25 kilometers per hour converted to miles per hour

25 kilometers per hour converted to miles per hour

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

To convert kilometers per hour (km/h) to miles per hour (mph), you can use the conversion factor that 1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.621371 miles.

Conversion Formula

The formula to convert km/h to mph is:
\text{mph} = \text{km/h} \times 0.621371

Example Calculation

For the conversion of 25 km/h to mph:
\text{mph} = 25 \, \text{km/h} \times 0.621371 \approx 15.534275 \, \text{mph}

Rounding this to two decimal places, 25 kilometers per hour is approximately 15.53 mph.

Explanation of the Conversion Process

  1. Understanding the Units: Kilometers and miles are both units of distance. The kilometer is used primarily in countries that employ the metric system, while the mile is used in the United States and a few other places. The need to convert between these units arises in various contexts, such as travel, speed limits, and transportation logistics.
  2. Why Use Conversion Factors: Conversion factors help translate one unit into another based on established relationships between the two units. For instance, knowing that 1 km is about 0.621371 miles provides a straightforward method for conversions.
  3. Application: Converting speeds is essential in many real-world applications, including driving, cycling, and aviation. For example, if a cyclist is traveling at a speed of 25 km/h and wants to know how fast they are going in miles per hour, they can easily calculate this to understand their pace better, especially if they are in an area that primarily uses miles.
  4. Conclusion: Being able to convert between kilometers per hour and miles per hour is valuable for various practical reasons, enabling clear communication about speed across different regions and contexts. In this case, 25 km/h converts to approximately 15.53 mph, illustrating the utility of this conversion in everyday situations.
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