How do you write 250% as a fraction

How do you write 250% as a fraction, mixed number, or whole number in simplest form?

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

To express 250% as a fraction, mixed number, or whole number in simplest form, we can follow a systematic approach.

Converting Percent to Fraction

  1. Understanding Percent: The term “percent” means “per hundred.” Therefore, 250% can be expressed as a fraction:
    250\% = \frac{250}{100}
  2. Simplifying the Fraction: Next, we simplify the fraction (\frac{250}{100}). To do this, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator.
  • The GCD of 250 and 100 is 50.
  • We divide both the numerator and the denominator by their GCD:
    \frac{250 \div 50}{100 \div 50} = \frac{5}{2}

Mixed Number Form

To convert the improper fraction (\frac{5}{2}) into a mixed number, we divide the numerator by the denominator:

  1. Performing the Division:
  • (5 \div 2 = 2) with a remainder of 1.
  1. Writing as a Mixed Number:
  • The whole number part is 2, and the remainder (1) becomes the numerator of the fractional part, with 2 as the denominator. Thus, (\frac{5}{2}) can be written as:
    2 \frac{1}{2}

Whole Number Form

Since 250% is greater than 100%, it cannot be expressed as a whole number. However, we can consider the whole number part of our mixed number. The whole number part is 2.


In conclusion, 250% can be expressed as:

  • Fraction: (\frac{5}{2})
  • Mixed Number: (2 \frac{1}{2})
  • Whole Number: 2 (noting that it represents only the whole number part of the mixed number).

Understanding how to convert percentages to other forms enhances mathematical literacy and helps in various real-world applications, such as finance and statistics, where percentages are commonly used.

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