A nurse is caring for a client who is taking levothyroxine.

A nurse is caring for a client who is taking levothyroxine. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the medication is effective?

Decreased blood pressure

Weight loss

Decreased inflammation

Absence of seizures

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is B. Weight loss.


Levothyroxine is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism can lead to a range of symptoms due to the body’s slower metabolism.

Weight Loss: One of the common effects of hypothyroidism is weight gain or difficulty losing weight due to a decreased metabolic rate. As levothyroxine therapy begins to normalize thyroid hormone levels, the patient’s metabolism should improve. This can lead to weight loss as the body becomes more efficient at processing and utilizing energy. Therefore, weight loss or stabilization of weight in a client taking levothyroxine is a positive indicator that the medication is effectively managing their hypothyroid condition.

Why the Other Options Are Less Relevant:

A. Decreased blood pressure: Levothyroxine generally does not have a direct effect on blood pressure. While it can indirectly influence blood pressure by improving overall metabolic health, a significant decrease in blood pressure is not a typical or direct indicator of the medication’s effectiveness. Changes in blood pressure should be evaluated in the context of other clinical findings.

C. Decreased inflammation: Levothyroxine is not primarily used for its anti-inflammatory properties. Its main role is to normalize thyroid hormone levels. Decreased inflammation is not a primary outcome expected from levothyroxine therapy.

D. Absence of seizures: While hypothyroidism can potentially affect neurological function, absence of seizures is not a specific or direct indicator of the effectiveness of levothyroxine. Seizures may not be directly related to thyroid hormone levels in all cases, and their absence does not specifically reflect the effectiveness of thyroid hormone replacement.

In summary, weight loss is the most relevant indicator of effective levothyroxine therapy because it directly correlates with improved thyroid function and metabolism, which are key goals of treatment for hypothyroidism.

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