HESI Leadership and Management Study Guide latest version

HESI Leadership and Management Study Guide latest version

HESI Leadership and Management Study Guide Who should explain a surgical procedure to a pt? RN should make sure that the operative permit is signed and on the chart. It is NOT the RN’s responsibility to explain the procedure to the client. Good Samaritan Act? Means of protecting a nurse when he or she is performing emergency care If the nurse carries out a provider’s prescription that she is not prepared for and does not inform the provider about her lack of preparation? The nurse is soley responsible for any damages. If nurse informs provider of her lack of preparation in carrying out a prescription and carries out the prescription anywa? The nurse and the physician are liable for damages Can the nurse alter the prescription dosage of drug? NEVER. Nursing judgement cannot be substituted with medical judgement. If she believes the dosage is wrong, she should inform the health care provider, record the response of the provider, inform the nursing supervisor, refuse to carry out wrong prescription. What should a nurse do if she believes a provider’s prescription is made with poor judgement? – i.e. she doesn’t believe the pt needs a tranquilizer. Record that the health care provider was notified and that the prescription was questioned. Carry out the prescription as ordered. Nurse Practice Acts govern policies related to making assignments. Ie for a sterile dressing change: Should be done by an RN or LPN-licensed practical nurse, who has been checked off this procedure. What does assertive communication start with? “I need” rather than “you must” Motivation comes from within an individual. What can a nurse leader provide? Nurse leader can provide an environment that will promote motivation through positive feedback, respect, and seeking input. Look for responses that demonstrate these behaviors. What kind of style does effective leadership require? Assertive communication=democratic/participative. Does not require passive=laissez faire/permissive or aggressive= authoritative/autocratic.
HESI Leadership and Management Study Guide What are characteristics of nursing manager? 1) Authority 2) accountability 3) responsibility 4) leadership 5) commitment to quality. What are the skills of nursing manager? 1) Communication- act as liaison between clients and others. Engage in conflict resolution 2) Organization- review management outcomes and plan overall strategies to address client problems. 3) Delegation- identify role/responsibilities of health care members of the team. 4) Supervision- supervise care provided by others. 5) Critical thinking- serve as resource person to other staff When delegating to the right person, what qualities should the nurse be aware of of the delegetee? documented Appropriate: 1) education 2) training 3) skills 4) experience 5) demonstrated and competence Do UAPS generally perform invasive or sterile procedures? No RN is accountable to adhering to the 3 basic aspects of supervision when delegating to other health care personnel such as LPN’s, graduate nurses, inexperienced nurses, student nurses, UAP’s. What are 3 aspects of supervision? 1) Direction and guidance 2) Evaluation/monitoring 3) Follow up. Nurse process: Assessment, analysis, diagnosis, planning, evaluation, and any activity requiring nursing judgement- may not be delegated to UAP. Where do delegated activities of the nursing process fall under for a UAP? Under the implementation phase of nursing process.
HESI Leadership and Management Study Guide Tertiary: Follow up care for injuries, follow up care for psychological issues, recovery assistance, prevention of future disasters. Triage color code system: Red: most urgent, 1st, life threatening injuries, can’t delay tx. Yellow: urgent, second priority. injuries with systemic effects and complications. Can delay for 30-60 minutes. Green: Third priority. Minimal injuries with no systemic complications. Can wait several hours. Black: Dying or dead. Catastrophic injuries. No hope for survival, no treatment. Nurse manager: acts to achieve the goals of safe, effective client care within the overall goals of a health care facility. Surgical permit: must be written, obtained voluntarily, and explained to the client- i.e. informed consent must be obtained. Minors: 14 and up: must agree to tx along with their parents. Emancipated minors- can consent to tx themselves. Person in “loco parentis” person standing in for a parent with a parent’s rights, responsibilities, and duties in case of minor or incompetent adult. Is written consent necessary to provide or perform medical treatment? No. Tx can be done if client has been fully informed, client voluntarily consents to procedure, or if unconscious- immediate tx is necessary to safe life or limb. Two identifies: giving blood, taking blood, medications. Incompetent person: Have the legal status of a minor; cannot vote, make contracts or wills, drive a car, sue or be sued, hold a professional license. Assault: Mental or physical threat WITHOUT touching- i.e. forcing a client to take their medication Battery:
HESI Leadership and Management Study Guide TOUCHING, with or without the intent to do harm- i.e. striking a patient. Defamation: Divulgence of privileged information or communication, i.e. through charts, conversations, or observation Fraud: Willful and purposeful misrepresentation that could cause or has caused loss or harm to a person or property- i.e. providing false credentials to a person, describing a myth regarding tx- i.e. no pain in procedure or placebo has no side effects. Negligence: Performing an act that a reasonable or prudent person would no perform. Malpractice: Negligence by a professional personnel- i.e. professional misconduct or unreasonable lack of skill in carrying out professional duties. Four elements to prove malpractice or negligence: 1) Duty 2) breach of duty 3) injury/damages 4) causation False imprisonment: Confinement of a person without authorization Exposure of a person: Exposure or discussion of a person after feather- after right, pt has the right to be unobserved, excluded from unwarranted operations, and protected from unauthorized touching. Anthrax: Not spreadable from person to person. Transmission: Inhalation of powder, spores, undercooked meats from infected animals S/sx: sores, painless blisters, ulcers with black centers. GI problems. Inhalation: leads to cold and flu symptoms. TX: 60 day course of ABX. Vaccine given to Armed Forces, lab workers, those who go to contaminated site. Pneumonic Plague: Spreadable from person to person
HESI Leadership and Management Study Guide S/SX: runny nose, eyes, pupils, drooling, blurred vision, ALOC , D, reap problems, sweating, convulsions, paralysis, death. TX:can recover if mild to mod, if severe: death Radiation: not spreadable person to person comes from external ike sun or x-rays, nuclear bomb such as Chernobyl. Exposure is cumulative, effects may not be seen for years. Acute radiation sundrome: NVD, bone marrow depletion, flu symptoms, infections, loss of appetite, bleeding, skin reddening, may lead to CA.

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