If a 160 lb. man and a 120 lb. woman each have five drinks over three hours

If a 160 lb. man and a 120 lb. woman each have five drinks over three hours, what will their blood alcohol level and symptoms be?

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

If a 160 lb. man and a 120 lb. woman each consume five drinks over three hours, their blood alcohol content (BAC) will differ due to factors like body weight, water content in the body, and biological sex. Generally, alcohol affects women more significantly than men due to differences in body composition and how alcohol is metabolized.

BAC Calculation

  1. 160 lb. Man:
  • For the man, we use the Widmark formula:
    BAC = \frac{{(Number \ of \ drinks) \times 5.14}}{{Body \ weight \times r}} – 0.015 \times (Hours \ drinking)
    • Number of drinks = 5
    • Body weight = 160 lbs
    • r (alcohol distribution ratio) for men = 0.73
    • Hours = 3 Plugging in the values:
      BAC = \frac{{5 \times 5.14}}{{160 \times 0.73}} – 0.015 \times 3 = \frac{{25.7}}{{116.8}} – 0.045 \approx 0.22 – 0.045 = 0.175 \%
  1. 120 lb. Woman:
  • For the woman, we apply the same formula but adjust for body weight and r (which is 0.66 for women).
    BAC = \frac{{(5 \times 5.14)}}{{120 \times 0.66}} – 0.015 \times 3 = \frac{{25.7}}{{79.2}} – 0.045 \approx 0.32 – 0.045 = 0.275 \%


  • 160 lb. Man (BAC ~0.175%): The man would likely experience significant impairment in motor functions and judgment. Symptoms could include slurred speech, difficulty walking, and impaired reaction times. There is also a higher risk of nausea or vomiting at this level, as well as memory impairment.
  • 120 lb. Woman (BAC ~0.275%): The woman would likely be experiencing severe impairment. At this BAC, symptoms may include confusion, staggering, dizziness, vomiting, and a risk of alcohol poisoning. Consciousness may be compromised, and there is a heightened danger of blacking out or passing out.

In conclusion, even though both individuals consumed the same amount of alcohol, the woman’s BAC is higher due to her lower body weight and biological differences, resulting in more severe impairment and risk of alcohol-related harm.

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