A nurse in a mental health unit asks a client who has schizophrenia

A nurse in a mental health unit asks a client who has schizophrenia, “How are you?” Which of the following responses should the nurse identify as the speech alteration of echolalia?

“I am lovistrated.”

“Super, trooper, and duper.”

“How are you?”

“Pink spots in Africa.”

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is:

C. “How are you?”


Echolalia is a speech phenomenon commonly observed in individuals with certain psychiatric and neurological conditions, including schizophrenia. It involves the repetition of phrases or words spoken by others. This repetition can be immediate or delayed and is often seen as a symptom of disorganized thinking or impaired communicative ability.

In the context of schizophrenia, echolalia can manifest as a direct repetition of what someone else has just said, without regard for the context or appropriateness of the response. This repetitive behavior can interfere with effective communication and is indicative of the underlying cognitive disturbances associated with the disorder.

Let’s break down the options:

  • A. “I am lovistrated.”
    This response does not show repetition but instead demonstrates the use of a non-standard word. It may indicate disorganized speech or a lack of clarity in the client’s thought processes but does not fit the definition of echolalia.
  • B. “Super, trooper, and duper.”
    While this response involves unusual word choices, it does not show repetition of another person’s speech. It might reflect a loose association of ideas, which is another form of disorganized speech, but not echolalia.
  • C. “How are you?”
    This option represents echolalia because it is a direct repetition of the question asked by the nurse. The client repeats the exact words of the question rather than providing a unique response. This repetition is characteristic of echolalia.
  • D. “Pink spots in Africa.”
    This response reflects a nonsensical or irrelevant answer that is not connected to the question asked. It may suggest disorganized thinking or impaired coherence, but it does not represent echolalia.

In summary, echolalia is specifically characterized by the repetition of words or phrases spoken by others. The response “How are you?” best illustrates this speech alteration because it directly repeats the nurse’s question.

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