Which of the following statements creates a barrier to communication

Which of the following statements creates a barrier to communication?

Do you know how to change your dressing?

What did your healthcare provider tell you about your need for this hospitalization?

You mentioned your dad earlier. Did he develop complications related to high blood pressure?

How do you manage your pain at home?

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is A. Do you know how to change your dressing?


Barrier to Communication: Statement A, “Do you know how to change your dressing?” can create a barrier to effective communication because it may come across as a closed or leading question. It presumes that the person either knows or does not know how to perform a specific task, which might not encourage open dialogue. This type of question can inadvertently make the patient feel judged or pressured to respond in a specific way, potentially leading to less honest or detailed responses.

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Closed Questions: Statement A is a closed question, meaning it typically prompts a yes or no answer. Closed questions can limit the depth of conversation and might not provide a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s knowledge or feelings. For instance, if the patient responds with “yes,” it doesn’t necessarily mean they are confident or knowledgeable about changing their dressing; it only confirms that they know how to perform the task to some degree.
  2. Leading Questions: This question might also be perceived as leading, implying that the person should already know how to perform the task. It can cause discomfort if the patient feels they are being evaluated or judged on their knowledge.
  3. Encouraging Dialogue: Effective communication often involves open-ended questions that allow for more expansive answers and discussions. For instance, questions like “How do you feel about changing your dressing at home?” or “What challenges have you faced in changing your dressing?” encourage patients to share more about their experiences, concerns, and understanding. These types of questions help build rapport, provide better insights into the patient’s situation, and identify areas where additional support might be needed.
  4. Patient Comfort: Building a comfortable environment for communication is crucial in healthcare settings. Open-ended questions and affirmations can help patients feel more at ease, enabling them to express their true concerns and needs more effectively.

In summary, while statement A seeks to gauge the patient’s knowledge, it may not be the most effective way to facilitate comprehensive communication. By using open-ended questions and creating a supportive dialogue, healthcare providers can better understand and address patients’ needs and concerns.

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