A nurse is planning to provide postmortem care for a client who requires an autopsy.

A nurse is planning to provide postmortem care for a client who requires an autopsy. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

A Ask the assist personnel to document the client’s time of death.
B Place an identification tag on the outside of the client’s shroud.
C Wear sterile gloves when cleaning the client’s body.
D Remove the client’s dentures and give them to the client’s family.

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is B) Place an identification tag on the outside of the client’s shroud.


When providing postmortem care for a client who requires an autopsy, specific procedures must be followed to ensure the body is properly prepared and that legal and medical protocols are maintained. Here is an explanation of the key aspects of postmortem care in such cases:

  1. Identification and Documentation:
    • Placing an identification tag on the body is critical for ensuring that the correct identity of the deceased is maintained. This step is particularly important in cases where an autopsy is required to avoid any potential mix-up.
    • The identification tag is placed on the outside of the shroud or body bag and typically includes information such as the client’s name, date of birth, and other identifiers. Some institutions may use additional tags for different parts of the body.
  2. Autopsy Requirements:
    • An autopsy is a detailed examination of the body after death, often requested by medical professionals or required by law in cases of suspicious or unexplained deaths. In these cases, it is crucial not to alter or disturb the body in any significant way before the autopsy. This means leaving medical devices, tubes, and even personal items like dentures in place until the examination is completed.
    • The nurse must not remove dentures or any invasive devices like catheters or intravenous lines, as this could interfere with the autopsy findings. Dentures should remain in place to maintain the deceased’s facial appearance and assist the pathologist with the examination.
  3. Infection Control:
    • While infection control is important, sterile gloves are not necessary for routine postmortem care. Nurses typically wear clean gloves while handling the body to prevent exposure to bodily fluids or contaminants. Sterile gloves are generally reserved for invasive procedures, which postmortem care does not involve.
  4. Role of Nursing Staff and Assistive Personnel:
    • Documentation of death, such as recording the time of death, is the responsibility of the nurse or healthcare provider who pronounces death, not the assistive personnel. Nurses must ensure that this documentation is accurate and complete, as it is part of the official medical record.

In summary, placing an identification tag on the outside of the client’s shroud is essential to maintain the deceased’s identity and ensure the autopsy process is conducted without interference. This action aligns with proper legal and institutional protocols for postmortem care.

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