State Farm Auto Adjuster Certification Exam Questions And Answers(Completed)2023

actual cash value

After Market Parts
Parts produced by a 3rd party for use on automobiles.

a bedside panel

An improvement made to and automobile that increases its value, rather than a repair that simply maintains its current value


This operation is equal to half the RF time on a panel. Blend would be necessary if an adjacent panel required some paint so the color would match. If damage is within 18″ of an adjacent panel then blend. Allow 36″ if it is a metallic or gold paint, because the paints are hard to match.

Bridging occurs between 2 surfaces painted at the same time. A good example would be seen between a molding and the panel Eventually the bridge will crack between the two and the integrity of the paint will deteriorate. Bridging is most often related to R&I. If a shoes does not strip a panel naked then bridging will most likely occur.

Collision Estimating Guide

Clean and Retape
When an adhesive molding, nameplate, or emblem is removed and reinstalled. The painter must clean the glue off and apply a new coat.

Clear Coat
is used to seal in the color pigment on a panel. Most vehicles have two stage paint which is first coat color, second coat clear.

Collision Estimating Guide
A reference for how much time the average mechanic or painter will require performing a specific task.

Corrosion Protection
This material is applied to the underside of a panel to prevent corrosion. This protection needs to be considered when when estimating damage repair.

Date of Loss
The date when the damage occurred.

An amount, stated on the policy , for which the policy holder is responsible. Deductibles are assessed on a per incident basis.

The decrease in the market value of a vehicle over time. The amount of yearly depreciation is affected by variables including car condition, resale market supply and demand, and reputation of the manufacturer and or model.

Date of Loss

Estimator Fact Sheet

Estimator Fact Sheet
the fact sheet is accompanied with each claim. Before evaluating the damage you will need to verify all information on the efs. It will have important information such as the deductible, VIN, and date of loss.

Flex Additive
This is added to the paint when applying it to a plastic part. Plastic parts will bend slightly with wind and the paint must be flexible to prevent cracking.

High Strength Low Alloy
A high strength, light weight metal commonly used for hoods on some pickups and cars. HLSA requires more heat and is difficult to repair.


High Strength Low Alloy

An insurance company is responsible to return their policy holder to Pre-Loss conditions.

Like Kind and Quality
Used parts of similar quality to those they are replacing. These will most likely be used when it is difficult or impossible to get new OEM parts.

Like Kind and Quality

Long Expansion
Commonly called the “snowflake” in Mitchell. It will be your best friend. Long Expansion contains often repeated operations that will be used in writing an estimate.

Magnuson – Moss Act
Manufacturer cannot void a warranty if aftermarket parts are used as long as the aftermarket parts meet or exceed the manufacturer’s specifications.

Protecting an area from paint application. Typically masking is a covered operation for most painting, but occasionally we will have to cover additional masking.

National Auto Glass Specifications

National Auto Glass Specifications
Aftermarket glass, gennerally heavily discounted and usually cheaper than OEM glass.

Other than Hail

Other than hail
This is when damage on the vehicle is obviously not caused by hail.. It is important to remember. Hail will not scratch paint.

Overlap pertaining to estimatics occurs when two adjacent panels will share common procedures such as masking for prep. An example of overlap would be a hood and fender panel requiring refinishing. The hood would be the first major panel on the estimate and the fender would follow with a 0.4 deduction to account or the overlap time The 0.4 hr accounts for prep and masking which is removed from the operation of refinishing because the panels are adjacent.

It is important to understand overlap because the estimatic software will remove overlap as the estimate is being created.

Paint code
Found on the firewall or inside the drivers side door. This defines the manufactured paint color. Important for distinguishing between two and three stage paints.

Paintless Dent Repair
Some hail dents can be removed with this technique if access is availablr and the dent is small. This is possible bcause hail will not scratch paint.

Refers to an exterior panel, such as a hood or fender. It could be plastic, fiberglass, or metal.

Prevailing Competitive Prices

Paint less Dent Repair

policy holder
one who owns the insurance policy

Procedure Pages

Guideline set up that has averaged rates, supply costs, and contact numbers for that particular region.

Pre loss condition
Condition in which the vehicle was in just prior to the loss.

Prevailing Competitive Prices
Prices charged by not less than a majority of the repair market. PCP’s are used to develop the practices when determining prices for body, mechanical and refinishing labor hour wages.

Procedure Pages
Where you would find what is included in a R&R operation.

A fancy way to say paint the panel. It includes all operations required to refinish the panel. Such as finish sanding, priming, and spraying.

Remove and Install
Remove identified par then reinstall the same part. Ex: To repair the left fender, we must first R&I the parking lamp and the side molding.

Remove and Replace
Remove the identified part and replace it with a new part.

When a part can be fixed we must use the RP opertaion. This iperation will always require you to input an hour estimate based upon your judgement. The repair process can include operations such as hammering, pulling, grinding, filling, and rough sanding.


Remove and Install

Roping is done to pull back a rubber reveal molding around a windshield or back glass. Long Expansion item.


remove and replace

A vehicles value if sold is is at a salvage auction. Smount is determined by a salvage vendor.

This is when a third party pays for damages then pursues another party to reimburse for damages.

Estimate are not exact. Some damage may be hidden or part price differences may result in additional payment. The goal is to keep the supplements to a minimum.q

Three Stage Paint
A paint job is first coat color, second coat possible a tinted clear, and third coat clear. Ex Pearl white.

Total Loss Summary Report

Total Loss Summary Report
Estimator would be responsible to fill out this report in Mitchell if the vehicle is considered a total loss.

Two Tone
When the paint is done in two different colors and the painter will need to use both colors during repair then we will need to add a two tone operation in the estimate. The operation two tone basically pays for the painter to clean his equipment between colors.

Vehicle Identification Number
A 17 digit identification code which is needed for Mitchell to decode make and model of a vehicle.

Vehicle Identification Number

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