A woman’s obstetric history indicates that she is pregnant for the fourth time and all of her children from previous pregnancies are living

A woman’s obstetric history indicates that she is pregnant for the fourth time and all of her children from previous pregnancies are living.

One was born at 39 weeks of gestation, twins were born at 34 weeks of gestation, and another child was born at 35 weeks of gestation.

What is her gravidity and parity using the GTPAL System?

G4 T1 P2 A0 L3

G4 T2 P1 A0 L3

G4 T3 P1 A0 L3

G4 T2 P1 A0 L4

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

To determine the woman’s gravidity and parity using the GTPAL system, we need to analyze her obstetric history in detail.

GTPAL System Breakdown

  • G (Gravida): This indicates the total number of pregnancies, regardless of outcome. In this case, the woman is currently pregnant for the fourth time, so G = 4.
  • T (Term): This counts the number of pregnancies that resulted in live births at 37 weeks of gestation or later. She has one child born at 39 weeks, which counts as one term pregnancy, so T = 1.
  • P (Preterm): This counts the number of pregnancies that resulted in live births between 20 and 36 weeks of gestation. The woman has two preterm births: one set of twins born at 34 weeks and another child born at 35 weeks. Therefore, P = 2.
  • A (Abortions): This counts any pregnancies that ended before 20 weeks, either due to miscarriage or elective abortion. There are no indications of any pregnancies ending before this threshold, so A = 0.
  • L (Living children): This counts the number of living children she has. The woman has three living children: one born at 39 weeks and twins born at 34 weeks. Hence, L = 3.


Putting this all together, we arrive at:

  • Gravida (G) = 4 (four pregnancies total)
  • Term (T) = 1 (one child born at term)
  • Preterm (P) = 2 (two children born preterm)
  • Abortions (A) = 0 (no abortions)
  • Living (L) = 3 (three living children)

Correct Answer

Based on this analysis, the correct option is A. G4 T1 P2 A0 L3.

This systematic approach helps healthcare providers quickly understand a patient’s obstetric history, which is essential for planning care and anticipating potential complications in current and future pregnancies.

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