A nurse is conducting Weber’s test on a client.

A nurse is conducting Weber’s test on a client.

Which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take?

Deliver a series of high-pitched sounds at random intervals.

Hold an activated tuning fork against the client’s mastoid process.

Place an activated tuning fork in the middle of the client’s forehead.

Whisper a series of words softly into one ear.

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is C. Place an activated tuning fork in the middle of the client’s forehead.


Weber’s test is a simple and quick screening tool used to assess hearing loss and to differentiate between conductive and sensorineural hearing impairments. The test involves using a tuning fork, which is a metal instrument that produces a specific pitch when struck. To perform the test, the nurse activates the tuning fork and places it in the center of the client’s forehead, usually at the midline.

The underlying principle of Weber’s test is based on the lateralization of sound. When the tuning fork is placed on the forehead, sound vibrations travel through the skull bones and stimulate both cochleae simultaneously. The client is then asked to report whether the sound is louder in one ear compared to the other. In a normal hearing scenario, the sound will be perceived equally in both ears.

If the sound lateralizes to one ear, this may indicate a specific type of hearing loss. If the sound is heard louder in the affected ear, it suggests conductive hearing loss (e.g., due to earwax blockage or middle ear fluid). Conversely, if the sound is louder in the opposite ear, it suggests sensorineural hearing loss (e.g., due to damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve).

Other answer choices do not align with the correct methodology of Weber’s test. For example, A involves high-pitched sounds, which are not part of the Weber’s assessment. B describes the Rinne test, which involves the mastoid process and differentiates between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss by comparing air and bone conduction. D pertains to a separate hearing evaluation method, known as the whisper test, which assesses the ability to hear spoken words.

In summary, the appropriate action in Weber’s test is to place the activated tuning fork in the middle of the client’s forehead, as it allows for the accurate assessment of lateralization and identification of potential hearing impairments.

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