A nurse is assisting with the plan of care for a group of clients

A nurse is assisting with the plan of care for a group of clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse recommend for an interprofessional conference?

A client who has a spinal cord injury

A client who has acute appendicitis

A client who has a urinary tract infection

A client who has a torn rotator cuff

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is A. A client who has a spinal cord injury.


A spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex and often life-changing condition that requires a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to care. This is because the impact of such an injury can be extensive, affecting multiple systems and requiring collaboration among various healthcare professionals. Here’s why an interprofessional conference would be particularly beneficial for a client with a spinal cord injury:

  1. Complexity of Care: SCI often results in significant physical, emotional, and psychological challenges. The care plan for these clients typically involves specialists from different fields including, but not limited to, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists. Each of these professionals contributes unique expertise to address different aspects of the injury and its effects on the client’s overall well-being.
  2. Rehabilitation Needs: Clients with SCI usually require extensive rehabilitation, including physical and occupational therapy to maximize their functional independence and quality of life. Coordination between therapists, physicians, and nursing staff is crucial to ensure that therapy goals align with the client’s overall health plan.
  3. Long-Term Management: The management of a spinal cord injury often involves long-term strategies for preventing complications such as pressure ulcers, respiratory issues, and urinary tract infections. An interprofessional team can collaborate to develop and implement preventive strategies and ensure that all aspects of the client’s care are addressed.
  4. Patient and Family Education: SCI often necessitates education for both the patient and their family regarding self-care, adaptive techniques, and lifestyle modifications. An interprofessional team can provide comprehensive education and support tailored to the specific needs of the client and their family.

In contrast, the other conditions listed—acute appendicitis, urinary tract infection, and a torn rotator cuff—while serious, typically involve more straightforward, condition-specific care that may not require the same level of interdisciplinary collaboration. Acute appendicitis and urinary tract infections generally involve primary care or specialist intervention without the extensive coordination needed for SCI. A torn rotator cuff, although it might benefit from physical therapy and possibly surgical intervention, does not usually necessitate the wide-ranging interprofessional input required for a spinal cord injury.

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