It is 12:49 what time it will be 30 minutes from now

It is 12:49 what time it will be 30 minutes from now

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

In 30 minutes from 12:49, the time will be 1:19.


To calculate the time that will be 30 minutes from now, we start with the current time of 12:49. Time is generally measured in a 12-hour format, so we have the hours ranging from 1 to 12, with two 12-hour cycles in a day: AM (midnight to noon) and PM (noon to midnight).

  1. Adding Minutes: We can break down the addition into smaller parts for clarity. The current minute is 49. When we add 30 minutes, we first look at how many minutes are left in the current hour. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so from 49 minutes, there are 11 minutes left until the hour changes (60 – 49 = 11).
  2. Calculating the Remaining Minutes: Since we are adding 30 minutes, we use the 11 minutes left in the current hour. If we use those 11 minutes, we reach the next hour at 1:00 (49 + 11 = 60). This means that after 11 minutes, it will be 1:00.
  3. Continuing the Addition: After reaching 1:00, we still have 19 minutes left to add from the original 30 (30 – 11 = 19). So, we add 19 minutes to 1:00. Adding 19 minutes to 1:00 brings us to 1:19 (1:00 + 19 minutes = 1:19).
  4. Final Result: Therefore, the time 30 minutes from 12:49 will be 1:19.

This process highlights how to effectively add minutes to a given time, ensuring that we account for the transition to a new hour when the current minutes are approaching the maximum of 60. Understanding this concept is essential for time management and scheduling in everyday life.

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