CFT monitor certification(Questions and answers)

In the MANUF event the grenade pit is 5 yards by 5 yards

The MANUF event has a number of hazards to mitigate. What is a good way to mitigate injuries from the fireman’s carry?
Use the core and legs muscles

What environmental requirements must be met when selecting the area for the MANUF event?
It may be done indoor or outdoor, when outdoors, it is preferably done on a level, grassy area

What equipment is required for the MTC event?
Stopwatch, measuring wheel, Flags, cones or other viable markers, reflective belt, when course is on a roadway

What is a performance requirement of the MTC
The MTC requires the runner to run the course in the shortest time possible.

What is the authorized uniform for the MTC event?
Marine pattern utility with boots

What special provisions are required of a marine who is 46 years or older who’s does not possess a current physical examination or Navy Annual Health Evaluation?
A risk worksheet must be completed 30-60 days before the CFT

When setting up MANUF field, the field itself is 100 yards long plus a ready area of __ yards

Which of the following are monitor responsibilities?
Set up the field correctly, Instruct Marines to perform this event safely,Evaluate Marines’ performance accurately.

Which of the following are monitor responsibilities?
Set up the equipment correctly, Instruct Marines to preform this event safety. Evaluate their performance accurately.

Which of the following are the responsibilities and duties of the CFT Monitor?
Selecting the CFT locations, Setting up events correctly, Accurately scoring events and recording results, Mitigating the risk of injury.

Which of the following monitors responsibilities?
Brief participants prior to each event, Pair the Marine of the MANUF, Give commands.

Which of the following statements regarding the environmental consideration of the AL event is correct
The Al event may be done either indoors or outdoors

Which of the following task would a monitor perform during an actual Combat Fitness Test?
Call out time, Ensure proper technique.

Which of these equipment items are required for the AL event?
Stopwatch, accurate to the second, ammunition cans

Which of the statements correctly represent the uniform requirements for the MANUF event?
MARPAT utilities and boots, with blouse in all weather conditions.

The CFT was designed to evaluate which of the following?

Answer: Stamina, Agility, Strength

Which equipment is required for a CFT?

Calibrated scale, dummy grenades, and measuring tape

As a CFT monitor, you must assist in the risk management(RM) process for the CFT. Which of the following describes the RM process steps?

Identifying hazards, assessing risks, determining which risks are most important, implementing controls, and supervising the participants

The CFT monitor is responsible for setting up the events, scoring accurately, using proper equipment, and __________

ensuring participants wear the proper uniform

Which of the following are tasks performed by the CFT monitor during an actual CFT?

Ensuring proper technique, calling out repetitions.

Location choices for the movement to contact event include outdoor or indoor venue. What are the minimum location requirements you will need to meet?

Reasonable level, few to no obstacles

During the maneuver to contact event when may Marines remove uniform blouses?

With the commander’s authorization

As a CFT monitor, you have setup the movement to contact event on an out-and-back route. The start and finish lines are the same. What is the minimum number of monitors required for this route?


The participant’s goal during the movement to contact event is to _______

finish as quickly as possible

SSgt Winifred Carter a 28-year-old female, ran the movement to contact event in 3:18. What is her score for the movement to contact event?


What are the equipment requirements for ammunition cans used in the ammunition lift event?

The contents should not move excessively when lifted, grip tape applied to the can sides, and use M2A1 5.56mm cans only.

Which of the following are common injuries associated with the ammunition lift event?

Chipped teeth, black eyes, and broken noses.

Which location would be best suited for the ammunition lift event of the CFT?

Open, flat, outdoor area

To mitigate injury risk, paired Marines are positioned during the ammunition lift event using which arrangement?

The counting Marine stands to the side at 90 degrees of the lifting Marine

GySgt Thom Walker, a 28-year-old male, performed 68 proper ammunition lifts. What is his ammunition lift score?


Which graphic represents a proper ammunition lift with the Marine in the lockout position?

Image: Which graphic represents a proper ammunition lift with the Marine in the lockout position?

When performing a proper ammunition lift, the repetition is counted when _____________

The ammunition can is lowered below the chin

Which location would be best suited for the maneuver under fire event of the CFT?

Football or soccer field

What required equipment items for the maneuver under fire event course set up appear in the list below?

Measuring tape, stopwatch, cones and visible markers

The preparatory and execution commands for the maneuver under fire event are


What is the most common injury likely to occur during the maneuver under fire event?

Twisted ankles

Identify the proper form for performing the fireman’s carry

Image: Identify the proper form for performing the fireman's carry

Which of the following are done during the proper execution of the buddy drag portion of the maneuver under fire event?

Runner must obtain a solid grasp on both forearms of the simulated casualty, Marines must lift and drag the simulated casualty for ten yards, Marines must reach underneath and through the arms of the simulated casualty.

Cpl Paula Wilson executed the maneuver under fire in 3:55 with a grenade hit. What is the correct time used to determine her maneuver under fire score?


Which is the correct format for the weight field on the PFT/CFT performance worksheet?


Sgt Miranda Castillo is a 24-year-old female who completed the movement to contact in 3:41, and performed 45 reps on the ammunition lift. Determine which of the following maneuver under fire times would earn Sgt Castillo a CFT total score of 211.


Who must be the first person to review the Marine’s completed and signed Risk Factor Worksheet.

Commanding officers/Officers in charge

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