What is the nickname for a long-time Supreme Court Justice according to the New York Times

What is the nickname for a long-time Supreme Court Justice according to the New York Times?
1) The Great Dissenter
2) The Swing Vote
3) The Legal Eagle
4) The Decider

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is 1) The Great Dissenter. This nickname is most famously associated with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who served on the Supreme Court from 1993 until her death in 2020. Ginsburg earned this title due to her frequent dissenting opinions, particularly in cases concerning gender equality, reproductive rights, and civil liberties.

Ginsburg’s dissents often articulated a strong and principled stance against decisions she believed undermined these fundamental rights. One of her most notable dissents was in the 2006 case Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., where she criticized the majority opinion for limiting equal pay claims for women. Ginsburg’s dissents became a rallying point for advocates of gender equality and social justice, resonating deeply within various communities and inspiring a generation.

Beyond her role as a dissenter, Ginsburg was celebrated for her legal acumen and her commitment to civil rights. Her legacy continues to influence discussions about the role of dissent in judicial decision-making and its importance in a democratic society. Her powerful voice and clear vision of justice earned her a place as an icon in American legal history, making “The Great Dissenter” a fitting title for her contributions on the bench【6†source】.

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