The source was created by a blank

The source was created by a blank. It is a speech that was given after blank. The authors purpose includes encouraging citizens to blank. The authors point of view is that those who lost their lives in the civil war blank

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

To provide a more specific answer, I need to know which speech you’re referring to. However, I can offer a general example based on a well-known speech from the Civil War era, such as President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

Example Completion

The source was created by Abraham Lincoln. It is a speech that was given after the Battle of Gettysburg. The author’s purpose includes encouraging citizens to honor the sacrifices made by soldiers and to continue the fight for equality and democracy. The author’s point of view is that those who lost their lives in the Civil War did so to preserve the nation and ensure that the principles of liberty and equality endure.


Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech came a few months after one of the Civil War’s bloodiest battles, where thousands of soldiers died. Lincoln’s purpose in this brief yet powerful address was to inspire and unite a divided nation during a time of profound loss and turmoil.

Lincoln emphasized the idea that the sacrifices of the soldiers who fought and died at Gettysburg were not in vain. He called upon the living to continue the work of those fallen soldiers, stressing that the nation should be dedicated to the principle of equality as stated in the Declaration of Independence. By invoking the notion of a “new birth of freedom,” he urged citizens to ensure that the nation would endure and that democracy would prevail.

Furthermore, Lincoln’s perspective highlighted the moral imperative of the Civil War, framing it as a struggle not just for the Union, but for the very essence of human rights and freedom. He acknowledged the deep sorrow caused by the war while also expressing hope for a united nation where freedom and equality would be realized for all citizens. In this way, Lincoln’s speech serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring values that underpin American democracy and the importance of honoring those who fought for those ideals.

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