons of the same race or national origin who share common or similar traitsWhat is an officer’s hierarchy to criminal conviction? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer-some evidenceresponsible suspicionprobable cause (arrest)beyond a reason doubtWhat are the 3 sources of Law? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Constitutional law, Statutory law, Common lawWho interprets the meaning of statutes? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Courts____ and _ must enact or ratify constitutions or statutes for them to become active.(Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Legislatures, voterstrue or false: common law precede both statute and constitutional law (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- TrueWhat is substantive law? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- The laws that govern the rights and duties of people as they act in society. prohibits conduct such as robbery, larceny, assaultWhat is procedural law? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- The part of the law that specifies the methods to be used in enforcing substantive law. the statutes concerning issuance, execution, and return of search warrants are examplesHow many articles are in the Constitution? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 7What are the four procedural safeguards granted to the persons accused of crimes as per the Constitution? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 1. Habeas Corpus (Article I Section 9)2. Trial by jury, except for impeachment3. Bills of attainder
  3. Ex post facto lawsWhat is the Habeas Corpus? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- This writ is directed tothe person detaining the subject of the writ, a prisoner, and requires that custodian to bring the prisoner before a judge for a determination upon the legality of the detention. Cannot be held illegallyWhat is the Jury procedural safeguard for prisoners? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Requires that all criminal cases expect impeachment be tried by a juryWhat are bills of attainder? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- laws that establish guilt and punish people without allowing them a trial, is another safeguard for prisoners.What is Ex Post Facto laws? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- laws that declare an action to be illegal after it has been committedwhich two amendments apply to Due Process? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 5th and 14thWhat does the 1st Amendment protect? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assemblyTrue or false: the first amendment is absolute? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- False, 1st amendment rights are not absolute, they are subject to reasonable time, place, and manner limitation by the governmentWhat types of speech have no protection under the 1st amendment? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- obscenity, fighting words, threats, incendiary speech, non peaceful assemblyWhat is obscenity, and who can file for a warrant for obscenity? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Anything that treats sex or nudity in an offensive or lewd manner, violates recognized standards of decency, and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. Only a District Attorney can file a search warrant for obscenity.What is Incendiary speech? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- advocates the imminent violent use of force against the government. not protected within the 1st amendment.What does the 2nd Amendment protect? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Right to bear arms shall not be infringedWhat does the 4th amendment protect? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures by the government
    What does the exclusionary rule state? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- any evidence obtained in violations of the 4th amendment will not be admissible in court.What does the 5th amendment protect? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- double jeopardy, self-incrimination (Miranda Warnings), and Due Process, and to counsel during custodial interrogationWhat does double jeopardy mean, and where is it defined? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- A person cannot be tried twice for the same crime in either state or federal court, 5th amendmentWhat is self-incrimination, and where is it defined? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- the state cannot compel a person to give testimony that can be used against oneself, 5th amendmentWhat amendment defines that you have the right to the presence of counsel during custodial interrogations? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 5th amendmentWhat is due process, and where is it defined? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws. Protection of life, liberty, property, 5th and 14th amendmentWhat does the 6th amendment protect? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Rights of the accused, right to a speedy and public trial and info about the nature and cause of the accusation, to confront the witnesses against him, and assistance of counsel for his defenseWhy is a right to a speedy and public trial important? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- it is essential to prevent delays because of adverse effects on a person who is presumed innocent. The accused may suffer prolonged detention, psychological and emotional damage, and reduced capacity to prepare a meaningful defenseWhat does the 7th amendment guarantee? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Right totrial by juryWhat does the 8th Amendment protect? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- No excessive bail, fines, or cruel and unusual punishment.What does the 14th amendment guarantee? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Every person within the United States has equal protection under the law, this is defined underthe due process clause. Also defines procedural due process, substantive due process.What is procedural due process? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- A government willnot take away a persons life, liberty, or property without notice(right to know what you’vebeen accused of) and meaningful opportunity to be heard (day in court).
    What is substantive due process? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- guarantees that the notice, hearing, and result is fair. also rights the courts have deemed to be fundamentally fair in a civilized society i.e.: abortion, contraception, right to marry.Which amendment forbids officers from using physical coercion to extract a statement? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 14th amendmentWhich amendment states that officers cannot make promises which they cannot keep toobtain a statement? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 14th amendment____ _ requires that a convicted prisoner be sane or competent before being executed. (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Due ProcessWhat is subject matter jurisdiction? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- The types of crimes for which an officer may arrestWhat are the general rules of territorial jurisdiction of a city police officer? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- -may arrest in the city any area within -1 mile of the city limits -and city property outside the cityWhere can the sheriff’s deputies arrest? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- within the county, county property outside the county, anywhere in the state for a felony committedin the countyT or F: an officer cannot pursue an offender anywhere in the state, if that offender has committed an arrestable offense in their jurisdiction (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- False, an officer may pursue anywhere in the state as long as they remain in continuouspursuit and not stop to do something else.t or f: a person cannot be seized, just property (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- falseunder the 4th amendmentWhat is diplomatic immunity? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Those with full diplomatic immunity may not be prosecuted for the crimes they commit; those without full immunity may be arrested and prosecutedWhen has a person been seized? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- when a reasonable person in their position would not feel free to walk or drive awayIn the context of the law, what is the difference between objective vs subjective? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- objective is the viewpoint of everyone (societies’ standpoint) vs subjective is the viewpoint of one person What is the test whether a person has been seized or not? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- an objective test: would a reasonable person in the suspect’s shoes feel that the officer deprived his freedom of movement _ is need for an arrest, only _ is needed for temporary detention (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- probable cause, reasonable suspicionWhat must there be at a minimum to justify an investigatory stop? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- reasonable suspicionWhen is a person considered under arrest? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- either when they are told they are under arrest or when their freedom of movement has been significantly deprivedWhat is a voluntary encounter? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- a casual conversation requesting voluntary cooperation from a subject. No factual justification is needed. Person is free to decline, and leaveofficers need no to approach people in public and talk to them (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- probable cause or suspicionWhat is a Terry Stop? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Brief detention or seizure for the purpose of investigating suspicious conductWhat is a Terry frisk? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- A pat down of the body and outer clothing for weapons that is justified by an officer’s belief that a suspect is armed and dangerousWhat is the purpose of an investigatory stop? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- to determine whether there is probable cause to believe a crime has or is happening, or that the suspect has probably committed it.What is reasonable suspicion? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- The belief by a reasonable and prudent person based on articulable facts that something has happened. more than a hunch but less than probable causeIs a generalized suspicion, or a hunch, sufficient to justify an investigatory stop? (ArrestSearch Seizure) – Answer- NoWhat limitations do investigatory stops have? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- the length of time which is reasonably necessary to determine if probable cause exists.Are miranda rights required for investigatory stop questioning? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- No
    During a stop, if the officer can articulate that his safety is in jeopardy, and that the suspect may be armed, he may do what? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- conduct afriskWhen is an arrest complete? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- When the suspect submits to the control of the arresting officer who has indicated his intention to arrest, orthe arresting officer, with intent to make an arrest, takes the person into custody by the use of physical forceafter an arrest, the officer shall not interrogate a suspect without doing what? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- reading miranda rights and obtaining a valid waiverWhat is probable cause? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- the objective belief that a crime has or is being committed and the suspect has probably committed that crime.When can a citizen detain another person? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- when the person detained committed in his presence: a felony, a breach of peace, an offense involving physical injury to another, or an offense involving theft or destruction or property.t or f: a citizen may act as an officer of the law when requested by a law enforcement officer (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Truet or f: a citizen is obligated to help if called upon by a law enforcement officer (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- FalseCan juveniles be arrested? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- No, the state defines it as a temporary custody under G.S. 7B-1900, which is the equivalent to a warrantless arrest of an adultWhat must Arrest Warrants contain? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- valid throughout the state, issued and signed by judicial official, names or describes the defendant, states the offense.must be returned after 180 days if not served, but are still valid afterwards.What are the conditions of making an arrest with a warrant. (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- when an officer has the warrant is his possession when an officer doesn’t have the warrant is his possession-knowledge of said warrant not executed, may arrest person named therein at anytime, officer must inform person of arrest warrantWhat are the conditions of making an arrest without a warrant (warrantless arrest) (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 1. an offense committed in the officers presence /probable cause2. an offense committed out of their presence: officer has probable cause to believe-committed a felony, committed a misdemeanor- not apprehended unless immediately arrested, may cause injury to another, offense of
    -concealment of merchandise, domestic crim. trespass, impaired driving, simple assault,simple assault and battery, simple affray, assault inflicting serious injury using deadly weapon, AOF, assault by pointing gun towards person with personal relationship with, violation of protective order, pretrial release.Upon making an arrest officers must: (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- id themselvesas officers, inform person they are under arrest, inform person the cause of arrest unless cause appears to be evidentWhat must an officer do with a suspect after making a warrantless arrest? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- the officer must present the accused before a magistrate sothe magistrate may determine whether there is justifiable probable cause, and issue a magistrate’s order.What is a magistrate’s order? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- a document that charges a person with a criminal offense; it is issued only if the magistrate determines that probable cause exists to believe that a criminal offense was committed, and that the defendant committed that offenseWhat is an order for arrest? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- an order issued by a judicial official that orders law enforcement to take a named person into custody. usuallyissued if the defendant fails to appear in courtwithout consent or exigent circumstances, the officer must have _ in possession and _ _ to believe the defendant is inside a home to effect an arrest. (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- arrest warrant, probable causeConditions for an officer to enter a defendant’s home or vehicle to make an arrest. (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 1. officer has in possession the original arrest warrant or order for arrest2. officer has probable cause to believe defendant is present3. must give notice of their authority, knock and announce (unless notice would present a danger to human life)4. may use force to enter the premises or vehicle if admittance is being deniedconditions to enter a third party’s home or residence to make an arrest. (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 1. officer must have search warrant and arrest warrant in possession2. absent consent and exigent circumstances don’t exist3. must give notice of their authority, knock and announce (unless notice would present a danger to human life)4. may use force to enter the premises or vehicle if admittance is being deniedconditions for entering a home or residence With consent to arrest defendant. (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 1. may enter upon consent to enter from someone who has the authority to give
  4. may receive consent from someone who has equal privacy interests in the defendant’s home i.e. spouse, mother, father, etc.3. even if consent is given, officers still need possession of arrest warrant or orderwhat is a criminal summons? (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- Charges a crime and orders the accused to appear in court on a designated time and date to answer to the charges against himEntering homes with exigent circumstances: (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 1. officers may enter defendant’s or third party’s home if exigent circumstances exist whichare:-hot pursuit, danger to public or LEO outside or in home, to prevent imminent destruction of evidence, to prevent suspects escape, or suspect is armed, and the gravity of the offense.Following an arrest, officers should do what with the suspect? (9) (Arrest Search Seizure) – Answer- 1. take the arrested person to a magistrate or judicial official withoutdelay (delay may be reasonable under certain circumstances i.e. id procedures, tests)2. must allow suspect without delay to communicate with lawyer, family, and friends3. (if juvenile) notify parents or guardian that juvenile has been taken into temporary custody4. notify principal of secondary school at which they attend5. seek medical attention (if applicable)6. if adult is arrest w/ minor, minor must be placed in care of another guardian7. Consular notification of foreign nationals (if applicable)8. must procure a interpreter if applicable i.e. deaf individual
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