WGU Informatics D220 85 Questions AND Answers

WGU Informatics D220 85 Questions AND Answers

WGU Informatics D220 85 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Informatics a specialty science that facilitates the transformation of data into information, knowledge, and, finally, wisdom Patient Data name, age, weight, vital signs Information Processed, organized, hospital acquired infections Knowledge identify relationships, nurse-patient ratio vs. patient outcome 3 elements in EHR system data, information, knowledge Information techonology the process of searching, organizing, and managing data supported by the use of computers Translational Bioinformatics deals with the storage, analysis, and interpretation of large volumes of data. Clinical research informatics concentrates on discovery and management of new knowledge pertinent to health and disease from clinical trials and via secondary data use Clinical Informatics concentration here is on the delivery of timely, safe, efficient, effective, evidence-based and patient-centered care Consumer Health Informatics focus here is the consumer, or patient, view and the structures and processes that enable consumers to manager their own health. Public Health Informatics Efforts here include surveillance, prevention, health promotion, and preparedness. information literacy
the ability to read and understand the written word and numbers as well as the ability to recognize when information is needed Computer literacy the basic understanding and use of computers, software tools, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics, social media, and communication via email. Beginning nurse expected to have fundamental information management and computer-technology skills and use existing information systems and established information-management practices. Experienced nurse expected to have a specific area of expertise, be skilled in using information management and computer technology; strong analytics skills, suggest improvement to systems. evidence-based practice entails using the current best evidence for patient care decisions in order to improve the consistency and quality of patient outcomes. ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) provided economic stimuli and incentives for the adoption of EHRs, in the alignment with the goal of each person will have a digital health record by 2014 HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health recommended that hospitals and HCPs increase the meaningful use of health information technology. *improves population health outcomes TIGER (technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform) Formed in 2004. -formed to advance nurse competencies r/t informatics -objective to develop a US nursing workforce capable of using EHR to improve the delivery of healthcare. Healthcare information system (HIS) -comprises clinical information systems (CIS) and administrative information systems (AIS) Meaningful use stage 1: data capturing sharing stage 2: advanced clinical processes stage 3: improved outcomes What is a benefit of meaningful use improved patient outcomes
What is the correct order of a system development life cycle phases? designing, planning, testing, implementation, analysis. Who should a nurse informaticist exclude from participating in scheduled meetings to discuss change control? subject matter experts Which strategy is useful when employing Lewin’s change model, when considering a new health information system? involve employees in the decision-making process of the new system. What are two of the five rights of clinical decision support? Choose (2) answers -right person -right time in workflow What are the 5 rights of informatics? 1) right information “to what” 2) right person “to who” 3) right intervention “how and where” 4) right channel 5) right time in workflow “when” What is an effective use of the barcode medication administration system? combining it with a computerized provider order entry, a pharmacy system and an eMar system. Which information would be useful in planning quality care for the next shift? -available critical care beds Which statement describes a successful electronic health record? The customer’s needs were met. Big data considered data originating from very large data sets that help identify patterns and trends. Big data cannot be managed without the use of technology to analyze its output. What are the expected outcomes of interoperable systems? Error reduction, revenue improvement, and increased communication. Which informatics competency supports the adoption of a medication administration system? change management Which statement about data is accurate as it relates to quality improvement initiatives?
Data allows measurement of the quality of healthcare delivery to determine whether planned measures result in improvement. Which phase of implementation uses small groups of individuals to evaluate potential issues that may occur when making a new systems transition? Pilot phase Which healthcare policy reform introduced in 2008 focuses on rewarding providers with incentives based on the quality of care they deliver as opposed to the volume of care? Value-based model (VBM) What is the purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)? It produces evidence that will make healthcare safer and improve quality, accessibility, and affordability. Information literacy the knowledge and ability to locate, organize, use, communicate, and interpret print and electronic sources of information. What is important for a nurse informaticist to know about change control? it helps prioritize limited resources and ensures system standards are upheld. Which source provides tutorials that can be used to help determine the validity of health information? National Library of Medicine Four types of quality indicators: -prevention quality indicators -inpatient quality indicators -patient safety indicators -pediatric quality indicators. Data integrity a comprehensive term that encompasses the notion of wholeness when data is collected, stored, and retrieved by the user System check a mechanism provided by the computer system to assist users by prompting them to complete a task, verify information, or prevent entry of inappropriate information Data management the process of controlling the collection, storage, retrieval, and use of data to optimize accuracy and utility while safeguarding integrity Data cleansing/data scrubbing
removing incorrect, incomplete, duplicate, or improperly formatted items using special software designated for this purpose Databases the file structure that supports the storage of data in an organized fashion and allows data retrieval as meaningful information. What is included in meaningful use stage 3? The use of electronic prescribing Database administrators responsible for overseeing all activities related to maintaining the database and optimizing its use Data warehouse a repository for storing data from several different databases so that it can be combined and manipulated as needed and to provide answers to various queries Digitization widespread conversion of data and information to electronic format so that it can be accessed, processed, stored, or transmitted via the use of computer technology Data Governance refer to the collection of policies, standards, processes, and controls applied to an organization’s data to ensure that it is available to appropriate persons when and where it is needed, in the format that is needed, and is otherwise properly secured Big Data very large data sets that are beyond human capability to analyze or manage without the aid of technology Data mining/analytics The process of examining big data for patterns Which merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) category replaces the reporting program that assesses care provided to Medicare patients, to ensure patients get the right care at the right time? quality Predictive modeling uses past and current data to forecast the likelihood of an event Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
process of an iterative sequence that entails the following steps: -understanding the domain -understanding the data used in the domain -data preparation that handles missing values or removes redundant or irrelevant data – applying methods to extract data (namely data mining) – data presentation Metadata defined as the data that provides information about how, when, and by whom data are collected, formatted, and stored. How can a nurse informaticist increase interoperability? promote the use of standard vocabulary for documentation and coding What is the goal of the health information exchange (HIE)? to allow insurance companies and providers to be able to share data. What is an example of a barrier that is associated with health care clinicians’ experience with health IT? Health IT system design and usability Which two care settings would benefit the most from employing a nurse informaticist? -A correctional facility with a clinic -A healthcare organization planning a physical expansion. What is an advantage of using the bar code medication administration (BCMA) within a healthcare setting? It allows for real-time, automated documentation of the administration of the patient’s medication. Which term is used to describe someone who gains access to computers belonging to another person or organization? Hacker What is a method the nurse informaticist should use to encourage staff to utilize the new application in the EHR? Enlist feedback from staff or users What is an example of a common data integrity issue that occurs as a result of cloning, or copying, when documenting in the electronic medical record (EMR) Documentation of vital signs that do not vary What is one area of the electronic medical record (EMR) in which evidence-based guidelines are found? In the standing physician’s orders for a sepsis diagnosis Meaningful use (MU) of an electronic health record (EHR) is part of the Medicare and Medicaid incentive program. Which two statements best describe MU?
-MU is used for inpatient and outpatient facilities -certified information technologies provide the necessary functions to enable eligible providers to be compensated Consumer health informatics is a subspecialty of healthcare informatics that allows people to initiate and maintain active involvement and participation in their own health. What are the five common applications of consumer health informatics? -Personal Health Records -Telehealth -Mobile Health -Games for Health -Health 2.0. What is a major benefit of nursing informatics? It improves communication among the healthcare team to improve patient outcomes. What is the main purpose of standardized nursing terminologies? They allow uniformity and easier retrieval of nursing-related data A provider electronically orders blood work at a laboratory. The provider must ensure the local lab system can properly communicate with the provider’s system for the results to be usable. Which is the correct term that would be found in these systems? logical observation identifiers names and codes (LONIC) Meaningful use was signed into law in 2009 to provide a means for eligible providers, hospitals, and critical access hospitals to use and communicate data to improve patient outcomes. What is the purpose of stage 1? to allow the electronic health record (EHR) capture and share data. What is clinical decision support (CDS) -It reminds busy clinicians of items easy to forget or overlooked -it provides clinicians with suggested care information. Health literacy the capacity of an individual to express their needs and preferences and to respond to the need for information about services provided for them. What are three HIE forms of health information exchange -Query-based exchange -directed exchange -consumer-mediated exchange
What are examples of mHealth technology Smartphone-connected devices, wearable sensors, lab-on-a-chip, and implantable and ingestible sensors artificial intelligence (AI) a kind of health information-driven technology wherein Intelligent systems and technology use underlying trends or patterns to inform decision-making. Remote patient monitoring The use of devices to capture patient data at one location and then transmit it electronically to healthcare professionals at a different location, allowing the review of data for clinical decision-making. When technology does not produce the outcomes expected, what is this phase of the path is known as? Trough of Disillusionment The Stetler model of evidence-based practice implementation -preparation -validation -comparative evaluation/decision-making -translation -application -evaluation. Two categories of health information systems -clinical information system -administrative information system Clinical Information Systems supports the clinical aspect of activities that occur in a hospital or ambulatory practice Administrative Information Systems supports the administrative and business side of the organization Health information system manages health information Health Information Technology what is involved in its design, development, implementation, integration, creation, use, and maintenance

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