According to Diana Baumrind

According to Diana Baumrind, there are three types of parenting. A parent who sets up the rules and excludes the rules of the child is known as a:

An authoritative parent

An authoritarian parent

An administrative parent

A permissive parent

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is:

B. An authoritarian parent


Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist, identified three primary parenting styles based on her research. These are authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. Each style represents a different approach to parenting in terms of demandingness and responsiveness.

Authoritarian Parenting is characterized by high levels of demandingness and low levels of responsiveness. Authoritarian parents are very strict, enforce rules rigidly, and expect obedience without question. They prioritize control and discipline, often setting rules that are expected to be followed without providing much room for flexibility or negotiation. The focus is on obedience and respect for authority, and these parents are less likely to consider their child’s feelings or opinions in decision-making processes. They often employ punishment rather than discipline, and communication tends to be one-way—from parent to child.

For instance, an authoritarian parent might enforce a strict curfew without discussing it with the child, and any deviation from this rule might be met with stern consequences. This style contrasts sharply with other styles, such as authoritative parenting, which balances high expectations with warmth and responsiveness, and permissive parenting, which is characterized by high responsiveness but low demandingness.

In summary, authoritarian parents are known for their rigid rule-setting and low tolerance for deviation from established norms. This approach can sometimes lead to compliance in children but may also result in higher levels of anxiety or rebellion if the child feels overly controlled.

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