A client on the mental health unit has disorganized type schizophrenia

A client on the mental health unit has disorganized type schizophrenia. The nurse observes blunted affect and social isolation. He occasionally curses or calls another client a “jerk” without provocation. The nurse asks the client how he is feeling, and he responds, “Everybody picks on me. They frobitz me.”

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The client is displaying signs of disorganized type schizophrenia, which is characterized by disorganized speech, behavior, and a flat or inappropriate affect. The observed symptoms—blunted affect, social isolation, and inappropriate comments—are consistent with this type of schizophrenia. The client’s response, “Everybody picks on me. They frobitz me,” highlights his difficulty in communicating and interpreting reality, which is typical in disorganized schizophrenia.

Correct Answer:

The client’s response, “Everybody picks on me. They frobitz me,” reflects a disorganized thought process. The term “frobitz” is likely a neologism—a made-up word or a distorted version of a word that is not commonly understood. This is a common symptom in schizophrenia, particularly in the disorganized type, where individuals may create their own words or use language in unusual ways. The use of such neologisms indicates that the client’s thought processes are not coherent or logically structured.


In disorganized type schizophrenia, individuals often exhibit a disintegration of thought processes, which can manifest as incoherent speech or unusual words. This disorganization can also be reflected in their behavior and emotional responses. The client’s blunted affect indicates a reduced emotional expression, and social isolation further demonstrates their difficulty in engaging meaningfully with others.

The inappropriate comments, such as calling another client a “jerk,” can be understood as a result of the client’s impaired social judgment and disorganized thinking. Inappropriate social behavior and verbal outbursts are common in disorganized schizophrenia because the individual’s ability to process social cues and respond appropriately is compromised.

The client’s belief that “everybody picks on me” is an example of a delusion or a distorted perception of reality. In this case, it suggests that he may be experiencing paranoid thoughts or a pervasive sense of being persecuted, which can often accompany schizophrenia. This, combined with the neologism, reflects the severity of disorganization in his cognitive functioning.

Effective management of disorganized schizophrenia often involves antipsychotic medications to help stabilize thought processes, along with supportive therapies to address social skills and daily functioning.

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