When must you signal before making a turn? - correct answers ✅At least
100 feet before the intersection
How close may you park to a stop sign? - correct answers ✅50 feet
How close may you park to a corner? - correct answers ✅25 feet
How close may you park to a fire hydrant? - correct answers ✅10 feet
What is the stopping distance on a dry road at 50 m.p.h.? - correct answers
✅243 feet
What is the proper distance you may park from the curb? - correct answers
✅6 inches or less
What are the penalties for driving without insurance? - correct answers
✅Suspension of driver's license and registration and fines
NJ DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers (Latest
Update 2023)
Serious accidents causing death, injury or $200 damage must be reported
within 5 days to? - correct answers ✅A Division of motor Vehicles office
Points are only issued for? - correct answers ✅Moving Violations
When will you be given a proposed License Suspension Notice? - correct
answers ✅After receiving 12 points
What is the penalty for driving with a suspended license-first offense? -
correct answers ✅Fine of $500 and up to 6 months additional license
What is the penalty for not telling the truth when applying for a license? -
correct answers ✅No less than a $200 fine and up to 6 months
Up to 3 points may be subtracted from your record if you receive no moving
violations for how long? - correct answers ✅One year
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