What reflex is elicited

What reflex is elicited: Fanning of toes when stroking lateral edge of baby’s foot?

Babinski’s Reflex.

Stepping Reflex.

Moro reflex.

Plantar Grasp reflex.

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is A. Babinski’s Reflex.


Babinski’s Reflex is a normal reflex found in infants and is one of the key indicators of neurological development. This reflex is elicited by stroking the lateral edge of the sole of an infant’s foot, from the heel to the toes. The response to this stimulation is fanning out of the toes and dorsiflexion (bending backward) of the big toe. This reaction is a typical reflex in infants and is considered a normal part of their development up to about 2 years of age.

The presence of the Babinski reflex in infants is attributed to the incomplete myelination of the corticospinal tract in their nervous system. As the child’s nervous system matures, the reflex usually disappears, and the more typical response in adults—where the toes curl downward—is observed.

In adults, the Babinski reflex is not normal and can indicate damage to the corticospinal tract or other neurological conditions. For example, if an adult exhibits a Babinski response, it might suggest issues such as a lesion in the motor pathways or other neurological disorders.

Here’s a brief overview of the other reflexes mentioned for comparison:

  • Stepping Reflex: This reflex occurs when an infant is held upright with their feet touching a flat surface, prompting them to make walking movements. It typically disappears around 2 months of age.
  • Moro Reflex: Also known as the startle reflex, it is triggered by a sudden loud noise or a sensation of falling. The infant will extend their arms and legs, then quickly retract them, often accompanied by crying. This reflex is usually observed up to 6 months of age.
  • Plantar Grasp Reflex: When an object is placed in the infant’s palm or toes, the infant will grasp it tightly. This reflex is seen in newborns but fades as they develop, usually by around 6 months of age.

Understanding these reflexes helps in assessing the neurological health and developmental progress of infants.

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