What number is 10% of 110

What number is 10% of 110

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

To find 10% of 110, you can use a simple calculation:

\text{10% of 110} = \frac{10}{100} \times 110 = 0.10 \times 110 = 11

So, 10% of 110 is 11.


Calculating percentages is a common task in various aspects of daily life, from financial transactions to statistical analyses. A percentage represents a part of a whole, and it is a way to express a number as a fraction of 100. In this case, we are interested in finding 10% of the number 110.

To start, the term “percent” literally means “per hundred.” Therefore, to find 10% of a number, we can first convert the percentage into a fraction. In this case, 10% can be expressed as the fraction (\frac{10}{100}) or as a decimal, which is 0.10.

Next, to calculate 10% of 110, we multiply the fraction or decimal by the number. This calculation is straightforward:

  1. Convert the percentage to decimal:
    10\% = \frac{10}{100} = 0.10
  2. Multiply the decimal by the number:
    0.10 \times 110 = 11

Thus, the result shows that 10% of 110 is 11.

Understanding how to calculate percentages is essential, especially in fields like finance, where one might need to calculate discounts, tax rates, or interest rates. It also finds application in academic contexts, such as analyzing data sets, where percentages help in comparing different quantities. Additionally, percentages are often used in daily activities, such as determining tips in restaurants or figuring out savings during sales.

In summary, the calculation of 10% of 110 yields the answer 11, demonstrating a fundamental concept in mathematics that has wide-ranging applications.

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